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ICJ likely to rule against China on South China Sea

How should China respond to an adverse ICJ ruling?

  • Bomb in car

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Dude, look at the options in the poll. I mean wth these Chinese commie think they are? Jackie Chan or Bruce lee? I mean all of them can't be Bruce Lee. You can't just go bombing and shooting people around.

Bomb this, Bomb that. Shoot this, Shoot that.

Not even an option to accept ICJ ruling. Dude, that's sick.
Dude, look at the options in the poll. I mean wth these Chinese commie think they are? Jackie Chan or Bruce lee? I mean all of them can't be Bruce Lee. You can't just go bombing and shooting people around.

Bomb this, Bomb that. Shoot this, Shoot that.

Not even an option to accept ICJ ruling. Dude, that's sick.

You should take Kashmir problem to UN and give the land back to the Muslim majority.

I believe one day China will bring Sikkim to the international court, it's part of Chinese territory.
There are no disputes over Gaum.

Regarding Andaman and Nicobar Islands they are with India since Chola empire. There are no disputes over these Islands also.

Do you know how far Guam is from US, and by your theory, the biggest island in India (Andaman Islands) should belong to Burma.

Nobody believe in your bullshit lying.! Are you planning on giving up your occupied territory to the Phillipine. Answer in honesty. Why do you think your government make a statement immediately after us without joining the case? you are fuk because you know it! LOLOLOL

Vietnam govt sent the official letter to recognize the power of the court, FYI.
Now you change your word from "administer" to "contest", how clever of you. LOLOL It doesn't work that way, my friend. In the judge's POV, who occupy and administer currently entitle to full exclusive right to such advantages. Fact is Itu Aba is administer by Taiwan. Their claim means shit. We can also say we claim all of Spratly's feature too if we want to go technicality on it. LOL

Thing is one has to administer and also there must be no disputes. Not the case with this island.

ROC and PRC are two different entities.
Nobody believe in your bullshit lying.! Are you planning on giving up your occupied territory to the Phillipine. Answer in honesty. Why do you think your government make a statement immediately after us without joining the case? you are fuk because you know it! LOLOLOL

Now you change your word from "administer" to "contest", how clever of you. LOLOL It doesn't work that way, my friend. In the judge's POV, who occupy and administer currently entitle to full exclusive right to such advantages. Fact is Itu Aba is administer by Taiwan. Their claim means shit. We can also say we claim all of Spratly's feature too if we want to go technicality on it. LOL

@Hu Songshan : what will this forum going to be if members like this guy freely attack others by those words ?
There are no disputes over Gaum.

Regarding Andaman and Nicobar Islands they are with India since Chola empire. There are no disputes over these Islands also.

They are can be disputed any time, just like no countries disputed China's sovereignty over SCS when WWII just finished, but now we got half a dozen.
Thing is one has to administer and also there must be no disputes. Not the case with this island.

ROC and PRC are two different entities.
Like I said, the judges don't care, they can't rule on something other claim. In that case, they will throw out the case (which is what we want) because if there is a dispute in any feature, then it must be settle between effect party. The arbitration can't rule on that.

What you want to believe is irrelevant in international law. Your official Indian govt recognize it was "One China" policy. The ROC and PRC constitution recognize it was "One China" policy. Can we have a clear on this? LOLOL
Indians are good at talking and suck at actions. UN security Council has the final say on everything, not the international court. and tell me which power in the world really goes to International court to seek any settlement?
If China really want a war, India would be no match for China, even your generals admitted that. so stop masturbating.
So Chinese didn't want the war when attacked in '80s? What were they thinking then? Red carpet?
They are can be disputed any time, just like no countries disputed China's sovereignty over SCS when WWII just finished, but now we got half a dozen.

At the San Francisco Conference on the peace treaty with Japan (1945), the Soviet Union proposed that the Paracels and Spratlys be recognised as belonging to China. This proposal was rejected by an overwhelming majority of the delegates. On 7 July 1951, Tran Van Huu, head of the Bảo Đại Government's (State of Vietnam) delegation to the conference declared that the Paracels and Spratlys were part of Vietnamese territory. This declaration met with no challenge from the 51 representatives at the conference.

The text of the Treaty of San Francisco listed the Spratlys as not part of the list of territories to be returned to China

It argues that during the negotiation for the 1951 San Francisco Peace Conference, its Foreign Minister Vu Van Mau of the Republic of Vietnam reaffirmed Vietnam's rights over the Spratlys which China and the Philippines did not challenge.
At the San Francisco Conference on the peace treaty with Japan (1945), the Soviet Union proposed that the Paracels and Spratlys be recognised as belonging to China. This proposal was rejected by an overwhelming majority of the delegates. On 7 July 1951, Tran Van Huu, head of the Bảo Đại Government's (State of Vietnam) delegation to the conference declared that the Paracels and Spratlys were part of Vietnamese territory. This declaration met with no challenge from the 51 representatives at the conference.

The text of the Treaty of San Francisco listed the Spratlys as not part of the list of territories to be returned to China


So just to keep India busy, They sacrificed over 340 soldiers and got 400 wounded and faced a defeat?

Hmmm, now that's what i call sick attitude.

No one really buys those rumors ,but the whole world knows what a war is like when a "war" broke out in 1964. Indian troops are pathetic.
Indians are good at talking and suck at actions. UN security Council has the final say on everything, not the international court. and tell me which power in the world really goes to International court to seek any settlement?

A self confident nation do not go to UN courts for solving its disputes. I agree on this point. But The issue here is contested by 4 nations backed by US and Japan.
In 1933, France asserted its claims from 1887[45] to the Spratly and Paracel Islands on behalf of its then-colony Vietnam.[46] It occupied a number of the Spratly Islands, including Taiping Island, built weather stations on 2 of the islands, and administered them as part of French Indochina. This occupation was protested by the Republic of China (ROC) government because France admitted finding Chinese fishermen there when French warships visited 9 of the islands.[47] In 1935, the ROC government also announced a sovereignty claim on the Spratly Islands. Japan occupied some of the islands in 1939 during World War II, and it used the islands as a submarine base for the occupation of Southeast Asia. During the Japanese occupation, these islands were called Shinnan Shoto (新南諸島), literally the New Southern Islands, and together with the Paracel Islands (西沙群岛), they were put under the governance of the Japanese colonial authority in Taiwan.

Japan occupied the Paracels and the Spratlys from February 1939 to August 1945.[48]

In November 1946, the ROC sent naval ships to take control of the islands after the surrender of Japan.[48] It had chosen the largest and perhaps the only inhabitable island, Taiping Island, as its base, and it renamed the island under the name of the naval vessel as Taiping. Also following the defeat of Japan at the end of World War II, the ROC re-claimed the entirety of the Spratly Islands (including Taiping Island) after accepting the Japanese surrender of the islands based on the Cairo and Potsdam Declarations.[citation needed] Japan had renounced all claims to the islands in the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty together with the Paracels, Pratas and other islands captured from the Chinese, and upon these declarations, the government of the Republic of China reasserted its claim to the islands.

A self confident nation do not go to UN courts for solving its disputes. I agree on this point. But The issue here is contested by 4 nations backed by US and Japan.

US and Japan officially don't support any party , and what Japan has to do there, it is not even in the UN Security Council and has island disputes with every single neighoring country.
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