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If I were incharge of Pakistan today...

I bet they will even be ready to have diplomatic ties with ISRAEL, if they are given with some $100 Billion or so...

you know who many muslims countryes have diplomatic ties with israel just check you surprise :)
I know many of them have..but still we cant...as it was done by our Quaid..

i will never engage my brothers raheel and you also my brother

i just say one thing what is the best pakistan we have to do.arabs will never ask us when they become friend of israel.more and more arabs accept israel when we see pakistan has benifit to accept israel we will do that.its happen if israel go back 1967 war postion saudia iraq and all muslims accept them and we also
with all due respect to you imran..i think untill the palestine issue is not solved..we cannot accept israel...its as simple as that..
with all due respect to you imran..i think untill the palestine issue is not solved..we cannot accept israel...its as simple as that..

palistine isue mean israel go back on his border of 1967 we talking same.but if you think palistine isue as hamas iran hizbullah want it will never happen until day of justice
I would pump alot of cash in our industrial sector, and pour lots of money into our infrastracture which needs serious improvement.
I'd do everything to get rid of Pakistans image as tourist-unfriendly nation, and encourage tourists by coming over and enjoy the beauty our country has to offer, unfortunately, due to the western media and these terrorist attacks inside our country, tourists avoid Pakistan because of this whole international image our country has received..:undecided:
I would tighten up security, and make sure every citizen in Pakistan feels safe whenever he/she walks across the streets, whether it be day or night.
I'd improve the situation for alot of women in Pakistan, severely punish male offenders.
I would seriously rule with an iron fist, and anyone or any protests will not be allowed because if Pakistan wants to continue to grow and prosper, she must work hard (look @ China) and not whine and demonstrate for bullsh!t.
I would increase wages and encourage people to spend more money so that our economy benefits and continues to grow at a high rate.
I'd establish economic ties together with India since it can only serve both countries well.
I'd do my best and act as a REAL leader, one that is respected and influent.
One that can do many good things simply because of his charms or his way to solve diplomatic issues.
One that can change Pakistan at a tremendous rate.

It sounds too good to be true, but I'd do everything and anything in order for Pakistan to flourish.
I would pump alot of cash in our industrial sector, and pour lots of money into our infrastracture which needs serious improvement.
I'd do everything to get rid of Pakistans image as tourist-unfriendly nation, and encourage tourists by coming over and enjoy the beauty our country has to offer, unfortunately, due to the western media and these terrorist attacks inside our country, tourists avoid Pakistan because of this whole international image our country has received..:undecided:
I would tighten up security, and make sure every citizen in Pakistan feels safe whenever he/she walks across the streets, whether it be day or night.
I'd improve the situation for alot of women in Pakistan, severely punish male offenders.
I would seriously rule with an iron fist, and anyone or any protests will not be allowed because if Pakistan wants to continue to grow and prosper, she must work hard (look @ China) and not whine and demonstrate for bullsh!t.
I would increase wages and encourage people to spend more money so that our economy benefits and continues to grow at a high rate.
I'd establish economic ties together with India since it can only serve both countries well.
I'd do my best and act as a REAL leader, one that is respected and influent.
One that can do many good things simply because of his charms or his way to solve diplomatic issues.
One that can change Pakistan at a tremendous rate.

It sounds too good to be true, but I'd do everything and anything in order for Pakistan to flourish.

than lets fight an election mate!!! together...

I would also raise ISI Budget and give them full permission to start full scale operation in Tribal Areas and remove all Foreign elements from there..
heeeeeeeey guys i forget my little dream if i become in power i reqest parlement for allow me to fly 1 hour as a wing man in f-16 even this flight money cut from my salary.:D:
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than lets fight an election mate!!! together...


Unfortunately, i'm afraid my dream will never come true due to the fact that I still have alot to learn about politics and Pakistan.
I'm not born in Pakistan, so i'm afraid i've missed out quite alot of important experience.
I'll just stick to playing strategy games and pretend i'm leading Pakistan (e.g. Civilization 4):partay:
Anyhow...we could give it a shot raheel, if you promise me you won't ditch th elections for that Siberian beauty.. ;)
1. I would have separation of Church and state.

2. Economic reforms for foreign investments

3. Build an incentive for small business and special loans for newly entreprenuers (like small buisness loans)

4. Cut taxes all across the board. Preferably used fair tax (imbedded sales tax (one fixed tax), and eliminate all other taxes).

5. Privatise everything, including the infrastruter building of the nation.

6. Make school mandator up to 12 grade.

7. Give a semi-health care system (the country can afford if the imbedded taxes where applied).

These are some of the basic ideas to start from.
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Unfortunately, i'm afraid my dream will never come true due to the fact that I still have alot to learn about politics and Pakistan.
I'm not born in Pakistan, so i'm afraid i've missed out quite alot of important experience.
I'll just stick to playing strategy games and pretend i'm leading Pakistan (e.g. Civilization 4):partay:
Anyhow...we could give it a shot raheel, if you promise me you won't ditch th elections for that Siberian beauty.. ;)

well bro....a politician in pakistan doesnt always has to know all about pakistan...and in some cases he doesnt even need to know anything about pak..;)..and since u r not born in pakistan..u already have the edge over me :P...

As far as that siberian beauty is concerned... I'll try but no promises...man she is something:smitten::smitten:
1. I would have separation of Church and state.

2. Economic reforms for foreign investments

3. Build an incentive for small business and special loans for newly entreprenuers (like small buisness loans)

4. Cut taxes all across the board. Preferably used fair tax (imbedded sales tax (one fixed tax), and eliminate all other taxes).

5. Privatise everything, including the infrastruter building of the nation.

6. Make school mandator up to 12 grade.

7. Give a semi-health care system (the country can afford if the imbedded taxes where applied).

This are some of the basic ideas to start from.

I agree with all your points except for the 1st one.
If I see Turkey today, Islam is nowhere to be found on a political level, it's not even in/around government institutes.
The people are so used to this, but it's just completely wrong in my opinion.
It totally undermines the idea of being a Muslim.
I would sure as hell see it as a complete insult if someone told me I wasn't allowed to pray or do anything for my faith just because the "law" says so.
I'm sorry for going off-topic by the way.

One thing I'd do is encourage people to follow their faiths, put no restrictions on it as long as it doesn't cause any trouble whatsoever.
In reality, this might seem more complicated..:undecided:
I agree with all your points except for the 1st one.
If I see Turkey today, Islam is nowhere to be found on a political level, it's not even in/around government institutes.
The people are so used to this, but it's just completely wrong in my opinion.
It totally undermines the idea of being a Muslim.
I would sure as hell see it as a complete insult if someone told me I wasn't allowed to pray or do anything for my faith just because the "law" says so.
I'm sorry for going off-topic by the way.

One thing I'd do is encourage people to follow their faiths, put no restrictions on it as long as it doesn't cause any trouble whatsoever.
In reality, this might seem more complicated..:undecided:

very true.
I would declare Israel,USA,India as official enemies of Pakistan

All the places where alcoholic drinks are sold will be destroyed

I would remove paper currency, Gold will be the medium of exchange again

I would cancel or Finish all deals with IMF,WORLDBANK,USAID

I would impose Sharia law

I would remove all foriegn education systems ( like the cambridge system ), and make one system of an own in which when a person will graduate he will come out to be both a good person in acadamics and as well as a GOD fearing person.

Sish........:what: aap tu pehley he ill-intended ko rasta dikha rahey hu..... key aa beil mughey maar.....:eek:
Bro the situation is not allow any emotional step......
Lay saans bhi aahista k nazuk hay bohat kaam..:mod:

Dude your ambitions are appreciable, but ground realities demanding to be more cautious then ever before....:mod:

Peoples are the unit of the country so lets polish and gather these units to make strong Pakistan, before taking the bold decision.

First you have to be strengthen your self / country's environments on war footings:

By educating peoples for behavior developments (here i mean to say to educate the ehtics, values, social behaviors and tollerance, the importance of responsibility, honesty and the result orientation).
Boost peoles moral and encourage them to establish social societies, Promote social intigrity, commitment, and coordination.

As Food is the basic requiremnt for living, as such have to set A friendly socio economic reforms based on the net of SMEs and VOTs.

As Pakistan is rich of most of natural resources, so establish "real" Research and developments for different areas to find new prospects & avenues, for products and markets.

Establish Strategies developments for economy, foreign relations, and defence by setting up several forums of think tanks catagorily, from Public and private sectors based on professional experts, intellectuals, honest & sincere retired executives, educationists etc,. You may encourage few of civil organizations too, to develope best strategies catagorily in each of respective area as stated above, to get maximum beneficial output at the least.

Above all stated, have ot be done as first phase, but the good governance consiting of personal attentions and deep concerns with sharp monitoring by following a real leader's qualities, required for certain result orientation..... Once you will tackle that phase brilliantly then you may able to drive the nation towards a real modern, mature and sovereign society:enjoy: ..... otherwise there is no need further experience.:coffee:
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