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IAF Su-30 MKI pilots who neutralized multiple AMRAAM missiles to be awarded

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These recent chain of events and the ensuing outcome clearly indicate a profound adverse impact on the indian psyche, resulting in a national narrative ripe with these two key ingredients:

1) Denial
2) Delusion

@Windjammer @Rafi @Indus Pakistan
The standards for achivement are rather low in the IAF it seems.

1 - First award for getting a "lock" on a PAF aircraft.. no shoot down. Just a lock. ( Kargil era ).
2 - Second award for running away from the PAF and their AMRAAMs missiles "successfully".

Wonder what the 3rd award will be for ? :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

3rd award for helping Mutra ji to win the elections? :cheesy:
Ok your have your aircraft and our aircraft which went down ,what's stopping you from releasing the proof to show it was shot by the mighty jf 17
Want proof here is your proof
Neutralized AMRAAM??? Seriosuly....

Listen the DG ISPR news briefing over and over again, he clearly, categorically said that targets were locked in the Indian side, that is IOK and PAF deliberately fired at those areas where there was no chances of human casualties..so as to give the lesson that PAF could have attacked the IA, other installation which results in casualties.

PAF deliberately missed the strategic/military installations and targeted on empty areas, he, the DG ISPR has clearly said that.

India is here clinging to the straws to salvage some pride....
Indian definition of Flying ace = 5 or more retreats/ ejections
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Funny these fanboys were no where to be seen for the past fortnight, now they are cropping up again with their usual 101 versions and excuses,
It doesn't take a genius to pose a simple question, the SU-30 MKI is meant to be an air superiority fighter, there were four of them in the air, if they were in any advantage, why didn't they launch their BVR missiles against the attacking PAF aircraft. The explanation is very simple, the piece of AMRAAM the Indians have been waving was most probably recovered from an SU-30 wreckage.

Yep air superiority, being able to engage 4 targets at once and with three in the air they should have taken at least half a dozen down instead of the ideal 12. As for launching BVR missiles first, what happened to the 200km range tracking ability of the BARS PESA radar? Surely 'mini awacs' should have followed the PAF coming in and unleashed the might of the R-77 multiple times.

Anyway at least we'll get to see made-up footage in Surgical Strike 2.
I heard that Yami woman will be an MKI pilot.
So basically it was a boxing match, medal is being given to the losing boxer for evading the punches and then losing the game... maybe he should throw back a few punches.
Your 60's tech cant cope with your shooper powa ego hence you got smoked out of the sky.....did PAF tell you how to and what to fly.

You got shot down by your arrogance?
You are using 60s technology becoz your pm Modi did corruption in rafale deal
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