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IAF Just Sank Chinese Naval fleet in Indian Ocean Virtually

Chinese Navy which has been trying to expand its influence in critical sea lanes around India might have watched India’s seaboard aerial drills were careful because it has a subtle message to the Chinese that any “misadventure” by any adversary will be dealt with strong force and India will continue to keep its Air dominance over the entire extended area of the Indian Ocean region.

Sukhoi-30 range alone allows India to target all critical sea lanes around India which could be used to send a large fleet of Naval fleet in case of war with India. Supersonic BrahMos ALCM with its pure Kinetic energy and a heavy warhead specially designed to pierce warship grade steel can sink any warship and a salvo of BrahMos can even take down an Aircraft Carrier without much effort.

messing with India over the sea will be suicidal.
the inferiority and insecurity complex is real in this one.
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I admire your madrassa comprehension skills. A couple of fishing trawlers fitted with 50 cals are enough to smoke PN

including the one that went to Bombai, what good is your navy other than destroying their own ships and subs
Kimari Oil Storage, PNS Muhafiz, PNS Khaibar, PNS Shah Jahan etc etc. Overall damage to karachi anyone??
I m not denying that far bigger Indian Navy caused heavy damage to Karachi port

But u should also acknowledge the fact that much smaller Pak Navy which ur calling non existent causef heavy damage to your dawarka in 65

And this small navy still packs a potent punch
Well any ship passing through Malacca straits is at our mercy.
Only exception is US Navy.
kyon supa powa g phaati hai us daddy say? and the fk is with the arrogant tone i have killed more aircraft carriers in games than your supa army ever will! but do i thump my chest like a black ugly monkey *no racist :p
I admire your madrassa comprehension skills. A couple of fishing trawlers fitted with 50 cals are enough to smoke PN
Well, you need to fire your Dalit teacher....as Pakistan doesn't even need to waste a bullet on your wife swapping navy.


Well, you need to fire your Dalit teacher....as Pakistan doesn't even need to waste a bullet on your wife swapping navy.


You need to have a navy in the first place for any mishaps to happen which you obviously don't

Regarding mishaps in navy, such incidents happen with countries whom you consider having top notch naval vessels and experience




including the one that went to Bombai, what good is your navy other than destroying their own ships and subs
sneaking on fishing trawlers and snooping in kargil when our soldiers are off guard as part of a mutual agreement to vacate the passes during winter is all your men are good at
sneaking on fishing trawlers and snooping in kargil when our soldiers are off guard as part of a mutual agreement to vacate the passes during winter is all your men are good at

I know your forces are not incompetent just innocent
Indian Ocean region has enough choke points and facilities at Andaman Nicobar islands in eastern seaboard gives India strategic reach right up to the Malacca Straits. Multiple security pacts with the countries in the region ensure that each Chinese warships entering and existing this region is well monitored and well tracked and even if China deploys a dedicated Indian ocean fleet in the region, messing with India over the sea will be suicidal.

Indians just like to brag about their geographic advantage, yes India indeed has this advantage over far away nations such as Japan, Korea when set blockage because these nations will have hard time to dispatch their warships thousand miles away from their homeland but China is difference, thanks to Tibet, we're just at India door step, we can make India Navy-Less with DF-21D, Capital-less with S-400 and rail gun, Modi sure will be constipated when we declare ADIZ over New Delhi . And when our H-20 ready we can virtually make India Airforce-Less by destroy all Indian airbases while our strategic bombers are still within our border.

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