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IAF trying to rope in another PSU to Increase LCA Production Level?

Well @surya kiran
@Gen Padmanabhan

Here is NTI referring your secret Department of Defense Research & Development Organisation as same as DRDO but founding years changed.
Department of Defence Research and Development | Facilities | NTI

I just gave you a DRDO link an official government link and you give me an NTI link? Seriously?

Let me give you more links:

Renowned scientist Selvin Christopher appointed as DG of DRDO

http://www.indiandefensenews.in/2015/05/breaking-eminent-scientist-s.html (Read the last para)

Let me explain it further.

The Department of Defence Research and Development is the bureaucratic wing. The DRDO is the operational wing. Now, the MoD has a Department of Defence. And there also exists an Indian Army, correct? Same system.

Hope this clarifies
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S Christopher is the Secretary for the Department of Defence Research & Development.

Check this link. It clearly distinguishes between the two.

Defence Secretary of R&D and Director General DRDO

Actually people dont understand legality behind this,

they think if a same person heading both ORG, then these are same.

I just gave you a DRDO link an official government link and you give me an NTI link? Seriously?
Well, well, well. People are here busy to prove that the information provided by the NIC & GOV sites are fake.

I just gave you a DRDO link an official government link and you give me an NTI link? Seriously?

Let me give you more links:

Renowned scientist Selvin Christopher appointed as DG of DRDO

http://www.indiandefensenews.in/2015/05/breaking-eminent-scientist-s.html (Read the last para)

Let me explain it further.

The Department of Defence Research and Development is the bureaucratic wing. The DRDO is the operational wing. Now, the MoD has a Department of Defence. And there also exists and Indian Army, correct? Same system.

Hope this clarifies

You guys make it mess.
When DRDO's DG is DDRDO's DG, DRDO'S laboratory is DDRDO's laboratory, DRDO's office is DDRDO's office then what wrong with you to understand.
Just like no difference in Bharat & India.
You guys make it mess.
When DRDO's DG is DDRDO's DG, DRDO'S laboratory is DDRDO's laboratory, DRDO's office is DDRDO's office then what wrong with you to understand.
Just like no difference in Bharat & India.
Yup, if a same person head the MoF & MoEA, then these are same. You are absolutely right. Please spare me, I am sorry.
You guys make it mess.
When DRDO's DG is DDRDO's DG, DRDO'S laboratory is DDRDO's laboratory, DRDO's office is DDRDO's office then what wrong with you to understand.
Just like no difference in Bharat & India.

DDRD does not have a DG. It has a Secretary. DRDO has a DG. MoD has a SA, DS and a Secretary DDRD who also is the DG DRDO..

It like saying, DoD is the Indian Army. Its not. They are the bureacratic arm. Why is this so difficult to understand?

Here is a DRDO newsletter, which clearly states the appointment of Dr Christopher.

Yup, if a same person head the MoF & MoEA, then these are same. You are absolutely right. Please spare me, I am sorry.

DDRD does not have a DG. It has a Secretary. DRDO has a DG. MoD has a SA, DS and a Secretary DDRD who also is the DG DRDO..

It like saying, DoD is the Indian Army. Its not. They are the bureacratic arm. Why is this so difficult to understand?

Well, guys I can just call who have direct experience @Joe Shearer @MilSpec
Well, guys I can just call who have direct experience @Joe Shearer @MilSpec
Please call them,, and for the sake of your enlightenment.



Now, please will you now spare me?
looks like IAF is desparate for rafales and is trying every trick to get more of them

but LCA production can onli be ramped when hefty tenders are given to private players and HAL does the assembelly part :coffee:

Even that is dangerous.
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