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IAF keeping a close eye on ongoing Pakistan Air Force wargames 'High Mark'

What happened yesterday in karachi? All blackout and paf paranoia ..:police::woot:
if you guys have left a little bit SHARAM HAYA after 27feb you guys never talk about PAF again until you guys take revange from PAF . but you guys are indians i can understand .
Numbers can be quiet misleading at times. Don't underestimate PN. keep in mind INS Khukri.

Sea denial strategy is very easy compared to sea control .
Yes but IN is going to get 18 P8Is and 24 MH60s in future which can give tough time to our subs. Don't forget it was not easy for our sub to escape after sinking Khukri. Enemy MPAs must stay away from our seas as far as possible. They are also building their own Anti Sub Warfare Corvettes
Yes but IN is going to get 18 P8Is and 24 MH60s in future which can give tough time to our subs. Don't forget it was not easy for our sub to escape after sinking Khukri. Enemy MPAs must stay away from our seas as far as possible

I hope you aren't expecting ALL these assets placed at Jamnagar.... And then ALL these assets being reserved for Pakistan alone.

Yes but IN is going to get 18 P8Is and 24 MH60s in future which can give tough time to our subs. Don't forget it was not easy for our sub to escape after sinking Khukri. Enemy MPAs must stay away from our seas as far as possible. They are also building their own Anti Sub Warfare Corvettes

Ingressing, attacking, extricating... It all comes down to tactics and training, whoever has better of these win ....

Whether it's 27 Feb or Khukri, it's never easy for anyone to get away with.

Moreover, don't forget your anti ship missiles shore batteries all along the coast ....
Just draw a straight line of 400 km from karachi coast towards the sea....
They all know the truth, but admitting it is seriously ambarrasing for them.

Just look at how they have gone from believing that their MKIs were the best 4th Gen Air Superiority fighter in the world, to now eagerly awaiting for the Rafale :lol: :lol:

Even their mighty Phalcons which pre Feb 2019 were able to detect any PAF fighter the moment it takes off and able to jam all PAF radars (including Erieye) are nowadays no where to be mentioned :lol:
lol bro not 4th generation they even matched it against F-22 in their wet dreams...:sarcastic::sarcastic:

I hope you aren't expecting ALL these assets placed at Jamnagar.... And then ALL these assets being reserved for Pakistan alone.

Ingressing, attacking, extricating... It all comes down to tactics and training, whoever has better of these win ....

Whether it's 27 Feb or Khukri, it's never easy for anyone to get away with.

Moreover, don't forget your anti ship missiles shore batteries all along the coast ....
Just draw a straight line of 400 km from karachi coast towards the sea....
too bad you should have used all these assets against Pakistan to detect those vintage mirage 3s... :sarcastic:
Moreover, don't forget your anti ship missiles shore batteries all along the coast ....
Just draw a straight line of 400 km from karachi coast towards the sea....
My concern is more for our aseets at Sea which could become victim of Anti Ship Attack through Enemy air or Surface Fleet
My concern is more for our aseets at Sea which could become victim of Anti Ship Attack through Enemy air or Surface Fleet

Don't worry, nothing goes in isolation
In order of engagement...
Shore based missile batteries
Surface Action Groups
Missile boats....

Then comes your home.... It's not that easy to penetrate all these.
My concern is more for our aseets at Sea which could become victim of Anti Ship Attack through Enemy air or Surface Fleet
21 days they were looking for our sub after 27feb did they find ? its not easy

a b777 of malaysia is in sea since years now no one able to find it . real life is not video game sir
IAF keeping a close eye on ongoing Pakistan Air Force wargames 'High Mark'
ANI | Updated: Jun 10, 2020 13:01 IST

New Delhi (India), June 10 (ANI) Indian Air Force is keeping a close eye on the ongoing Pakistan Air Force war games code-named 'High Mark' involving its fighter and other aircraft fleets.
The wargames are being held over Pakistan air space and a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) had been issued by the Pakistan Air Force to inform about its aerial drills, government sources told ANI.
A close watch is being kept on their activities by the Indian Air Force as the Pakistani jets have been carrying out different manoeuvres including night time flying by its combat aircraft including Chinese JF-17, F-16s and Mirage-3s, sources said.
The Pakistani aircraft also have been practising drills like defending against night-time raids like the Balakot aerial strikes by the Indian Air Force in February last year, they said.
The Pakistani jets also flew extensively over Karachi city last night in practice missions.
Last month also, Pakistan had started flying night time sorties anticipating a retaliation by Indian Air Force after the death of a Colonel in an encounter in Handwara in Kashmir. (ANI)

Lmao... Had to include word Chinese JF17 to fulfill their insecurity.
IAF keeping a close eye on ongoing Pakistan Air Force wargames 'High Mark'
ANI | Updated: Jun 10, 2020 13:01 IST

New Delhi (India), June 10 (ANI) Indian Air Force is keeping a close eye on the ongoing Pakistan Air Force war games code-named 'High Mark' involving its fighter and other aircraft fleets.
The wargames are being held over Pakistan air space and a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) had been issued by the Pakistan Air Force to inform about its aerial drills, government sources told ANI.
A close watch is being kept on their activities by the Indian Air Force as the Pakistani jets have been carrying out different manoeuvres including night time flying by its combat aircraft including Chinese JF-17, F-16s and Mirage-3s, sources said.
The Pakistani aircraft also have been practising drills like defending against night-time raids like the Balakot aerial strikes by the Indian Air Force in February last year, they said.
The Pakistani jets also flew extensively over Karachi city last night in practice missions.
Last month also, Pakistan had started flying night time sorties anticipating a retaliation by Indian Air Force after the death of a Colonel in an encounter in Handwara in Kashmir. (ANI)

Seriously, I am all praise for these Indians even sometimes I envy the mindset of India, after getting a gangbang the last time two countries confronted each other, they still have the confidence to post articles like this, it's a whole another level, totally alien.

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