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IAF Rafale Spares, Engine Components, Meteors and Scalp missiles started arriving

This will be fun taking down indian rafale with in first few days of deployment jist as we sink their prised aircraft carrier or nuclear submarine.

So much worth taking down these prised assets of indian forces.
Thanks for the tag.

Before I continue please understand this, The reason for my condescending tone in this post will be solely due to that one reference of yours, where you are reducing mankind's endeavors and accomplishments to a mere missile that has neither been tested nor tried in combat. You shouldn't have let me see this post. Here's the reason;

This *most advanced mankind missile* will self destruct itself after experiencing forward jamming, due to its inability to loft. The AESA selected for Block 3 is very good at it, I must tell you.

Not long ago I educated a brother of yours. Consider this a tip.

@Arsalan @araz @Signalian @Blacklight @Irfan Baloch @Jungibaaz @PakSword @HRK
Sir how do you compare PL 15 with Meteor?
Sir how do you compare PL 15 with Meteor?
Meteor is far superior.
US intelligence have reported to quad members in classified intel exchange that max NEZ of PL-15 is 40 km (slightly better than AIM-120D) whereas Meteor has achieved about 65 km NEZ under same conditions.
The just of this news is

India with 3 delivered (until now) Rafale armed with meteor and scalp is going to defeat China .

China should wait when further 8 are delivered next month, to face more humiliation.
Meanwhile, China should patiently wait while Indians get Rafale and Meteor. Until then, it dare not make a move. Attacking India is out of the question, right!

If any Indian idiot believes this , than he is not worth the salt.

Surrender Modi having a big , very luminous red batti on at the moment. Indians are queuing up in millions behind it.
Meteor is far superior.
US intelligence have reported to quad members in classified intel exchange that max NEZ of PL-15 is 40 km (slightly better than AIM-120D) whereas Meteor has achieved about 65 km NEZ under same conditions.
Hahahaha! OMG! Are you a class 8-9kid? I mean i am sorry for having to say this!
No doubt Meteor is a good one to have, probably right up there in the best lot.
" US intelligence reported to quad members" stole my heart! Wow.
Meteor is far superior.
US intelligence have reported to quad members in classified intel exchange that max NEZ of PL-15 is 40 km (slightly better than AIM-120D) whereas Meteor has achieved about 65 km NEZ under same conditions.
And that "classified intel" finds its way to a PDF thread :-)
I Already busted this PAC intern/ LSE BBA level logic in March:

Your idioticity is beyond words. The post you just quoted is mere hearsay and that too it's coming from you. Try backing it up with sources/logic. You'll fail and fall flat on your face.

The meteor is only as good as the platform carrying it due to the dependence on an external source for targeting data. If a CAP formation of fighters and their AWACs can't even detect the opposition (refer to Op. Swift Retort), this superior mankind missile of yours won't be able to make a difference unless the LO adversary wishes for that to be the case. Being VLO and denying the enemy access to airspace SA is key to destroying the enemy. When your side controls how much SA the enemy can have, then YOU control the battle almost regardless of what missiles the opposition is using.

Hence, You can get a AIM-120D or what not. Your rafales are only as good as the pilots and mission planning. I said the same about Su-30's years ago on pakistanidefenseforum.com. 2019 proved it to the dot.

I just realised I wasted good 2 minutes on a hinutuva. Not again.
Your idioticity is beyond words. The post you just quoted is mere hearsay and that too it's coming from you. Try backing it up with sources/logic. You'll fail and fall flat on your face.

The meteor is only as good as the platform carrying it due to the dependence on an external source for targeting data. If a CAP formation of fighters and their AWACs can't even detect the opposition (refer to Op. Swift Retort), this superior mankind missile of yours won't be able to make a difference unless the LO adversary wishes for that to be the case. Being VLO and denying the enemy access to airspace SA is key to destroying the enemy. When your side controls how much SA the enemy can have, then YOU control the battle almost regardless of what missiles the opposition is using.

Hence, You can get a AIM-120D or what not. Your rafales are only as good as the pilots and mission planning. I said the same about Su-30's years ago on pakistanidefenseforum.com. 2019 proved it to the dot.

I just realised I wasted good 2 minutes on a hinutuva. Not again.
No use arguing with him. He has access to classified intel and he is sharing it here. That makes him either incredibly stupid and a liar OR incredibly stupid and a liar.
No use arguing with him. He has access to classified intel and he is sharing it here. That makes him either incredibly stupid and a liar OR incredibly stupid and a liar.

Funny!! He has classified Information, he also claims to be working with russians who are making s400 for Indians. He also was on a project with dassualt building cloaking devices for indian rafales which makes them better than F22. He works with MBDA for SCALP undetectable , unbeatable ( only Brahmos can beat this-- offcourse)stealth development.

NOTE: He also exposed Indian Army lying with their pants down about the confrontation at Galwan Valley.
Funny!! He has classified Information, he also claims to be working with russians who are making s400 for Indians. He also was on a project with dassualt building cloaking devices for indian rafales which makes them better than F22. He works with MBDA for SCALP undetectable , unbeatable ( only Brahmos can beat this-- offcourse) development.
I think he is some fauji brat, thinks he knows all about fauj just because his daddy goes to office in olive green. That's all. It seems he is just a kid, pardon and move on to discuss matters with someone serious about debate.
Funny!! He has classified Information, he also claims to be working with russians who are making s400 for Indians. He also was on a project with dassualt building cloaking devices for indian rafales which makes them better than F22. He works with MBDA for SCALP undetectable , unbeatable ( only Brahmos can beat this-- offcourse) development.

NOTE: He also exposed Indian Army lying with their pants down about the confrontation at Galwan Valley.
And in his free time, he is also working on COVID vaccine
Main points:

1) Meteor LR-AAM (most advanced air to air missile ever built by mankind) and SCALP long range undetectable stealth cruise missiles have started arriving in India. First batch to complete deliveries in 8-9 days.

2) Rafales will be fully capable of combat deployement as soon as they arrive. Upto 8 arrive next month itself. First 18 in 6 months.

3) Rafale and Mirage 2000-5-Mk2 ops to be integrated at TACDE Gwalior.

@Windjammer @kursed @Tps43 @airomerix @Knuckles @Blacklight
@Tipu7 @Bilal Khan (Quwa)

First of all SCALP is not undetectable. It is a cruise misile and is similar in category than Raad 2 but shorter in range.

Secondly, meteor might be or might not be most advanced missile but the best part of meteor is its 2 way data link means it will keep on getting target update after launch but Rafael do not have two way data link with meteor hence the best feature of meteor is not available to IAF.

Whereas PL15 is comparable to Meteor and might have better performance than meteor atleast in some arena such as 100 km range active seeker.
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