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Featured IAF Mi-17-V5 Helicopter carrying CDS Bipin Rawat with family crashes

Its confirmed 17 people were on board the helicopter including Bipin and several other senior airforce and army officers. Pakistan should put its forces on high alert. This could escalate quickly and Indians might put all the blame on Pakistan. We should be ready to give bloody nose to indians for any adventure.
ISI kabootar did it. Suicide mission straight into the tail rotor.
Screenshot 2021-12-08 at 4.25.21 PM.png
I am surprised to notice that there are no fire brigade trucks, ambulances and even stretchers in a country which brags all day all night long. People are literally using pipe/hose and buckets to put down fire and using bedsheets to carry wounded/dead. Unbelievable.
I am surprised to notice that there are no fire brigade trucks, ambulances and even stretchers in a country which brags all day all night long.
yup, if terrain is the problem, they shd hv airborne fire fighting heli.. anyway, how on earth it caught such fire.. did it catch fire in air? I mean some internal electric fire?
I mean hard crash wd also leave any plane in pieces and fuel can catch fire. But Abhi's plane left wing caught fire only. The MI-17 on 27 Feb, was in tatters bcz it exploded.
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Indian army chief reaches residence of General Rawat

Source: Indian Media
Now he ends up with his pants down. He deserves it! I have no pity for him. Liar and bragger deserve to die or heavy punishment.
I don't feel pity either, but if he is alive then May he recover fully. Otherwise, if he is dead then dead enemy is better.
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