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Featured IAF Mi-17-V5 Helicopter carrying CDS Bipin Rawat with family crashes

Granted it was poor planning but my question is even more fundamental:
why not abort when you can see the fog with your own eyes?
Peer pressure and culture.
When the big boss is in the back seat, you don't want to abort.
Barely a 30 Minutes flight and crashed seven minutes before landing. ... surely such a short journey should have been easily pre-planned and the best and safest route worked out.

Barely a 30 Minutes flight and crashed seven minutes before landing. ... surely such a short journey should have been easily pre-planned and the best and safest route worked out.

As per reports there was no malfunction pilot hit the hilly area straight.
..... and these people claim that they are going to give a bloody nose to China. :lol:
total flight time was less than 40 mins and the weather is standard or normal given the terrain something not particularly challenging for the aircraft involved.
Well it hindered the pilot and they crashed. Maybe the pilot made a mistake. Only the investigation will reveal what exactly happened.
If the lone survivor lives, he maybe the only one to tell the world what really happened. Otherwise it may be covered up as not to embarrass the IAF.
Seems like a skit.
Must be evil Chinese sabotage! Supapowa India can never go wrong. Any mishap or bad things happen must be sabotage by others. India is perfect! :lol:
Damn! This person seems to have some strong curse on him.
damn, going to be reborn as what in this case ?
even the dead bodies met with another mishap on the road ...after on air mishaps..what's wrong with them?? :argh:
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