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IAF Rafale Spares, Engine Components, Meteors and Scalp missiles started arriving

First of all SCALP is not undetectable. It is a cruise misile and is similar in category than Raad 2 but shorter in range.

Secondly, meteor might be or might not be most advanced missile but the best part of meteor is its 2 way data link means it will keep on getting target update after launch but Rafael do not have two way data link with meteor hence the best feature of meteor is not available to IAF.

Whereas PL15 is comparable to Meteor and might have better performance than meteor atleast in some arena such as 100 km range active seeker.

The 2 way link WAS MOST LIKELY one of the custom India requirements. ie IAF suprise for PAF. I cannot see IAF living with this issue. They would have paid to have it enhanced.

PAF should assume the Meteor/Rafale combination has a 2 way data link now ....

PS, could we see Mirage-2000-5 also operate the Meteor through a data link as an integrate pairings with the Rafales ?
Main points:

1) Meteor LR-AAM (most advanced air to air missile ever built by mankind) and SCALP long range undetectable stealth cruise missiles have started arriving in India. First batch to complete deliveries in 8-9 days.

2) Rafales will be fully capable of combat deployement as soon as they arrive. Upto 8 arrive next month itself. First 18 in 6 months.

3) Rafale and Mirage 2000-5-Mk2 ops to be integrated at TACDE Gwalior.

@Windjammer @kursed @Tps43 @airomerix @Knuckles @Blacklight
@Tipu7 @Bilal Khan (Quwa)


good thing at least you have smart missiles.

Meteor is far superior.
US intelligence have reported to quad members in classified intel exchange that max NEZ of PL-15 is 40 km (slightly better than AIM-120D) whereas Meteor has achieved about 65 km NEZ under same conditions.

we shall see how it performs with indian hands.....

if recall prior to 26th Feb you clowns bragged the same kind mummbo jumboo...
The 2 way link WAS MOST LIKELY one of the custom India requirements. ie IAF suprise for PAF. I cannot see IAF living with this issue. They would have paid to have it enhanced.

PAF should assume the Meteor/Rafale combination has a 2 way data link now ....

PS, could we see Mirage-2000-5 also operate the Meteor through a data link as an integrate pairings with the Rafales ?

Sorry to disappoint you as this was one of the key deal breaker due to which additional rafael couldnt be order as India didnt pay of further integration of Meteor. Furthermore, it is 0% chance that news as big as this can remain hidden as Rafael is still available in the market and it is not being offered with two way data link.

Last but not least, the timeline between contract signing and delivery is itself an evidence that no major modification is being in Indian Rafael.

So stop day dreaming.
We would not know for certain about all of the details of F3R, but the integration of a 2 way datalink is not that difficult and i can see it happening as part of the natural Rafales upgrade programme for France, let alone India.

As i said, PAF should operate on the basis there is a 2 way link operable and see where that gets them.
1) Meteor LR-AAM (most advanced air to air missile ever built by mankind) and SCALP long range undetectable stealth cruise missiles have started arriving in India. First batch to complete deliveries in 8-9 days.
PAF already has something equivalent to Meteor. AS to SCALP, with KSA, & UAE operating them, PAF knows what it needed to know, more than a decade ago.
2) Rafales will be fully capable of combat deployement as soon as they arrive. Upto 8 arrive next month itself. First 18 in 6 months.
IOC to FOC does not happen in the blink of an eye, least of all for IAF.

You guys cant seem to get rid of your mass delusions.
If India deploys the Rafale’s and Meteors against China, the Chinese will redouble their incentive to find counters and field ways and means to counter it in no time.

it will just speed up the development of the PL-21 and better EW (which Chinese are already great at)



The electronics used in the Meteor are the same as the Mica and Aster (9:00) if I am not mistaken, so the seeker technology has been known to Chinese spies, as the Mica is used by the Taiwanese Air Force.

The Chinese are also good at ramjet technology and can develop their own version of the meteor by adapting the PL-15 into a throttle-able ducted rocket and by adding a boron based gas generator (5:19) as the meteor is not a true ramjet.

Also, jamming the launch aircraft can help decrease the effective range of the meteor, so that its no escape zone is limited (7:15)

Also, the developing means to jam the two way datalink (to the launch platform and any other guiding platforms like an awacs) can limit the missiles ability for all but terminal self guidance. (9:44)

Secondly, this will push the deployment of towed and expendable AESA equipped Decoy to decrease the chances of being hit even in the No-Escape-Zone. Finally to counter a missile like this, The Chinese may start developing what MBDA showed off at its recent arms show; micro-missiles; to hit a missile with a missile. Probably could fit a few in the area normally used to house the parachute or a separate pod could be added similar to the towed decoy.

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PAF already has something equivalent to Meteor. AS to SCALP, with KSA, & UAE operating them, PAF knows what it needed to know, more than a decade ago.
No such thing. PL-15 is yet to enter service with PAF and it is inferior to Meteor.
IOC to FOC does not happen in the blink of an eye, least of all for IAF.

You guys cant seem to get rid of your mass delusions.
This is not a development product so much faster induction. Plus because of urgency we are going to cut short all the previous procedures.
5 years is too long for them to be operationally available for combat use, 6-12months max is all you need.
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