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ICJ rejects India’s plea for acquittal, repatriation of Kulbhushan - Updates, News & Discussion

Alhumdulillah its perfect news. We will hold an open trial and showcase the world incredible #TerrorMata.

The recent listing of terror groups from India may well prove of some use as well.

Its all going as per the plan.
Good luck....
But which pakistani lawyer fights on his behalf??
Fates of Colonel Habib Zahir and Kulbhushan Yadav are tied.

RAW has shifted it's prisoner Habib Zahir to a secret detention center in Aizawl as per former RAW chief of ops, R Bhattacharya
Colonel Habib is a documented retiree. no retirement documentation of kubhushan. if you kill or hang Colonel Habib Zahir, it will just be india's word that has already been indirectly labeled a state sponsor of terror.
Colonel Habib is a documented retiree. no retirement documentation of kubhushan. if you kill or hang Colonel Habib Zahir, it will just be india's word that has already been indirectly labeled a state sponsor of terror.

If India reveals Col Habib, then with what face will they deny access?
Ajmal Jami‏Verified account @ajmaljami 6m6 minutes ago
Dear Indian fellows! #KulbhushanJadhav will remain in Pak custody, your plea for his acquittal and repatriation has been rejected by the ICJ. Merely consular access doesn't provide you sufficient fuel to fly high on tv screens ;)
In my perspective, jadhav is a gone case..

Even if he wins the case in pak, he will die like sarabjit Singh...

But gaining of councilor access and bringing him to public trial makes all the evidence submitted in military courts to be cross verified...

A good enough reason to be joyful. This will shame your military courts
Only counselor access allowed.it also said that Pakistan should review it's process.basically things remain same.there is no mention like hand over him to India.india is celebrating like kids but basically kulbhushan is not coming back home.fighting this case at icj was proved to be useless for pakistan.it out extra pressure on pakistan but only pakistan can decide.indian celebrations are like dreams which will never come true.
It's not about bringing jadhav home tomorrow..
It's about bringing your military courts judgement to civil your courts....

Now military courts judgement have to be reviewed in civil courts with public hearing which was denied earlier.....

Icj judgement is a slap on Pakistan judicial system
Again, missing the woods for the trees.
Typical Pakistani trait.

Consular access gives us power to control the narrative. Not sure how you’re taking it so lightly.
Consular access and rejection of your 3 objection literally is a writing in bold that the entire Pak judicial process was a sham!
How is this not obvious to you?!

You think we are worried about KJs life ( which is a foregone conclusion) while we’re fighting to embarrass Pakistan publicly ....again!
repeating something wont make it true...I guess little things do make indians happy..so be it
In my perspective, jadhav is a gone case..

Even if he wins the case in pak, he will die like sarabjit Singh...

But gaining of councilor access and bringing him to public trial makes all the evidence submitted in military courts to be cross verified...

A good enough reason to be joyful. This will shame your military courts

Nowhere ICJ order, mentioned or rejected Pakistan's Military Court decision or declared ruling "Null & Void". Even they have requested to "REVIEW" his sentence, thats mean ICJ is officially accepted, authenticate and recognized the decision of the military court and want Pakistan to review it again ....... I think you guys too much watching Indian media :lol:
repeating something wont make it true...I guess little things do make indians happy..so be it

I can’t wake someone up that’s pretending to sleep either..
So snooze at your own peril, lose you shall.

Take it as a win win...you’re happy, we’re happy. Rarely happens in the case of India - Pak.
Bhai sab, where did icj judgement recognized jadhav as a spy???

Spreading misinformation....

As far as I remember, your media, govt and your lawyer first remarks @ ICJ

We want Kulbushan Yadav free.... we will get yadav @ the final verdict of the court... you just got "consular access" that's it... and even that consular access also entirely in the hands of Pakistan whether they give it to you or not.. No country bound to ICJ decision. Your laywer talking with the media after second proceedings says, our main case is to declared Pakistani military court decision null and void and when that decision become null & void, Pakistan can not retain him... now the final verdict is totally opposite. when you completely failed in the first phase, in the second round you start requesting ICJ to give the consular access lol

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