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IAF keeping a close eye on ongoing Pakistan Air Force wargames 'High Mark'

A close watch is being kept on their activities by the Indian Air Force as the Pakistani jets have been carrying out different manoeuvres including night time flying by its combat aircraft including Chinese JF-17, F-16s and Mirage-3s, sources said.

Note how they specifically refer to JF17, whilst giving no origin for the other aircraft :lol: :lol:

Its things like this that prove just how insecure these Indians are and how much heartburn they get from just the name JF17 :lol: :lol:
Anything that gets airborne be it SIGINT, ELINT or AWAC , all gets picked up by us. AEW&C can include SIGINT or ELINT suite on board...though i didn't really understand your question
Till what distance from the border are the Indian signals accessible ?
All PAF radar and other electronic emissions being detected, analyzed and recorded and stored by IAF ELINT assets.

My child have u ever heard of frequency modulation and hoping certian frequencies used only in real war time others in exercises then there is also a thing called encryption ;)
Till what distance from the border are the Indian signals accessible ?

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