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IAF recommending Abhinandan for gallantry award 'Vir Chakra' to support Indian claims

Well he did take the fight to the PAF despite being on the defensive side. That's not easy. Besides, may be, just may be he did shoot down an F-16 ;).

But even Pakistanis will agree his conduct after being caught was exemplary. He cared less about his life and more for those important papers. He could have used that pistol to kill some of the Pakistani villagers but instead chose to use to only scare them away. These things tell you something about the man. And for this reason perhaps he deserves this.
f16 re f16 :lol:
so IAF is basically doing election campaign for terrorist BJP.. world should take utmost precaution since the nukes and sophisticated arsenal is now in the hands of religious bigots and terrorists .. Indian Military is not that military that we knew of whose job was to protect the state... now IA and IAF are cleaning the arse of terrorists ... such a shame...
i think enough is enough, Indians are setting an unprecedented example by awarding a POW the highest military award of their country.
So India is a country where cowardliness is celebrated, acknowledged and awarded. :hitwall:
He was not coward.. maybe stupid or nalaiq but but coward
He is as much hero as your other warrior who captured the spy pigeon.
Besides he could have only shot the F-16 with some Alien tech developed by the DRDO since all four missiles from his aircraft were salvaged and put on display.
And care to explain as how did you make these ludicrous claim when by the IAF's own admission, they couldn't communicate with him due to signals jamming.
Hope you are not confusing your own invincible SU-30 for an F-16.

If i'm correct... you are very well networked person... You know that the fuses of ammunition in depot were destroyed due to the shock waves created by the 1000 kg bombs which were intentionally dropped off target...
Do you have any info on the remains of MKI... for sure it is much bigger than the FUSES...

Even PDF was full of PROOFS that Abhi is a MKI pilot and the second pilot was flying along with him... Which later proved wrong...

F-16s were no where near the LOC. They were patrolling deep inside Pakistan.

IAF never claimed that F 16 penetrated into India... Only Mirages entered the Indian Air Space...

Answer my fucking question kid... I will answer yours just to make sure your *** is on fire...

1. DG ISPR said F16s weren't used because THEY WERENT... India claimed F16s entered IND airspace. Show me where F16s entered IND airspace. From YOUR AWAC ES, F16s were DEEP INSIDE PAK. Where the **** did F16s go then?

2. PAK never denied AIM120 wasn't used. Are you pulling this out of your ***? The AIM120 debris clearly show IT SUCCESSFULLY HIT its target... This was the 2nd plane and not the Mig21 because Mig21 fell in Azad Kashmir. Therefore, kindly expalin to me how the **** you got the AMRAAM piece if no other jet was shot down?

I will happily disprove any Indian bullshit you post so don't waste your time. Instead, ANSWER MY PREVIOUS POST.

Your Info is completely incorrect... IAF never said that F-16 or JF-17 entered into Indian Air Space... but Yes, they were the part of the package waiting for IAF's retaliatory action...
You are contradicting your DG ISPR and yourself... when you say that F-16 were not used but AIM 120 did...

Plus we see such diversions daily on Indian media circus where tough questions are diverted by foul language and OTHER QUESTIONS...

Let us know the nationality of 2nd pilot... If he is a Indian... we will show the Pakistanis how to throw out the impotent Civil and Military leadership... We don't have a habit of letting our BRAVE-HEARTS to die as stateless actors like 1000s during Kargil...

He is confirmed indian. After F-16 count by US, there shouldn't be any doubt left.

There is no OFFICIAL STATEMENT by USA... Media reports are based on UNNAMED SOURCES... and are in favor of both nations...

Well IAF initially even never accepted Mig-21 until media showed it to them.
After F-16 count by US, IAF lost its remaining credibility.

You are wrong... Indian News channels were buzzing with the downing of MiG-21 and one Heli... IAF's statement came around 2/3 hours after these news...

Why would you urge us anything? You deny his existence and that is good enough for us. We and India both know what happened and we hope you apologise to the families of the second pilot and the 6 in the hell for your incompetent IAF

Let us know the second pilots nationality... If he is a Indian... we will show the Pakistanis how to throw out the impotent Civil and Military leadership... We don't have a habit of letting our BRAVE-HEARTS to die as stateless actors like 1000s during Kargil...

There is no OFFICIAL STATEMENT by USA... Media reports are based on UNNAMED SOURCES... and are in favor of both nations...

Yes, there isn't any official statement due to many reasons. But there isn't ant rejection of the report as false by anyone. No body have denied the report so far.

Secondly ISPR had endorsed this report, which means yes, the counting took place.

Thirdly, such could ting take place regularly and US government never announced it.

The report is there, either prove it wrong that counting never took place, ask US to deny the facts in the report or accept it.

But clearly u don't want to accept the report as it was not published during any of BJP election compaign.
Why give him Vir Charka for destroying the Death star

What’s wrong with celebrating a POW..? He did his duty very well.
If you think he is coward then what will you say about the 930000 Pakistani POWs in the past..?
whole world knows that the 93000 and 3 million is a feel good number for india and Bangladesh respectively, while the total number of soldiers in east Pakistan not more than 35000 and it includes the civil and paramilitary forces too.
whole world knows that the 93000 and 3 million is a feel good number for india and Bangladesh respectively, while the total number of soldiers in east Pakistan not more than 35000 and it includes the civil and paramilitary forces too.

Most of that 93,000 were family members and relatives of serving soldiers as well as Civil Servants from the Pakistani mainland.
good news
he is awarded for downing Mardan's F-16 Naswar
Lol, now the Indians will start claiming they went further than Balakot....just as well Abhinandan himself never ended up in Mardan else he would have ended up walking like a Duck all his Carrier.
Considering how after surrendering his Gnat, Brijpal Singh Sikand ended up commanding the IAF, no doubt we may one day witness Abhinandan slurping Tea dressed as an Air Marshal.
whole world knows that the 93000 and 3 million is a feel good number for india and Bangladesh respectively, while the total number of soldiers in east Pakistan not more than 35000 and it includes the civil and paramilitary forces too.

I think that regular armed forces were about 35,000 and paramilitary forces were in addition to them. There were 3 divisions of army.
If i'm correct... you are very well networked person... You know that the fuses of ammunition in depot were destroyed due to the shock waves created by the 1000 kg bombs which were intentionally dropped off target...
Do you have any info on the remains of MKI... for sure it is much bigger than the FUSES...

Even PDF was full of PROOFS that Abhi is a MKI pilot and the second pilot was flying along with him... Which later proved wrong...
I'm sure you know the difference between a permanent structure and a jet travelling several hundred miles an hour. Point to ponder is one doesn't often finds a piece of missile in their back garden, unless the missile carrier or it's victim have crashed in your territory. Pakistan was able to show the missiles recovered from the MiG-21 as that aircraft was shot down inside Pakistan, now please explain where did the IAF authorities recover the piece of AMRAAM.

IAF never claimed that F 16 penetrated into India... Only Mirages entered the Indian Air Space...

The F-16s were no where in the vicinity and by Abhinandan's own admission he was shot down within 90 seconds of entering the arena, rest is no rocket science.
شرم نہیں آئیگی نندو کو یہ ایوارڈ لیتے ہوئے ؟

Sharam nahi aayegi nandu ko yeh award letey huay?
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