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Idea of India wasn’t demolished at Ayodhya. That happened in our ‘liberal’ homes


Majority of Muslim freedom fighters in Kashmir are Brahmans.

Even Allama Iqbal was a Brahman.

They are misguided ,
Once akhand bharat is complete we will restore them as brahmin with full brahman right .
You will also get chance , kagaz nikal lo :cheers:
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Firoz became kashmiri brahmin , brahmins can make anybody brahmin .

To become a Brahmin you need to study the scriptures and practice what you studied.

Firoz continued to remain a sleazy character who's only redeeming feature was his hate of Nehru.
To become a Brahmin you need to study the scriptures and practice what you studied.

Firoz continued to remain a sleazy character who's only redeeming feature was his hate of Nehru.
Arey bhaiyya aap ko pata nahi ?
Rahul gandhi bhaiya is 22 biswa wala brahmin , janeyu dhari brahmin .
Vidwan brahmin rishi can make anybody brahmarshi , dont you know story of vishwamitra ? He became brahmin from kshatriya .
This is 21st century , you have to give some relaxation .
Firoz became kashmiri brahmin , brahmins can make anybody brahmin .

Your Brahmins came from us.

They work to our rules.

Like your social system.

Like your mirror opposite image of prime Vedic deities.

Like your barely different mother language.

We are born Zoroastrian. We do not magically become one because of human intervention.

You are similarly born Hindu.

These are by divine segregation.

Cheers, Doc
Your Brahmins came from us.

They work to our rules.

Like your social system.

Like your mirror opposite image of prime Vedic deities.

Like your barely different mother language.

We are born Zoroastrian. We do not magically become one because of human intervention.

You are similarly born Hindu.

These are by divine segregation.

Cheers, Doc

Jai ho aryaputra :cheers:
Your Brahmins came from us.

They work to our rules.

Like your social system.

Like your mirror opposite image of prime Vedic deities.

Like your barely different mother language.

We are born Zoroastrian. We do not magically become one because of human intervention.

You are similarly born Hindu.

These are by divine segregation.

Cheers, Doc

Actually you are wrong.

Hindu is called the "twice born" for a reason.
Actually you are wrong.

Hindu is called the "twice born" for a reason.

Tell me the reason please.

Learning about your faith from people with the requisite reading is always a pleasure.

Cheers, Doc
@ps3linux I will pick up where we dropped off a bit later... I will get to it...maybe later tonight or later in week.

The replies I made in interim to few others are of more simple time-friendly variety.

Yours will need a better chunk of time from my end.

There's a whole majority chunk of thread I need to go through too.
@Joe Shearer years ago we established a small old home and orphanage customarily I am the family's face so traditionally I visit both of them every month and specially on EIDs and other festivals, due to my health issues post COVID-19 I couldn't on all three days of EID, on the third day I received a call that some of our guests and children have refused to take food as I didn't bother to go there so last day I was there throughout the day, and today wow a topic for serious discussion has yet again degraded by brats from both side your side more so to a heap of ...., can you please request a mod to clean it up its very difficult to read through the entire chain, remember we were on page 6 or something. Seriously I want to have a debate on this topic, share my experiences and some lessons from history.

There was never any Idea of India. India is a fake nation.

Bhai Normally I don't engage in a discussion to which there is no outcome. Agreed with your assertion, with the exception of Raja Bharat, or Ashok there never was a united India. Former though is a legendary one, cant be exactly sure if he existed or not. Not even the Kabul Shahis had been able to unite India, but one thing is for sure that people of this area followed the same religious practices, same rituals more or less.

For as long as I could research the area was called hind. Spoken to few linguistics but have been unable to establish hindu came from hind or hind came from hindu, but history is certain that unification of India/Hindus was started by Muslim rulers, carried on by the british and completed by people like Sardar Patel, although people like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Dayananda, and Swami Shradhhanad are said to be the progenitors of modern RSS etc. But the real work was done by the Muslim rulers.

A thought to ponder about, I suggest do some research on "Slavery in India" you'll be surprised by the results.
Spoken to few linguistics but have been unable to establish hindu came from hind or hind came from hindu

'Hind' came from 'Hindu'.

Let me explain.

The etymology is from the name of the river that flows through contemporary Pakistan, that is marked on the maps as Indus.

It was named 'Sindhu' by people living on the banks, a name that has been traced back to 'many waters', or 'vast waters', and that comes originally from an Indo-Iranian word. I read this nearly 30 years ago, and cannot give you a citation.

That name was transposed to 'Hindu' by the people of the Iranian plateau and its neighbouring hill country, that we now know as Afghanistan, who had an accent wherein many Indo-Aryan words were converted from sibilant to aspirate form; 's' became 'h'. So Saraswati became, in Afghanistan, Harahoti or Haraothi.

The Greeks who lived on the western fringe of the Achaemenid Empire, after Anatolia was conquered, and their Anatolian habitations came under Achaemenid rule, were inveterate travellers and merchants and soon found their way to these eastern parts, taking advantage of the Pax Persica that prevailed. They, too, had an accent; it tended to lose the aspirate altogether. The 'h' sound was lost. 'Hindu' thus became 'Indu', and a Greek termination was added to make it 'Indos'. Ironically, that name is retained today but there are many well-meaning and not too deeply knowledgeable gentlemen who object violently to the name India, the foreign name for our country since at least the time of Megasthenes, a Seleukid ambassador to the Mauryas at their capital in Pataliputra (currently in the Indian state of Bihar).

The word Hind was coined a few centuries later, by Arabs and Persians - it is not clear who said it first - as a name for the black men of the region of the Indus and parts east of that. 'Hind' and 'Hindu' meant 'black'; it later came to mean thief or generally socially avoidable character. It was later broadened to mean the country of the Indus valley and to the east. That is how we got 'Hind' and 'Hindu'.
"idea of India" ka Ram naam satya hai kar dia.

brick by brick :bounce:
but history is certain that unification of India/Hindus was started by Muslim rulers

This depends how you define a nation in first place. No taking away anything from what the Mughals achieved.....but before them on the macroscale....final tier political expressions were evidenced in Maurya and Gupta times....and something more deeper (as to the mortar and brick of the culture and philosophy that exerts itself into a nation) was evidenced in things like the upanishads, Buddhism and Adi Shankara.

This is a far greater study that will occupy several lifetimes to do well.
Friends I have been tagged multiple times here in this thread, and I am merely on page 6 somewhere, and with a whole paper I am avidly going through given to us by @Moonlight too.

I will get to giving some more replies a bit later hopefully...as time is a bit constrained right now.

As far as possible I hope people do not troll/cheap shot too much, there is lot of good content here for people to peruse.

In case they haven't been tagged (and missed the thread too) as I haven't seen most of the later tags/posts yet...they might find the article and conversation interesting:

@SQ8 @Jungibaaz @niaz @VCheng @waz @PanzerKiel @jaibi @WebMaster @T-123456 @Vergennes @Quwa

@Chak Bamu @That Guy (not sure if you two have been around lately, but let me see heh)
I'm still around lurking occasionally, but personal issues have forced me to stay away from social media and forums, for now at least.

Glad people still remember me, even though I haven't properly logged in and interacted with anyone in literally months :)

Hopefully, I'll ll be back soon, once I get everything sorted out.

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