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If India attack Bangladesh, what options BAF have to defend and reply back in same manner ?

This will never happen since India has won in convincing Bangladeshi people that India is their most trusted friend

Pakistan already got even with USSR for breaking East Pakistan. We broke and drained USSR financially in Afghanistan and broke it in 15 pieces. Alhamdolillah
India is left though! But, I believe it's a work in progress....
There is no reason on earth as to why Bangladesh and India would go to a full scale war.

Its like talking about a war between USA and Canada,
Not going to happen.
So what on earth is the purpose of such inane conjecture's except wasting bandwidth, time and a few brain cells
Ask Pakistan directly for help... brother fight. But Muslims are Muslims we have notjing in common with the Indians.
My best friend is a Bangali. He has keys to my home garage etc. His kids ask me for advice as opposed to their blood uncles. Etc. May Allah keep Muslims from fighting and keep kuffar away from us
Ask Pakistan directly for help... brother fight. But Muslims are Muslims we have notjing in common with the Indians.
My best friend is a Bangali. He has keys to my home garage etc. His kids ask me for advice as opposed to their blood uncles. Etc. May Allah keep Muslims from fighting and keep kuffar away from us
You just replied to an Indian...

Although Pakistan could station some missiles in Bangladesh as deterrent if there is such a threat.
what will BAF option to tacke IAF in air to air combat today ?
with good old fashion lungi and sten gun no fighter jets needed. :omghaha: @Kharap Foa
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Bangladesh Air Force has 3 options:
  1. BAF fighter aircraft escape to Malaysia.
  2. BAF fighter aircraft escape to Myanmar.
  3. BAF fighter aircraft escape to Nepal.
What chance has the Bangladesh Air Force preventing an Indian attack on Bangladeshi air bases. None. So the only option left is escape.
Wah Wah. Such wonderful fantasies.
As I said you might as well talk about a war between Canada and USA or Australia and New Zealand
He asked what will happen if there is a war, not whether they will be one. And if you seriously think the people of Bangladesh love India like the people of the US love Canada and vice versa, you are delusional.
unfortunately Bangladesh will not be able to effectively respond or defend. a naval blockage, virtually surrounded by india on 90% of its border with a military 1/10th the size of india and no nukes...and on top of that, a more than 10% local hindu population that will most probably prove to be the fifth columnist and side with india. the only option Bangladesh would have is to resort to guerrilla warfare taking advantage of its thick jungles but even that could be rendered ineffective due to the compromised local hindu population. Bangladesh's best bet is enter into a military alliance with Pakistan and China where an attack on Bangladesh is considered as an attack on both of them and the respond in kind.
Its best for Bangladesh to be in a good relationship with India, even if its not on equal footing and India is acting hegemonic
cause I don't see them surviving proper hostility with India, there's no chance
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Do you guys really envision a situation where we would be invading you? There is absolutely no scenario in which we would initiate the aggression. Probably the same logic goes for BD leadership.

Hypothetical scenario is good for understanding readiness, though there is a bigger chance of a skirmish between BD and MM.

Sheikh Haseena was also the PM back in 1997 when she visited Pakistan to honour it's Golden Jubilee...wonder why didn't she remember your version of history back then or started hanging all the old Islamic activists. Why suddenly now she finds Indian shoulder to cry on.

Going back to 1997 !!!! . Nearly a quarter of a centaury. But she has learned over those 25 years through bitter bitter experience the real friends and the real foes of Bangladeshi's.

There isn't a snowballs chance in hell of war between Bangladesh and India except in the drugged up fantasies of certain Pakistani's
The last real wars against the Muslims are being fought in the Anatolia and Indus Valley. The rest are already gone. Only mop-up ops are going on there....

Paraphrasing Ustad Yahya Kemal, the first Turkish Amabassafor to Pakistan:

These raging storms are the Turk and Pak Armies O LORD
These are the Armies to die for YOUR SAKE O LORD
Let them exalt with Azan YOUR NA'M
Grant them victory for they are the Last Armies of Islam
Do you guys really envision a situation where we would be invading you? There is absolutely no scenario in which we would initiate the aggression. Probably the same logic goes for BD leadership.
Not true, you're unpredictable especially with the growing Hindu radicalism.

With a bit more power there's no knowing what you will do. That scenario posted by someone earlier is not impossible.

Given that hinduvta mindset have taken over India. Bangladesh have significant Hindu population having same mindset. There is a strong possibility that India may manipulate hinduvta mindset population in Bangladesh and create a sense of perception that Hindus are persecuted in Bangladesh. There won’t be a war but there are chances if encroachment by India, justifying persecution as reason.
You dont go to war against people who are already under your servitude. Bangladesh would be the last country on planet to ever confront india. They deliberately kept their defense capabilities low in order to not piss off India.
To be frank, whatever Bangladesh armed forces throw at India will still be insufficient and ultimately they will have to surrender. Reasons are

1. Operating high end armed forces cost too much money.
2. Bangladesh lack depth and is covered from 3 sides by India.
3. Bangladeshi topography don't help in manuerability.

So I think Bangladesh can only hope nothing goes wrong between them and India. Musalla pakro or beto nawafil prne
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