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Idea no.4: Business, supply chain, management and finance

12.5 is good because we have high population density.

can you obstruct social & economic reforms because you own 12.5 acres ?
or do you become a feudal landlord because you own 12.5 acres ?
An idea out of the blue. Why don't our TV channels produce documentaries? I have never seen a Pakistani documentary. When I say documentary, I don't mean series like Mahaaz. I mean national geographic type. Highly detailed, highly educational.
You need educated people in the media for such stuff! We do have small scale documentaries....but those who produced them profitted from the victims (so I heard)

Saving Face 2012
Go into more detail. 19 is not young. It's the perfect age to start planning. You'll be 29 in the bat of an eye, trust me, make every moment count bro.
Appreciated and thanks for the good advice. I am determined indeed and working seriously on my "butterfly effect" based concept. As I stated earlier I can't go into details without giving away my idea. But just imagine what you can do with a man made and controlled mini storm in an contained environment (tunnel).
The structure is multi layered, self reliant on (thermal) energy, it has a very high yield of power generation. Metals and alloys needed can and will be manufactured in Pakistan. First two designs were faulty but the third one caught my professors attention and I have been granted technical and metallurgical assistance in the form of consultancy. Thats all for now
Well I am of strong opinion that every law abiding citizen should have a gun.
We should develop our arms industry especially gun manufacturing just like USA. It could become billion dollars industry.
There are excellent gun smiths in Peshawar who can clone almost any gun. They make excellent clones of Barreta/Zigana/Glock pistols. Infact one can't tell the difference between clone and the original. But they need training in Quality Control, Standardization, Metallurgy etc.

This is a very good documentary.
Well I am of strong opinion that every law abiding citizen should have a gun.
We should develop our arms industry especially gun manufacturing just like USA. It could become billion dollars industry.
There are excellent gun smiths in Peshawar who can clone almost any gun. They make excellent clones of Barreta/Zigana/Glock pistols. Infact one can't tell the difference between clone and the original. But they need training in Quality Control, Standardization, Metallurgy etc.

This is a very good documentary.

This is a very old documentary, and let me tell you something, that in this video Gun Markets of were portrayed in a very negative manner. Unfortunate events after 2002, and along with negative propaganda against Pakistani Gun Markets led to the closure of these magnificent centers of handmade workers.

I believe, Pakistanis have a passion for Firearms, and there are a lot of talented peoples there, and if used in right direction, Pakistan can take a global lead in the Arms & Ammunition Industry. Reliable, Rugged, and Well build weapons of Pakistan will ring bells everywhere.

@Dubious . What you think bro?
Not hypothetical... i planned it already. I am going to start a Construction and consultancy company. Which will never ever use any illpractices or corruption or any missconduct. Even if my business Plan fails that way, it doesn’t matter. Pakistan lacks legal experts with Civil engineering backgrounds, i want to contribute in this way too. hypotheticaly, I have a dream to clean the construction industry from “matric fail conntractors”, i would make it compulsory for the owner of a construction firm to be alteast 50% owned by an engineer. That way, when professionals are competting for contracts, only the quality and best practices will improve.
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I would love to contribute!!

But unfortunately, (or fortunately?) I have learned some valuable lessons and I can not do it without adequate financial reward.

I would personally like to use what I learned in my experience in Investment Banking, Venture Capital, and Private Equity, and have my own Private Equity fund with Pakistani Capital. There are many benefits to this, which I will not go into because I'm not in the business of educating people. But there are many benefits.

From a pure giving standpoint, I would probably start a technology firm effectively contributing to Pakistan's technological assets. This, of course is high risk in terms of capital allocation, and requires capital.

I can't think of anything I can do without capital... maybe I need to change my thinking, but this is where I'm at right now.
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I would love to contribute!!

But unfortunately, (or fortunately?) I have learned some valuable lessons and I can not do it without adequate financial reward.

I would personally like to use what I learned in my experience in Investment Banking, Venture Capital, and Private Equity, and have my own Private Equity fund with Pakistani Capital. There are many benefits to this, which I will not go into because I'm not in the business of educating people. But there are many benefits.

Let us hope the idiots at helm of affairs do understand I have been trying to educate these idiots for years now. With the exception of "Munshi Saqa Dollar" met almost every finance minister told them if they want real development in the country first of all they should change the laws for real estate holding at par with US, give all sick public industry to private equity firms let them turn them around, give them some tax break let them have it for 15 years and then give them option to buy it or return it to Govt kitty, but you know I have been dealing with retards and bas***s, and this sick incompetent bureaucracy.

Lets not talk about V.C which is not allowed in Pakistan by regulation (although I did hear something positive along those lines recently, although they have few IT startup incubation centers), and investment banking phhhh banking here is only about deposit taking and investing primarily in Govt paper and re-posses-able assets, probably among few countries in the world where the YTM on AAA rated sovereign paper is much higher than a AA- rated corporate bond. Trust me we are no way close to even the Investment Advisor 1940. I think only one or two investment banks are left now. M&A is done by accountant firms and bond if any is floated through advisory of brokerage houses, funny ain't it.

Although I did hear that Govt of KPK was planning to hand over sick industries to private sector perhaps on P.E model but I fear that it will suffer due to nepotism/crony-ism and the agreements will be sham and all industry will be utilized for one purpose only, development of real estate projects.

The width and breadth of our debt market particularly secondary debt market is shameful, its a catch 22 situation, people either don't understand the potential in the secondary/retail debt market or are not willing to make an effort. If ever there is a paper floated by a corporate either it is aimed at major banks and provident/pensions/gratuity fund managers or is fully subscribed by them so no need to go through the "expensive" route of retail.

Asad Umer's company did float retail paper, at the completion of tenure being dishonest as he is, the company totally bypassed the financial advisors and thus is now blacklisted by major players like standard chartered, MCB and few others. Shortsightedness.
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This is a very old documentary, and let me tell you something, that in this video Gun Markets of were portrayed in a very negative manner. Unfortunate events after 2002, and along with negative propaganda against Pakistani Gun Markets led to the closure of these magnificent centers of handmade workers.

I believe, Pakistanis have a passion for Firearms, and there are a lot of talented peoples there, and if used in right direction, Pakistan can take a global lead in the Arms & Ammunition Industry. Reliable, Rugged, and Well build weapons of Pakistan will ring bells everywhere.

Yes this is a very old documentary showing gun markets of Darra Adam Khel but in Peshawar gun smiths still make the guns.
We could develop one of the best arms and ammunition industries in the world. It just needs a little encouragement from the government.
Using your education background and experience HOW CAN YOU CONTRIBUTE TO PAKISTAN?

So after a series of surveys...I would like to hear from Pakistanis how they can contribute to Pakistan?!

There was a saying by Noor Jahan....

Something along the lines:
"Not what Pakistan can do for me but what I can do for Pakistan?!"

So we all know Pakistan isnt doing well...So, I want to hear your ideas ....

If you were given a free hand, What can you do for Pakistan AND DESCRIBE HOW?!

Make sure it coincides with your profession / experience!

Although it is hypothetical...But I guess I am just interested in knowing how our Pakistanis here can help?!

NEW IDEAS! Not same discussed ideas!
I can help by creating a venture capital company that work to establish new industrial undertakings ...
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This is a very old documentary, and let me tell you something, that in this video Gun Markets of were portrayed in a very negative manner. Unfortunate events after 2002, and along with negative propaganda against Pakistani Gun Markets led to the closure of these magnificent centers of handmade workers.

I believe, Pakistanis have a passion for Firearms, and there are a lot of talented peoples there, and if used in right direction, Pakistan can take a global lead in the Arms & Ammunition Industry. Reliable, Rugged, and Well build weapons of Pakistan will ring bells everywhere.

@Dubious . What you think bro?
America is already leading as an example of what guns can do and how much damage control it requires to still shine in many eyes!

I would love to contribute!!

But unfortunately, (or fortunately?) I have learned some valuable lessons and I can not do it without adequate financial reward.

I would personally like to use what I learned in my experience in Investment Banking, Venture Capital, and Private Equity, and have my own Private Equity fund with Pakistani Capital. There are many benefits to this, which I will not go into because I'm not in the business of educating people. But there are many benefits.

From a pure giving standpoint, I would probably start a technology firm effectively contributing to Pakistan's technological assets. This, of course is high risk in terms of capital allocation, and requires capital.

I can't think of anything I can do without capital... maybe I need to change my thinking, but this is where I'm at right now.

Financial reward is good but that is what everyone is looking at and ending up with juicing my country! I am looking for people who are interested in helping further Pakistan not juicing it dry!

Sure capital is needed in everything but so is passion, talent and sincerity! A mixed blend that is hard to find!

I can help by creating a venture capital company that work by establish new industrial undertakings ...
You two should have a chat with each other :D

I am a product/systems designer. I can design educational systems for kids. I have designed one for Victorian Government where kids study 15-25 books a year as an annual challenge, offered in school and without any costs to Government or financial rewards, a gamified system helps students finish their accepted books for a prize poster with their name on it.

This is what I designed few months back.

I also had stated an initiative called ILMA (ILMA.pk, ILMA.com.pk) focussed towards educating my kids in Pakistan, which is now dormant but the passion is not.

I've been planning on setting up small training centers in Pakistan for the youth to train them for Outreach Based Link Building for Search Engine Optimization, and Internet Marketing in General. I can use these trained workers for my own future projects, while they can also follow Entrepreneurial Aspirations or go work as Freelancers, once they understand the process.

I'm currently hiring 4 virtual assistants from india and a few from Philipines and lack of Pakistani talent on this side of things is kinda sad.

Basically, my expertise revolves around marketing and selling anything on the Internet. So I can transfer this knowledge to the youth and work with them and counsel them on how they can pursue whatever they love and still sell it on the Internet, or reach the desired audience. This can be a Youtuber, a Blog Writer, an Artist, a person who wants to manufacture something, a person who wants to create something and sell. Whatever their idea is, I can help them market it on the Internet through different channels be Google, Youtube, Social media and so on. In the same way I can provide greater reach and business to the existing businesses.

For the state itself.
I can help them with the informational warfare.
I can make sure our side of story, our narrative is where it needs to be and is getting the right audience and visibility.
And through my understanding of Human Psychology, I can help them build the right narrative and the appropriate media to propagate it.

Other than that, I'm trained for hand to hand combat, and deception and blending in elements of Ninja warfare. And have been following the concepts of "Bushido" for quite some time. While also, well informed in the art of strategic warfare.
And I speak native North American/Canadian accent by default, and can switch over to most European and Australian native accents.
So there is always that shadowy aspect to things ;)

And apart from all of that. I've been educating myself in Islam and Wisdom of God behind things.
And I'm able to create media that touches the usually left over or neglected aspects of Islamic way of Life. And blending things with Science, Psychology, and Spirituality to create an easy and yet deeper understanding of different concepts in Islam.
I have a small Facebook Page for the same.

So well, that's the bare basics of what I can do for the state and people...
@zulu @ps3linux what do you think of these last 2?
My idea to bring $ in pakistan
- Made it necessary that every one that go outside Pakistan send money through proper banking channel.
Take out list of working people out side of Pakistan and then go to their homes ask them how they have been getting money from their relatives working outside of Pakistan. Bring them in banking channels rather than hundi. It will increase remittance in great amount.

- 2nd is Pakistan youth spend lots of timing in playing games etc but earn nothing. Govt should come or introduce a free course where they teach how to join and use youtube channel by just uploading their games video or any unique videos. This will or may will bring huge amount in $.
Where are you going to find these?

What do you mean??? Millions of people have guns in Pakistan (most of them not so legal).
Why do people think that having gun is a crime or a bad thing:disagree::disagree:. Example of USA is a bad example tbh.

I am talking about developing our arms and ammunition industries so that we could become one of its biggest exporters in the world. Just the USA has a market of about $4 billion of civilian guns and a quarter of that market is cornered by Europe.

Just Croatia is the third largest exporter of guns to USA. A small country with a population of just 4 million. Austria another country is the second largest exporter of guns to USA. Austria has a population of 8 million.

Then why can't Pakistan with a population of more than 220 million people, a nuclear armed country can make a gun industry and become one of the top exporters which has a market of worth billions of dollars.

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