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IAF Rafale Spares, Engine Components, Meteors and Scalp missiles started arriving

ERR it looks ready to ME

STUNNING LOOKING fighter? Looks like a pregnant toad. Stunning for Indians only. A lot of money spent on that toad. Good for you guys.

na as per agreement these rafale will have arrive in late 2020/2021 but its takes years to develop tactics using them
His PAC intern/LSE BBA/Canada MBA level logic is far far better than your CLASSIFIED/PHD level PATHETIC logic

That Indian dude has no idea what the heck this tactics development means and how long it takes to get it done. Why you guys are wasting your time to convince a brainless idiot?
No such thing. PL-15 is yet to enter service with PAF and it is inferior to Meteor.

This is not a development product so much faster induction. Plus because of urgency we are going to cut short all the previous procedures.
Where is the evidence for your claims? I can similarly say Meteor is inferior to even PL-12. But I am not an idiot mouth-farting like you habitually do.

Come on guys. Why you all are trying to convince a brainless idiot gangu. He conveniently makes his lies on the spot and then presents that non-sense as facts to you. Treat him the way a bloody liar deserves to be kicked in his arse. He is not a professional. Rather a junky. Ask him for a reference, evidence, or proof. A missle doesn't become 'the most advanced air to air missile ever built by mankind' just because a junky Indian claims it to be. If Indians want to firmly stay in their delusions, why you guys are hell bent on pulling them out of their wonderland. Their staying lost in their delusions is beneficial for both of us. Let them have their good time. What we need to strive for is bring another Swift Retort on Rafales this time.
It will take months, if not years to train the pilots and develop a combat strategy around the rafale jets.
STUNNING LOOKING fighter? Looks like a pregnant toad. Stunning for Indians only. A lot of money spent on that toad. Good for you guys.

That Indian dude has no idea what the heck this tactics development means and how long it takes to get it done. Why you guys are wasting your time to convince a brainless idiot?

Where is the evidence for your claims? I can similarly say Meteor is inferior to even PL-12. But I am not an idiot mouth-farting like you habitually do.

Come on guys. Why you all are trying to convince a brainless idiot gangu. He conveniently makes his lies on the spot and then presents that non-sense as facts to you. Treat him the way a bloody liar deserves to be kicked in his arse. He is not a professional. Rather a junky. Ask him for a reference, evidence, or proof. A missle doesn't become 'the most advanced air to air missile ever built by mankind' just because a junky Indian claims it to be. If Indians want to firmly stay in their delusions, why you guys are hell bent on pulling them out of their wonderland. Their staying lost in their delusions is beneficial for both of us. Let them have their good time. What we need to strive for is bring another Swift Retort on Rafales this time.

I think everyone is missing the point that Indians are trying to convey.

IAF does not need to develop any tactics as they never employ any tactics.

They just fly in as they did on 27th Feb, 2019.
We will.use the same tactics we used to butcher 1400 pak.soldiers using bofors artillery and precision bombing by mirage2000.

I just hope the chinease At least take their dead away and not dis own them.as not there' 'troops
We will.use the same tactics we used to butcher 1400 pak.soldiers using bofors artillery and precision bombing by mirage2000.

Then we had no BVR equipped jets and you have in Kargil war that's why you killed our soldiers, if we had you're not able to kill our soldiers at kargil
And we are back to wasting time comparing one aircraft type vs another, while the entire lesson derived from Feb 26/27 has been that it'd be now one air force system vs the other. Pakistan too will soon need to unveil now JF-B3 and its assorted weapons kit.
Meteor is far superior.
US intelligence have reported to quad members in classified intel exchange that max NEZ of PL-15 is 40 km (slightly better than AIM-120D) whereas Meteor has achieved about 65 km NEZ under same conditions.
And then the "classified intel" exchange made it out in the open to you and us? Nice!

"No matter how good you are, don't ever let them see you coming. That's the gaffe, my friend. You gotta keep yourself small. Innocuous."
And then the "classified intel" exchange made it out in the open to you and us? Nice!

"No matter how good you are, don't ever let them see you coming. That's the gaffe, my friend. You gotta keep yourself small. Innocuous."

Al Pacino is a boss.
Everything PAF has inferior. Inducting Rafale is the last thing after which IAF becomes mightiest AF known to mankind.

Now shabash go after China and get your territory back. Cowards!
So I guess Indians will be launching air operations very soon against PLAAF to take their territory back since they have Rafaels now, or modi is gonna wait for cloud cover to launch an attack?

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