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IAF rushed fighter jets at border in Ladakh after spotting Chinese choppers near LAC

They(china) didn’t violate the Indian airspace.
even if they violates it india will not do anything . remeber daulat baig oldie incident where 14 Chinese soldiers camp in indian side of LAC and indians did nothing but offer them chocolates
even if they violates it india will not do anything . remeber daulat baig oldie incident where 14 Chinese soldiers camp in indian side of LAC and indians did nothing but offer them chocolates
Ya Right.i think this time modi try to mess things with china you know just for change..lol.
if abhi boys jet is shot down please feee him bat soup and not tea!

and i hope indian doesnt shoot down its own helicopter during this skermish supa adrenaline rush may chopper giira dia;

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