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IAF's Iron Fist will shock and awe

Comparing apples to oranges.

anti-insurgency ops depend on terrain or geography, and the weapons used by the insurgents.

There is no fix formula.

you have to device a unique COIN for every theater.

And no

Pakistanis do not use air attacks against cities or large towns.

that is very similar strategy as the Indian or any anyone else.

PAF or Army aviation is only used where Talib-bozos are hiding in some distant caves / forests.


on you are wrong, it has been our policy that army or heavy weapons should not be used against India's own population.it was not a tactical decision but more of a political, ethical decision.

below is one of the instructions given to iaf.

permission has been granted but with strict
conditionalities. We cannot use rockets or
the integral guns of the helicopters and we
can retaliate only if fired upon,"

'IAF can fire in self-defence during anti-Maoist operations' - Hindustan Times, 12 August 2010
No use of Army against Maoists: Sources
It was in Aizwal and it is today possible to use jets and attack choppers in forested areas as well as mountains.

India however decidedly does not use them or artillery.

Something Pakistan doesnt care for.

If we were facing a threat similar to that what India is facing, we would be more than happy to give up all these heavy weapons. Unfortunately, we are facing some of the toughest insurgency this world has ever seen. When you are up against a ruthless enemy like that, you have to get ruthless and bring yourself down to their standards.
It was in Aizwal and it is today possible to use jets and attack choppers in forested areas as well as mountains.

India however decidedly does not use them or artillery.

Something Pakistan doesnt care for.

I do not think that the IAF will use jets in those parts. Not very easily.

Helicopters will be used.

The IAF is not even too enamoured about using turbo-props for this.

afaik, the air ops were against both Mizos under Laldenga and Phizo's Nagas. I knew an old-timer Army Officer who was considered to be a JW expert of that time. Heard lots of stories from him. He superannuated as a Lt Col from the Army; then got employed again by GoI to set up the negotiations with the lot when they agreed to disarm. He had a major role in quelling that affair.
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If we were facing a threat similar to that what India is facing, we would be more than happy to give up all these heavy weapons. Unfortunately, we are facing some of the toughest insurgency this world has ever seen. When you are up against a ruthless enemy like that, you have to get ruthless and bring yourself down to their standards.

I agree the circumstances are not comparable. However that does not negate the fact that we have the policy, that what affords us the luxury of the policy is a different matter.
What you say is only partially true, a....

Thank you.

Heck Musharraf used missile attacks on Bugti!


Misinformation by an Indian????

What's new these days.

Bagati died in a cave while there was a team of Pak army officers inside the cave.
Pak army officers were there to negotiate a peaceful exit of the ex-chief minister of the province. Unfortunately an explosion happened, the cave came down on everyone and Bagti along with the Pak army officers died in the incident.

Some say and accidental explosion happened in the weapons cash Bagti had stored

Some say Bagti goons exploded a bomb to kill Pak army officers.

there was no fing missile in this scene.

I didn't expect such a phat lie from you contra ?

What's going on

If we were facing a threat similar to that what India is facing, we would be more than happy to give up all these heavy weapons. Unfortunately, we are facing some of the toughest insurgency this world has ever seen. When you are up against a ruthless enemy like that, you have to get ruthless and bring yourself down to their standards.

To be really honest, I am not impressed by Pakistan's results in Counter Terrorism. Ofcourse you are free to have your own opinion.

This is the second major insurgency that Pakistan has faced, the first one being Bangladesh.
And Pakistan's approach has more or less been the same to both - go in all guns blazing and firing whatever you have stocked.
Pakistan Army conducts an operation, fights them, then moves on or moves out.

India uses a very very different approach in COIN. There is a great article about it, i will try and search it for you.
India has faced massive insurgencies in many parts of the country. And large parts, continuously over 3-4 decades.

India does not go in all guns blazing. India starts flooding the affected area - even areas that are bigger in size than what Pakistan is facing now. GoI floods the area with troops. Only engaging when fired on till there is a certain man/soldier ratio achieved.
After that ratio is achieved they start killing selectively.

Now, this approach is ridiculously expensive in terms of men and duration. The defense forces are kept in the area for a minimum of a decade!

The Pakistani approach costs least in terms of lives of soldiers lost. But India has been extraordinarily successful in clamping down on insurgencies.

All insurgencies in NE are all but practically dead. Their leaders - almost all of them - either shot dead or in jail.

And then finally GoI goes in for negotiations - generally these are to give a face saver to the leaders in the region so they can calm the disgruntled population. Its however mostly after a military defeat over a decade. In these negotiations, GoI is generally willing to remove any real or genuine concerns or grievalnce that the local population would have against GoI. However always within the ambit of the Constitution of India.

Kashmir is hardly a shadow of what it used to be in the 90's. The maoists are the only real one remaining. And that is a social & economic problem, not a political or a military one.
If we were facing a threat similar to that what India is facing, we would be more than happy to give up all these heavy weapons. Unfortunately, we are facing some of the toughest insurgency this world has ever seen. When you are up against a ruthless enemy like that, you have to get ruthless and bring yourself down to their standards.

Nothing wrong with that; imo; either morally or militarily.
But its a matter of "horses for courses". The area where PA is operating in COIN is better suited for aerial ops. Little if any veg cover.
So if aerial assets are suitable (which I think so) then they can be. However, probably rotary wing may be better than fixed wing. Then there are the ubiquitous Drones of course......
Some say explosion happened in the weapons cash Bagti had stored

Some say Bagti goons exploded a bomb to kill Pak army officers.

there was no fing missile in this scene.

I didn't expect such a phat lie from you contra ?
What's going on

My apologies then. I was misinformed.
I hope there is demonstration of CBU 105 in this excercise.

Night CAS raid operations by m2K's and Su30MKI would be worth evaluating.

The aircrafts taking part would include Sukhoi 30, Mirage 2000, Jaguar, Mig 27, MIG 21, attack helicopters, UAV and high-tech AWACS will display their potential.

Ground attack with Mig 27 and Jaguar Sepecat with KAB-500L, and especially Surdarshan LGB would be a crucial highlight.

Su 30 MKI with a Air dom configuration in multi mission and a dedicated strike configuration will fly with mig 29. with the usual KH59ME display.

Mirage 200 will also fly in twin configuration and will deploy GBU-24 Paveway III in both of it's configuration.
I hope there is demonstration of CBU 105 in this excercise.

Night CAS raid operations by m2K's and Su30MKI would be worth evaluating.

The aircrafts taking part would include Sukhoi 30, Mirage 2000, Jaguar, Mig 27, MIG 21, attack helicopters, UAV and high-tech AWACS will display their potential.

Ground attack with Mig 27 and Jaguar Sepecat with KAB-500L, and especially Surdarshan LGB would be a crucial highlight.

Su 30 MKI with a Air dom configuration in multi mission and a dedicated strike configuration will fly with mig 29. with the usual KH59ME display.

Mirage 200 will also fly in twin configuration and will deploy GBU-24 Paveway III in both of it's configuration.
+ although it won't be visible- the command and control of such a vast number of a/c undertaking such a massive exercise by the IAF's A-50EI Phalcons will be an extremely valuable exercise for them.

++ looking foreward to seeing the IAF's Super Hercs in action.
These exercises are for domestic consumption only. When Pakistan intimidated India with a cross-border skirmish a few months ago, India immediately submitted and pleaded for peace. No cold start.

That's why india won three wars with Pakistan 1947,65 and 71.
These IAF jets haven't done crap against the Maoist insurgents which have wrecked India's Eastern Provinces.
These IAF jets haven't done crap against the Bangladeshi immigrants who are pouring into India.
These IAF jets haven't done crap against the insurgencies in Kashmir.

hahahahaha from a elite member :rofl:

1. IAF is allowed for transport operations only. No fire power. Elite member should have known this but .....

2. Are Illegal immigrant supposed to bomb ??? That's new to me. Thanks for info :no:

3. hahahahhaha fair enough :tup: we don't bomb our own territory with our own jets unlike some of our neighbours. You need name ???
These exercises are for domestic consumption only. When Pakistan intimidated India with a cross-border skirmish a few months ago, India immediately submitted and pleaded for peace. No cold start.

Says someone from a country that offers warnings as if they are sneezing...and do nothing about it...
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