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IDEAS 2012 Pakistan International Defence (Nov 7-11)

A number of foreign buyers/delegates who participated in IDEAS-2012 praised high-tech Pakistan's defence industry. Commenting on the 7th defense exhibition of the country the foreigners who are now going back to their countries said that they were amazed to have witnessed the skills, capabilities and strength of Pakistani defense production industry.

'IDEAS-2012' has surprised me! I had no idea about Pakistan's military and defense capabilities but IDEAS has been an eye opener. Pakistan defense industry is progressing very fast with the technological advancement we see around the World,' said Mr Komuttanount, the Air Chief Marshal, Royal Thai Air Force. Talking about the organisation of such a big event, he said despite tight security arrangement there is no hassle of hustle at all and the whole event was very well-organised.

Pushpindar Singh, Editor VAYU (Aerospace & Defense Review), India
, said 'an exhibition like this serves as a show-window for the abilities of indigenous industries. For Pakistan's sake, you need more of these exhibitions with increased number of visitors to showcase the strength and potential that it has.'

Another exhibitor, Olivier Lambert, who is Senior Vice President Sales and Customer Relations at Eurocopter, said Pakistan's armed forces have been our customer for over a few decades. 'Event like these provide us with a platform for recognition and also help us improve existing relations, establish new contacts and share knowledge,' he added.

Sergio Cavicchi, Vice President Sales Directorate, MBDA Missile Systems, Italy,
was of the view that interaction with a variety of people present at the exhibition was conducive in establishing communication with people from around the world. 'The result of co-operation between our company and Pakistan's Air force that we supply to, has been top level. Our association with Pakistan's defense industry helps us believe that they are highly capable of adapting to latest technologies,' he added.

The foreign delegations and exhibitors were also surprised to see some unique products that were on display in IDEAS-2012. Al-Zarrar tank: Developed and manufactured by Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) of Pakistan, it was the center of attention at the exhibition. The Al-Zarrar tank was developed by modernising and rebuilding the obsolete Chinese type 59 tank. This re-built upgraded variant is a cost-effective replacement for the tanks. Incorporating a total of 54 modifications to the original type-59 MBT, Al Zarrar boasts a superior engine of 730 hp and a maximum speed of 65 km/hour. Additionally, it has vastly improved armament, ballistic and armour protection and fire control system.

Agosta 90-B Submarine:
it was another product of Pakistan Navy which is a Diesel Electric Submarine equipped with AIP systems. Although, it is a conventional form of Submarine, the in-built AIP systems allow the Submarine to say under water for up to 4 days. Also, it is equipped with state-of-the-art weapon systems and sensor with low magnetic, acoustic, and thermal signature. These Submarines are 68 meters in length with submerged displacement of 1700 tons.

Drones for peace:
Integrated Dynamics, a Karachi-based company specialising in the R&D and applications of small unmanned vehicles, introduced its 'Drones for Peace' initiatives at the exhibition. This is an industry academia collaborative to introduce students, and the general public, to the development of peaceful civilian and scientific applications using small, low cost drones, robots, and unmanned ground vehicles of unmanned marine vehicles. The program also seeks to dismiss the myth surrounding the use of drone technology as a weapon of war.

The Drones for Peace program is also introducing an unmanned group vehicle and a marine platform for disaster management and search and rescue operations by the end of this year. In short the company is focusing on promoting the drone technology as a practical, affordable and life saving mechanism.

PAC aircrafts: two types of planes developed and manufactured by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) namely Super Mushak, a trainer plane, and a third generation fighter plane JF-17 Thunder received plausible attention of the foreign exhibitors. Potential sales and work orders worth $40 million are under negotiation and on the process of finalisation, mostly being put forth by countries from Africa and the Middle East.

Air Cdre Suhail Salim (retired), Director Sales and Marketing of PAC Kamra, announced that after fulfilling PAF's needs in a year or two, PAC will turn its attention towards commercial exports. He further said that the potential orders of JF Thunder are more than hundred in number, as it is proving to be the lowest cost fighter aircraft of the third generation internationally. 'Here at the IDEAS-2012 more than 19 official delegates from various countries have shown keen interest in purchasing the aircraft,' he added.

Chinese Air Defense Missile Weapon System:
China Aerospace Long-march International Trade Co Ltd (ALIT) displayed its medium-short range air defense solution including LY-80, LY-60D, FB-6A, FN-6 missile weapon systems at IDEAS-2012. Out of all its munitions, special focus was given to LY-80 which is regarded as a new generation air defense weapons system of China. LY-80 is a medium range air defense with 40km maximum interception range.

Turkish Primary and Basic Trainer Aircraft (HURKUS):
Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc (TAI) ranks among the top hundred global players in the aerospace and defense arena. The Turkish Primary and Basic Trainer Aircraft, also known as HURKUS, has been developed by the Turkish Air Force and engineers and is named after Vecihi Hurkus, who was Turkish aviation pioneer and the first Turkish air plane manufacturer. The aircraft is expected to be launched by the end of 02013.

AS-550 C-3 Fennec:
This is the strongest armed scout helicopter of its class by Eurocopter. It combines power, discretion and firing ability, while also fitted with a Turbomeca Arriel 2-D engine and equipped with a dual channel full authority digital engine control (FADEC) to perform extreme combat fight in high and hot conditions.

Kolchuga Electronic Signals Monitoring (ESM) System:
This is designed by Ukrspec export, a sole Ukrainian state intermediary agent for export and import of military and special purpose products and service. The Kolchuga ESM system acts as an early warning radar.
This G-3 is being considered to replace every existing G-3 with red-d0t scope too!
A number of foreign buyers/delegates who participated in IDEAS-2012 praised high-tech

AS-550 C-3 Fennec:
This is the strongest armed scout helicopter of its class by Eurocopter. It combines power, discretion and firing ability, while also fitted with a Turbomeca Arriel 2-D engine and equipped with a dual channel full authority digital engine control (FADEC) to perform extreme combat fight in high and hot conditions.

Are the Pakistani Fenec Eurocopters armed if not why ?
Are the Pakistani Fenec Eurocopters armed if not why ?
Pakistan doesn't have AS-550 C3 Fennec as yet, Army Aviation just has AS-350 Ecureuil. They are transport version only, however, Army Aviation is interested in AS-550 Fennecs and they have a Squadron at one of major Bases. There was some sort of dis-satisfaction in the Fennec and they were supposed to be slightly modified to meet requirements, that's the last thing I'm sure of. All further rumors and suggestions that I heard are not confirmed hence I cannot comment any further.

full range of 5.11 products are readily available in the market n i dont mean just the black market. i bought the tactical boots (second from right) from saddar Rwp. they are excellent boots better than any thing i have worn before (n i gone through quite a few).
but if u want the complete range than i would suggest either satara mkt pesh or Quetta.
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