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IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

@ResurgentIran @haman10 ....what's with this guy? LOL
It's what you said, he is not Iranian. he is just a false flag Zionist troll whose only job is supporting Zionists and talk against Iran and the rest of Muslims. and if Mods were doing their job he should have been banned several times by now.
Gohsen, rmi is more Iranian then your arab sorry arse could ever dream of being.

If the mods were doing their job you say? Just be glad that you have a medium to spew out your 3rd world terrorist garbage on a daily basis (defence.pk). Outside this forum, the likes of you only exist in third world Middle Eastern shit holes or in prisons around the globe with terrorism charges.

I love how you call an Iranian nationalist like him a false flagger, but you consider your arab self who doesn't have a drop of Iranian in him a model Irooni. Remember gohsen, this shitty *** 3rd world dictatorship that you support won't last forever. No dictatorship has ever lasted. Start buying a house for yourself in Beirut or Gaza, b/c that's where you belong.

These idiots think that the international media, websites, and forums should be something like mullahs TV, and do propaganda for them. It is very shocking that people do not live and think like them outside of Iran, and even many inside of Iran. As I have said before, they should even thank mods to let these retard members of basij, which is a world wide known as a terrorist organization, are allowed to post in this forum. Anyway, based on my reports, these goons are banned (both permanently and temporarily) more than 10 times, while I have not even received one warning, let alone any infraction or ban, although these goons keep reporting my posts in a daily basis, and that's one of the reasons of their obsessions with me.:lol:
Anyway, I am sure that even lebanon, won't let them go there when their dictatorship falls.:lol:
Iran Disputes Israeli Arms Claim

Iran accused Israel on Thursday of falsifying claims that it had seized an Iranian shipment of weapons bound for Palestinian militants in Gaza aboard a merchant ship. Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, said that Israel’s assertion, made Wednesday, was suspiciously timed, coming during a meeting in Washington of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the powerful pro-Israel lobbying organization that is one of Iran’s most influential critics in American politics.

The Israeli military said a Panamanian-flagged ship was seized by Israeli commandos 1,000 miles from the southern Israeli city of Eilat and was carrying dozens of Syrian-made M-302 rockets that Iran had helped to transport to Iraq, where the ship had loaded them. “An Iranian ship carrying arms for Gaza. Captured just in time for annual AIPAC anti-Iran campaign,” Mr. Zarif said on Twitter. “Amazing Coincidence! Or same failed lies.”


i'm so glad that u also clearly noticed his non-iranian troll identity

please ignore him ...... u can also put him in the ignore list or sth

I told all the Iranian members in our chat that this guy is a troll. No one believed me then! Now, everyone knows he is a troll. He used to be here under a different name, but got banned.
I told all the Iranian members in our chat that this guy is a troll. No one believed me then! Now, everyone knows he is a troll. He used to be here under a different name, but got banned.
Do you have any proof that I have been posting here before with an another account which has been banned?!!! please let @WebMaster and everyone else know the other username that you are talking about. they can check, and if you were right, they can ban me, otherwise, @WebMaster, please ban iranigirl2 for accusing, trolling, and spreading lies against a member.
OK, people, @rmi5 and @iranigirl2 please keep it clean.
Buddy, I really appreciate your peaceful and mediating manner, but I prefer mods to really examine these accusations, and ban the accuser. as simple as that. these clowns have trolled, and told lies, and accused me, multiple times in this section, and I want mods to punish them.
We'll do that but bringing it up with the accused would only cause more flaming. Don't worry, we take these things seriously.
Buddy, I really appreciate your peaceful and mediating manner, but I prefer mods to really examine these accusations, and ban the accuser. as simple as that. these clowns have trolled, and told lies, and accused me, multiple times in this section, and I want mods to punish them.
We'll do that but bringing it up with the accused would only cause more flaming. Don't worry, we take these things seriously.
That is very much appreciated. Thanks ;)
what kind of Iranian supports Iran's enemies, and always repeats their claims, what kind of Iranian supports separatism B.S, and chooses another country's flag for his avatar.

by the way, here is Zionist's proof for accusing Iran::lol:
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what kind of Iranian supports Iran's enemies, and always repeats their clams, what kind of Iranian supports separatism B.S, and chooses another country's flag for his avatar.

by the way, here is Zionist's proof for accusing Iran::lol:
LOL, US has also verified this news, and has announced to have cooperation with Israel in this operation, and they have intercepted those terrorists from a long range before capture them, and finally captured them in the international waters.
BTW, IMO the biggest enemy of Iran are mullahs. Anyway, US flag in my avatar flags shows where I live, and I support, and my avatar pic shows the flag of my ethnicity in which I seek for their rights, welfare, and prosper. If that means separatism in your closed mind, I have no other words for you.
^^don't quote me, mine is clean, go for your masters.

U.S? such a trust worthy source!!!
Iranian proverb:
از روباه پرسیدن شاهدت کیه گفت دمم.
"asked the fox, who is your witness? answered my tail"
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^^don't quote me, mine is clean, go for your masters.

U.S? such a trust worthy source!!!
Iranian proverb:
از روباه پرسیدن شاهدت کیه گفت دمم.
"asked the fox, who is your witness? answered my tail"

Don't talk about me, and I won't quote you. Deal?
BTW, I didn't understand what do you mean by saying that "mine is clean".
Anyway, LOL at the rest of your comment. :lol:
^^ you insult the Iranian and yet you say I initiated it, go back to Israel section, Mr troll.

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