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ICJ hearing on Kulbhushan Jadhav case : News, Updates & Discussions

icj cant suspend kulbushan's death sentence.
indians knew that from day one. it is only that now it has become a matter of national fame and shame for indians hence their government is now clinging to counsular acesss which if granted would be sufice enough for indian government and media to fool their junta by claiming victory even if KBy is dead.
Pakistan should not have said this that We are not going to hang him immediately and he still has 6 month. I think this might gives the impression that the death penalty is not the final verdict and it can be overturned but then I think that Europe is quite against the death penalty and it might be some kind of trick to reduce the ICJ's fear.

Pakistani Govts have a tendency to shoot their mouth off. That is true, I agree with you there. However, Pakistani Govts also have a responsibility to their citizens and the integrity of the Pakistani State. We have a burden of history. Yadav was entrusted with the responsibility of creating a situation like 1971. Balochistan was India's next East Pakistan. It is the responsibility of the Pakistani State to ensure that any situation that resembles those unfortunate events if nipped in he bud. Our Constitution allows for the Death Sentence however unfortunate that may be. In this case that must be applied. We cannot show weakness in this case. Pakistan is standing at the cusp of a new geo-politics that is being spear-headed by the next World Super-power (China). To show weakness here is to show weakness as a State. The Chinese, our partners and staunch allies, are also watching this. In my humble opinion, inform the Chinese and our other allies what we intend to do and let the chips fall where they may. We did that with our nuclear tests and survived. We can do that again and this situation is just as important. At least then our allies will be certain they are not dealing with a flakey State with no 'Will'. What counts here is the impression we give. Hang him and let our Allies rally around us like they always have. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
What a game of ego this has become. Ironic given how many people actually die unnatural deaths in these 2 countries.

Pakistani Govts have a tendency to shoot their mouth off. That is true, I agree with you there. However, Pakistani Govts also have a responsibility to their citizens and the integrity of the Pakistani State. We have a burden of history. Yadav was entrusted with the responsibility of creating a situation like 1971. Balochistan was India's next East Pakistan. It is the responsibility of the Pakistani State to ensure that any situation that resembles those unfortunate events if nipped in he bud. Our Constitution allows for the Death Sentence however unfortunate that may be. In this case that must be applied. We cannot show weakness in this case. Pakistan is standing at the cusp of a new geo-politics that is being spear-headed by the next World Super-power (China). To show weakness here is to show weakness as a State. The Chinese, our partners and staunch allies, are also watching this. In my humble opinion, inform the Chinese and our other allies what we intend to do and let the chips fall where they may. We did that with our nuclear tests and survived. We can do that again and this situation is just as important. At least then our allies will be certain they are not dealing with a flakey State with no 'Will'. What counts here is the impression we give. Hang him and let our Allies rally around us like they always have. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I can see the points you are making except one. "Our allies rally around us like they always have."? Feel free to correct me, but haven't all your allies deserted you in every armed conflict with India?
What a game of ego this has become. Ironic given how many people actually die unnatural deaths in these 2 countries.

I can see the points you are making except one. "Our allies rally around us like they always have."? Feel free to correct me, but haven't all your allies deserted you in every armed conflict with India?

Deserted? Very loaded assertion. Define 'deserted'.
Deserted? Very loaded assertion. Define 'deserted'.
Well - in none of the Armed conflicts with India - did any of your allies come to your aid. "Deserted" is loaded, because Nixon did all he could given his own domestic compulsions - perhaps the correct term is "never did really help". Even in Kargil, China routed Musharraf recorded conversations to India via the U.S.
Well - in none of the Armed conflicts with India - did any of your allies come to your aid. "Deserted" is loaded, because Nixon did all he could given his own domestic compulsions - perhaps the correct term is "never did really help". Even in Kargil, China routed Musharraf recorded conversations to India via the U.S.

We (Pakistan) shouldnt have survived more than 6 months according to Nehru. So either Allah is our ally or terrestrial powers are. You decide that paisan. We are still here and we are still an almighty pain in your Indian arse. LOL!
My dear, Pakistan would never respond to an Indian request OR there will be a MUTINY

ICJ sent you a letter which you could have ignored or responded through letter. But Pakistan knew the repercussions of that move, hence Pakistan chose to attend ICJ hearing by sending a team.

ICJ directives ( Stay Order on hanging KbY ) is not binding on you BUT if you violate the order then in that situation India will be more than happy.

My dear ignorant bharati there is no stay order of any sort. Read what your own media is saying:

Yateesh Begoore: While many Indian news agencies have reported that the ICJ has issued an order staying the execution of Mr. Jadhav’s death sentence, that is not, in fact, the case. A provisional measure (which is, in some aspects, similar to “stay” under domestic law) can only be ordered by a bench of the ICJ sitting to hear the request for indication of provisional measures filed by India under article 41 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice – this has not happened. The development which is erroneously being reported as a stay is technically a request made by the President of the court under article 74(4) of the Rules of the Court. Under these Rules, the President of the court has the power to “call upon” a party to a dispute to not take any action which would prejudice the ability of the court to award a provisional measure. These requests are not per se legally binding upon the parties to which they are made.


Read the bold part. There is no stay order. There is nothing legally binding on Pakistan. And hence there are no repercussions on Pakistan if it ignored Indian request at ICJ.

So cut the cr@p. And keep this lie of stay order to yourself.

This feeling is common :lol:

Har jahil yeh bolta hai. You are nothing new.

You have not given any proof, let alone so-called "clear proof" via a tweet and furthermore, if it were not a court of law. Why are you a signatory to it and why did you then bother to show up for it?

My dear my proof is an Indian journalist who was present during the hearing covering it. If you don't want to accept and live in ignorance and lies of your media then you re allowed to do that,

I have already exposed another lie of your media.

And we appeared at ICJ to tell ICJ to reject Indian request which hopefully it will.
My dear ignorant bharati there is no stay order of any sort. Read what your own media is saying:

Till the proceedings are going on Pakistan cannot execute him. It's understood. And it's believed that Pakistan has a weak case no doubt. Every one here knows that the argument disposed at ICJ by Pak was not just weak but more of a speech without evidences.

My dear my proof is an Indian journalist who was present during the hearing covering it. If you don't want to accept and live in ignorance and lies of your media then you re allowed to do that

Media, journalist, etc etc are considered proof in Pakistan not in ICJ.
True that, Dr. Faisal in his statement said "Pakistan can show confessional statement (excerpts of approximately 6 mins duration) but unlike India Pakistan don't want to waste precious time of the court"

Indian media is a crap of some highest degree, it deems ICJ request with no legal binding as stay order, same is true for common Indians, example is the guy you're arguing with. Interestingly Indian MEA didn't even bother to clarify the disinformation. Bunch of liars, I mean lawyers, misled the court by contending urgency and today backtracked from earlier stance. Aim of this pathetic lie was to snatch time from Pakistan, Pakistan was given just 4 days to respond. Pakistan should have protested and sought more time, which was its right, but it opted to appear and bust the Indian bubble.

India media follows no ethics and no norms of journalism. It is a disgrace to the field of journalism and journalists world over.

In fact India media is a perfect reflection of India as a nation. They are hypocrites, they are liars, they are war mongers, they follow no ethics, they have no shame, they fuel hatred and lies against their minorities and support Indian establishment in all its crimes. Just like Indian nation.
Pakistan offered you the fairest thing and that is joint investigation into his case so You should be satisfied but seems you guys are even afraid of your own shadows.

Joint investigation means, India would have to share the evidences with Pakistan. And Pakistan will have access to botch them up. These are old tactics. Every one understands this.

India media follows no ethics and no norms of journalism. It is a disgrace to the field of journalism and journalists world over.

school boyish post
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