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IAF keeping a close eye on ongoing Pakistan Air Force wargames 'High Mark'

Indians have been stung by scorpions. Why would they not "keep a close eye" on them this time :)

How many Indians do we have in PDF who honestly believe India came out victorious in Feb 2019? How many believe 350 killed, buildings destroyed and F-16 shot down? Just raise your hands... we want to know how good/bad job your media has done for you.

On Indian defense forums they all admit 27 feb was an embarrasment
India should keep a close eye on it's northern borders. It's a bloody big embarrassment to have a foreign army enter over 60 km into LOAC and show you monkeys the finger.
We have 6 (5 with IAF and one with DRDO as war-reserve).
“The need for more AWACS was acutely felt post the Balakot air strike, with Pakistan being able to deploy its SAAB AWACS 24×7 in the north and south sectors and India being able to cover the two theatres only for 12 hours each day,” one of the officials cited above said.
Present a news source

Sir unfortunately, i can confirm the source and @Dem!god is correct.

There are blackouts in Karachi. I got the news from Prakash sitting in Bangalore, Prem sitting in Delhi and Raj sitting in Mumbai. The sources are absolutely rock solid.

These same sources also told us that there was a blackout in Karachi during Feb 27 while sitting in India. But you can ignore me (A nobody) although i was sitting in Karachi at the time and experienced no blackout. But hey; Raj, Prem and Prakash know more about Pakistan far more then us locals.
IAF keeping a close eye on ongoing Pakistan Air Force wargames 'High Mark'
ANI | Updated: Jun 10, 2020 13:01 IST

New Delhi (India), June 10 (ANI) Indian Air Force is keeping a close eye on the ongoing Pakistan Air Force war games code-named 'High Mark' involving its fighter and other aircraft fleets.
The wargames are being held over Pakistan air space and a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) had been issued by the Pakistan Air Force to inform about its aerial drills, government sources told ANI.
A close watch is being kept on their activities by the Indian Air Force as the Pakistani jets have been carrying out different manoeuvres including night time flying by its combat aircraft including Chinese JF-17, F-16s and Mirage-3s, sources said.
The Pakistani aircraft also have been practising drills like defending against night-time raids like the Balakot aerial strikes by the Indian Air Force in February last year, they said.
The Pakistani jets also flew extensively over Karachi city last night in practice missions.
Last month also, Pakistan had started flying night time sorties anticipating a retaliation by Indian Air Force after the death of a Colonel in an encounter in Handwara in Kashmir. (ANI)


All PAF radar and other electronic emissions being detected, analyzed and recorded and stored by IAF ELINT assets.


Why are you feeling so insecure. Doesn't India have some laws to secure basic rights??
IAF keeping a close eye on ongoing Pakistan Air Force wargames 'High Mark'
ANI | Updated: Jun 10, 2020 13:01 IST

New Delhi (India), June 10 (ANI) Indian Air Force is keeping a close eye on the ongoing Pakistan Air Force war games code-named 'High Mark' involving its fighter and other aircraft fleets.
The wargames are being held over Pakistan air space and a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) had been issued by the Pakistan Air Force to inform about its aerial drills, government sources told ANI.
A close watch is being kept on their activities by the Indian Air Force as the Pakistani jets have been carrying out different manoeuvres including night time flying by its combat aircraft including Chinese JF-17, F-16s and Mirage-3s, sources said.
The Pakistani aircraft also have been practising drills like defending against night-time raids like the Balakot aerial strikes by the Indian Air Force in February last year, they said.
The Pakistani jets also flew extensively over Karachi city last night in practice missions.
Last month also, Pakistan had started flying night time sorties anticipating a retaliation by Indian Air Force after the death of a Colonel in an encounter in Handwara in Kashmir. (ANI)

Dafauq , No highmark exercise being conducted in pakistan as of now
All PAF radar and other electronic emissions being detected, analyzed and recorded and stored by IAF ELINT assets.



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