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ICJ rejects India’s plea for acquittal, repatriation of Kulbhushan - Updates, News & Discussion

Your cause is already exposed to all as his 2nd passport with varied name has been addressed as officially issued...meaning indian state was involved in whatever he was sent to do in Pakistan....

counselor nay kiya chanay sell kernay ana hai?
His statement will be crucial ...
Plus can he not tell our councel what you guys allegedly know about raw's operations
You are assuming it to be a military court. Like i said, let handsome PM announce it so for me to answer you. We will see how daring he is in real life unlike internet warriors here.
It's not his decision.. lolll

We have military courts setup under our law for terrorists..
We always give better food to our guests.. Ask Abhichandan.. he was telling his colleagues the other day that the tea Pakistan served him was better than any tea available in India..

To tell you the truth.. Jadhav doesn't want to go back to India.. he says he prefers dying in five years after eating better food than dying in India eating rubbish..
So then what will you say to the families of the people who were allegedly killed by kulbhushan that you are busy serving him food
You are assuming it to be a military court. Like i said, let handsome PM announce it so for me to answer you. We will see how daring he is take the decision in real life unlike the internet warriors here. I remember back when you guys used mock India for asking consular access. Today we got it. Who knows what will happen next.
le vi hogyi kagji karwai.
Latka do saly ko its my order
as soon as we are done reviewing...technically speaking the ICJ kind of already played it 2nd time (review) ...so we wont take too much time to review it...plus our military courts work faster than civilian ones :agree:
Dubious, are you sure that Pakistani Military court will be used. I just heard the judge quoting a ruling of high court of peshawar to contest the rulings of military court.
I propose to find a guy which looks like yadav. And present him to the indians consular service.

What is strange is the court ( I listened few minutes in French translated transmission) is talking about Pakistan’s stance that t’Yadav is spy doing terrorism, but the judge is then talking just about spying. What about terrorism ?

I admit that I didn’t have listened all the judgment.
Dubious, are you sure that Pakistani Military court will be used. I just heard the judge quoting a ruling of high court of peshawar to contest the rulings of military court.
ICJ stated we can decide...besides even Peshawar isnt happy with terrorists...so ....
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