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IAF trying to rope in another PSU to Increase LCA Production Level?

Even that is dangerous.
but what choice we have HAL under best scenario cant do it all i mean manufacturing every product and that too of all the ariel platforms it makes it has to owtsource spares from many OEMs to get the job done in time and that is how whole world works ... risks and dangers are always there what to do :coffee:
I am still hoping that a second line of production for LCA does become a reality. But i firmly believe this line should be in private sector not a PSU. The reason being a Pvt sector Aerospace industry as of today has no major experience as compared to our single lead integrator, manufacturer or assembler like HAL.

It makes sense to me that HAL uses a grandfather role and makes sure a pvt sector company can step up the steep curve and produce jets at par with them and goes on to become a good second line of manufacturing.

The biggest benefit out of this could be 16x2 = 32 jets productivity per year and allows IAF low cost light fighter fleet number shoring to 300+ LCAs from present order of 120s which surely will increase with delivery and performance of Mark1A

Yet the handholding/grandfathering scheme works in the longer run to provide necessary experience to pvt sector part.

An important part would be how much of OEM can be localised over time. If India wants a robust MIC then i do see this part percentage to move much higher from present levels. Certain aspects we cannot do much like Jet engines or Cobham Nose cone etc as we dont have the expertise or technology in house but we should strive and see how we can develop them in house.

A sureshot request from my side would be development of Kaveri family uprated engine under a new name which should be targeted to eventually power up the last 100s of LCA and one day become the full fledged replacement of GE 404. The road is long but we should be able to do that with hard work and sound investments over time.
When manohar Parikar has pushed for LCA to IAF, one can only hope that he will push IAF for the second assembely line. After all it was his idea.
what's going on?
I am saying that ADA is under DRDO (but more autonomous compared to other DRDO's laboratory) & these Guys are saying that ADA is under Department of Defence Research & Development.

No the DDRD runs the DRDO And the ADA. The DRDO has very close links with the ADA. But for all legal purposes, it does not 'fall under' the DRDO.
But DRDO report to directly MOD or PMO .
I am saying that ADA is under DRDO (but more autonomous compared to other DRDO's laboratory) & these Guys are saying that ADA is under Department of Defence Research & Development..

DRDD is a fancy name for the wing that manages accounts for DRDO/ADA/DRL/BARC and some other angency >DRDO was formed by merging three of the former agencies within the Defence ministry back in 60's, i dont recall thier names it was something like dept of technical science or something. Someone can look that up.

Administrative control of DRDO is under MOD, when i say administrative control I mean > AOP, Strategic road map and vision. Individual laboratories do thier own thing when it comes to project management and resource allocations.

ADA for the lack of better words is a mega clusterfu(k. Administrative control of ADA lies with MOD, similar to DRDO, but most of ADA leadership is derrived from DRDO, CRE, CRI pool which makes them utterly useless.
Fabricating Air frame is lot different that integrating whole system.
HAL is fabricating Air frames since 50s.
Their are 2 options either upgrade more capable HAL
Or just make long process of Licence Assembly under Make in India.

That's fine they've been doing that since 50s. TATA was only in the aerospace sector in a big way for only 7-9 years. They came from assembling sikorsky cabins to winning contracts to assemble and test C-295 transport planes, with in 7 years.

TATA is the lead integrator of C295 in India.
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