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If India attack Bangladesh, what options BAF have to defend and reply back in same manner ?

This is just too hypothetical, but let me add my own hypothesis...!
War is possible if Bangladeshi Islamists overthrow the secular govt of Bangladesh and take power, after which pogroms to kill and displace kafirs aka Hindus will be inevitable. Kafir Hindus and their idolatry temples will be targeted by jihadis.
This will force mass refugee crysis in India.
India will have to intervene to eradicate the extremists from Bangladesh, similar to how Isis was exterminated from Iraq and Syria.

Indian military forces, given their superior numbers and equipment, would overrun Bangladesh in a day or two, after which the slow eradication of jihadis would continue for many years.
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BAF will be wiped out, but Bangladesh can easily arm its population and make it impossible to occupy the country like in 1971. They can also invoke Jihadist and Bengali ethnonationalist sentiments across the greater Bengal region and bring the war into India (West Bengal).

The Bangladeshi conventional forces will not be at a massive disadvantage like the Pakistani Eastern Command, because they will enjoy the full support of the local population, and the country will not be plunged into a civil war. So they could use Bangladesh's defendable geography to their advantage and even launch offensives into Shiliguri/NE India as Pakistan initially planned to do so in 1971.

However, in a long war India will eventually defeat the Bangladeshi regular army and then it will have to face an insurgency 100x worse than Kashmir.

Well written.
BAF in its current shape, have no chance against IAF.

BD Army OTOH is a completeley different animal. Because of its geopgraphy Bangladesh defence is asymetrical warfare oriented. The moment first line of defence is broken, the Army will re-organize into a semi-guerilla mode. In some ways BD has the same doctrine as Iran but within a very different geographic framework.

Bangladesh can potentially mobilize a 50+ million strong decentralized village defence. In a marshy semi-tropical landscape it couød easily execute hit and run attacks without the enemy having a clue where the attacks came from. Rural bangladeshis are fearless people and acclimatised to a extremely warm and humid condition that many travellers has decribed as hell on earth.

Basically you would have a Vietnam 2.0
Going back to 1997 !!!! . Nearly a quarter of a centaury. But she has learned over those 25 years through bitter bitter experience the real friends and the real foes of Bangladeshi's.

There isn't a snowballs chance in hell of war between Bangladesh and India except in the drugged up fantasies of certain Pakistani's
Lol.....in 1997 she wasn't exactly a 20 year old student of politics....the romance blossomed after Modi came to power...who most probably advised her that regurgitating verbal diarrhoea against Pakistan is the best vote winner.
And you need to change your brand since no one said anything about any war.....the OP is merely inquisitive on any possible such scenario.
Besides it's no secret how India bullies the tiny neighbours, however against others, it's a different story.

Not true, you're unpredictable especially with the growing Hindu radicalism.

With a bit more power there's no knowing what you will do. That scenario posted by someone earlier is not impossible.
Nationalism is growing here because it was suppressed with fake Commie/leftism that did not let the normal course to emerge.

You forget that war is an expense to us as we don't have a military industrial complex like the US. We don't want extra costs to our huge bills already. Even with indigenous military industrial complex we have enough problems to address already.

Take it easy and don't get misdirected by reading a lot of hypothetical scenarios here.
Fun thread
Even the Indian Naval Air Arm will have absolute air superiority in a short time over the BAF




Nationalism is growing here because it was suppressed with fake Commie/leftism that did not let the normal course to emerge.

You forget that war is an expense to us as we don't have a military industrial complex like the US. We don't want extra costs to our huge bills already. Even with indigenous military industrial complex we have enough problems to address already.

Take it easy and don't get misdirected by reading a lot of hypothetical scenarios here.
The reason for why it is growing is pretty irrelevant, the reality is that it is growing, which is what matters in this context.

It will always remain a possible scenario, especially as you grow in power and influence in the future, India has more than just growing nationalist sentiments, you have growing Hindu extremism and imperialist sentiments focused at South Asia.

The scenario is entirely plausible, and certainly not impossible. It reminds me exactly of the situation going on currently with the Indian Muslims.

You can choose to refuse the likelihood, but the path India is heading, speaks for itself.
Lol.....in 1997 she wasn't exactly a 20 year old student of politics....the romance blossomed after Modi came to power...who most probably advised her that regurgitating verbal diarrhoea against Pakistan is the best vote winner.
And you need to change your brand since no one said anything about any war.....the OP is merely inquisitive on any possible such scenario.
Besides it's no secret how India bullies the tiny neighbours, however against others, it's a different story.

View attachment 816373

LOL.. like they say a pic is worth a 1000 words...
My respected brothers, the thread title says it all. i will explain a lit bit more.
what we want to know that if India attack Bangladesh, for whatever reason, what will BAF option to tacke IAF in air to air combat today ? or say tomorrow like in 2026 etc ?

how many 3rd gen fighter it has ?
or 4th gen ?
or 4.5 gen ?
what EW it has in thre fighter ?
what jammers it has ?
what BVR it has ?
what SAM it has ?
what AWACS it has ?
what Radar it has ?

PDF members can add more things if i am missing something.


tag some more Bangladeshi brothers you know here.


There is no reason on earth as to why Bangladesh and India would go to a full scale war.

Its like talking about a war between USA and Canada,
Not going to happen.
So what on earth is the purpose of such inane conjecture's except wasting bandwidth, time and a few brain cells
All it may take is one government change and things become antagonistic and hot again. Underlying tensions are just being papered over cosmetically or brushed under the rug for a later time. Not that I want to see trouble befall people, but this Indian-BD trajectory isn't one that can be maintained. Most BDs don't want to live in India's shadow. Even over the smallest disputes, swords come out quite quickly on both sides.
BAF has no plans to defend BD skies..... infact they do not even have a plan to put together a plan to even consider how to put up even a basic defense.

In a potential all out conflict there would be heavy initial casualties in BD side. India will be able to cross the border but only realistically from North West BD but wont be able to successfully invade.

Stalemate would be reached fairly soon. BD is simply too populous and too homogenious for a foreign invader to hold. BD will additionally accept massive collateral damage for victory.

Indian airpower will have free reign but as soon as indian troops step on BD ground the tide will begin to turn.
Once India has reached superpower status we should consider invading both Bangladesh and Pakistan. Make them part of "Greater India".

BTW I am just joking. No offence.
You dont go to war against people who are already under your servitude. Bangladesh would be the last country on planet to ever confront india. They deliberately kept their defense capabilities low in order to not piss off India.
It’s not about Bangladesh confronting India. It’s about India trying to take over Bangladesh. Once Pakistan is out of the way. Taking over Bangladesh would be most likely logical next step for hindutva.

Once India has reached superpower status we should consider invading both Bangladesh and Pakistan. Make them part of "Greater India".

BTW I am just joking. No offence.
Good idea. Add Afghanistan too and Recreate Mughal Empires.
I am more than happy to call yourselves USA. I did not say India is USA or even implied that it was.
Two friendly neighbouring countries going to a full scale war is childish nonsense.
So when does Bangladesh ( USA ) want to go to war with India ( Canada )

Lets say jamaat islami and other religous parties come to power and india being hindutva extremist country would surely create problems, there are attacks and suddenly india attacks with a pretext of helping bengli hindus. There u go, not far off from realiy.
By the way u can leave the thread if u find the question absurd, why linger around and trying to explain how the question is not realistic??
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