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IAF officers can't grow beard on religious basis: Supreme Court

Now I understand that your belief says stuff like "paganism and idol worship" is not allowed..But calling other beliefs as "jahil beliefs" is uncalled for. What If I started calling your belief a "Satanic Cult", would you like it?...@waz
thing is you wont be able to prove it is while we can prove idol worship is a jahil belief
Check your DN
Oh c'mon Pakistani members! Don't troll indian hindus on this.

Muslims ruled them for 1000 years. They have some inferiority complexes so these steps are natural.
Check your DNA..Your ancestors did not came on flying donkeys pal. Feel proud of ur hindu ancestory.cheers!!
Too much for secular India I guess,

Your country, your rules I believe

Wrong it is well known that NBC masks cannot fit well with free flowing mullah type beards but can be safely used with gelled and secondly the beards have to be wound and kept in a mesh. Both Indian and Pakistan Armed Forces regulations which a copies of the UK old act state very clearly that when you join the Armed Forces your personal rights are curtailed but I guess with shallow knowledge you have on Armed Forces the next best thing came up in your mind was religion? :police::yahoo:

Can PAF pilots sport a full mulla type beards in Pakistan?

Most Pilots don't as they believe in being able to take of and put on the mask without it getting caught in facial hair?

Law of the land doesn't apply to Sikhs?

Or their beard is not a threat to national security?

The law of the land applies equally to Hindus and Muslims so what is ur grudge?
Just a noob question for my GK. Can Sikh pilots on Airforce keep beard and long hair?

If yes, then its injustice to those muslim guys. If no, then its all fine.
The law of the land applies equally to Hindus and Muslims so what is ur grudge?

My grudge is why law of the land doesn't apply to Sikhs.

Or sikhs live on some other land than muslims and hindus.

I personally appreciate this decision since it only exposes hypocrisy of hindu extremists who demand uniform civil code in India.

beards and turban are the integral part of sikhs since day one , and are well accepted in armed forces in india...

beards are not part of religion for muslims , its not compulsery , but just has became a identity associated with radical fundamentalists ,....why do anyone think that armed forces in india going to allow it...

A radical fundamentalist can be a clean shaven too.

Or have you in your islamophobia think that every muslim with a beard is a radical fundamentalist?

I have not seen any Sikhs without turban and beard but right from Muslim stars/Cricketers to normal people many are clean shaved so what u have to say about that ?

I have actually seen Sikhs without beard and turban. So again why not allow muslims to have or don't have beards like anyone else?

Your question is answered by the post quoted above.

Observe , national security does not figure anywhere in the judgement hence is not an issue here.

It is not about religious compulsion. Why have one rule for one community and another one for some other community?

What happened to all those BJP and other right wing hindu extremists who demand unifom civil code in India?

Court has said all personnel.. And that includes Hindu's , Sikhs, Muslims and Christians.. Its not just Muslims and Sikhs that are required grow a beard, when a Hindu goes on a pilgrimage he cannot shave and so does when there is a death of his close relative. But if this the law, then its here to stay for all.

Prior to this only Muslims and Sikhs had the permission and it was pretty one sided.

Then why remove permission for Muslims only?

Or why no allow everyone since if sikhs can have beard and it doesn't harm national security then why not muslims have the same privileges?
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That is how it starts, under the guise of national interest. The arrests for not standing in national anthems, a combination of fascist ideals and religious bigotry. Rest in peace Mahatma, your nation is going very astray very fast.
@Areesh Please do report if any Indian tried to drag in Pakistan or uses religious insults

The ban would make sense if it had been for some technical reason. There is a requirement within the PAF to have shaved beards which is followed by most officers. It has to do with the oxygen mask not fitting securely over beards. Still, some insist on being able to cope with it and they are allowed to do so after all safety checks are made.

None of this is under the guise of "national interest".
That is how it starts, under the guise of national interest. The arrests for not standing in national anthems, a combination of fascist ideals and religious bigotry. Rest in peace Mahatma, your nation is going very astray very fast.
@Areesh Please do report if any Indian tried to drag in Pakistan or uses religious insults

The ban would make sense if it had been for some technical reason. There is a requirement within the PAF to have shaved beards which is followed by most officers. It has to do with the oxygen mask not fitting securely over beards. Still, some insist on being able to cope with it and they are allowed to do so after all safety checks are made.

None of this is under the guise of "national interest".

Do check this thread. All those rants about azaan and blasphemy in Pakistan just to defend those arrests for sitting during national anthem.

Too much for secular India I guess,

Your country, your rules I believe
Secular hain..Islamic nahi!!

Law of the land doesn't apply to Sikhs?

Or their beard is not a threat to national security?
Beard for Sikhs are mandatory..90% of Sikhs have beard and turban.

Is beard mandatory for Islam..Do 90% Muslims have a beard..do you have a beard sir
Beard for Sikhs are mandatory..90% of Sikhs have beard and turban.

Is beard mandatory for Islam..Do 90% Muslims have a beard..do you have a beard sir

We would get you a fatwa from Dar ul uloom Deoband that it is mandatory if you need that and if that is how your country works.

Now change this discriminatory rule and allow any muslim to have beard or not as per his will.
Honestly , I believe they should not be allowed in our armed forces as well there should be a fine line between religion and conduct hate me if you disagree.

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