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IAF fighter squadrons to rise to 42 by 2022

i am repeating myself in this thread, stop abusing and behave responsibly, as you would face to face, every civilization and country has negatives, so does China and so does India, and when you see yourself loosing an argument, here you go again, making an evasive maneuver, trying to point to something else so you can take care of your insecurity, its natural, but please do not do it, or atleast have respect !

when I lose an argument?
here my point of view is simple - india is only capable of buying foreign fighters.

if you don't want to be called as a loser, make your 30 years old LCA enter active service or you are just a loser. that is simple.
btw: Hukou system is shitty, we need to fix that and actually we are fixing it. e.g. this week, my hometown Shanghai announced a pretty big reform. we Chinese at least dare to acknowledge the problems we have and have the willingness to fix the problems. however, indians are still singing for their arjun/LCA and call their shitty country incridible india.

All your posts here are, apparently arrogant, hypocritical and bullies and aims at undermining a particular nation instead of the intended debate based on logic. How dare you call any country as shitty!!! It only reflects your shitty mentality.

Like your above post indicates all of present countries, system has their flaws. It is upto the caring and mature citizens/govts to fix these as even India is struggling to eradicate various ills from its society. Again, India also had many leaders from minorities, so called lower class and poor families like China. Bu that is definitely not an indication of social maturity. The continuous aim of one and all is to pursuit perfect ness, regardless of country, religion and ethnicity. However, it appears all your effort goes to point out the negative aspects only and completely ignore the thread's perspective. Don't bring bad name for your country and countrymen by being such a negative flag bearer. Grow up and try bringing in some constructive debate if you are at all capable of doing so.

Everyone else should also try to refrain from feeding these trolls if at all your aim to achieve a good debate.
guys my sincere request



guys my sincere request




Your countrymate "foofighter" stirred up some bad blood with his comment of "Since when did we start comparing ourselves to Pakistan"?
shchinese in my eyes in trying to prove his point and is continuing to debate and question India's capabilities.
(total number of imported fighters - the number of fighters shut down by Pak) / (size of the squadron)

sir you seem to have a lot of info about india . thats good since everybody in the world has eyes on us .( u can reply in some funny post but that wont change the truth ) .
secondly tel me why your tone sounds haughty to me .china is no superpower and neither is india . india and china have achieved a lot since they gained independence . china has achieved more than us . the only reason - communalism .
many people regard communalism second to only dictatorship . you want the job to be done at any cost . you offensively crush any finger pointed towards you .i treated chinese as very intelligent and hard working and you have definitely changed my thinking .
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also i must tel you about india .i live in delhi . i have 24 hours power supply with no interuption at all . i see huge malls down every road . i see huge mc donalds and barista everywhere .i see many chinese looking men and women in markets . i see metro which has been awarded by UN . i see latest cars and wide roads . i see gov ac buses .if you come to india now you will see the amount of construction being done . almost everywhere .
you had these things about 10 yrs back . we are having them now . so atleast dont ridiculate yourself by silly comments .
do you know that we are no more a developing nation we are a trnsforming nation now( as stated by UN ).

that was for your comment and now lets start discussing about 42 squadrans for IAF
also i must tel you about india .i live in delhi . i have 24 hours power supply with no interuption at all . i see huge malls down every road . i see huge mc donalds and barista everywhere .i see many chinese looking men and women in markets . i see metro which has been awarded by UN . i see latest cars and wide roads . i see gov ac buses .if you come to india now you will see the amount of construction being done . almost everywhere .
you had these things about 10 yrs back . we are having them now . so atleast dont ridiculate yourself by silly comments .
do you know that we are no more a developing nation we are a trnsforming nation now( as stated by UN ).

that was for your comment and now lets start discussing about 42 squadrans for IAF

he will be shocked to see how many people here in delhi can afford to go to emporio mall and spend money unlike chinese.
I just got here 2 yr ago from us and i already got my audi a6 and earning more than 15000usd a month.Money is all here , you just need the will, Its so much easy to earn in india than anywhere else in world.
BUT as coming back to the figure of 42 squdren - ITS a tough task since we know how slow our offical go about their acts.
MRCA , lca everybloody thing is in tunnel
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i have seen this chinese on other threads also and all he talks about is PATENTS

you must patent your mind also .
and regardind journals . what does it exactly mean that china prints more journals . the only reason being that it is the most populated country in the world .

have you looked at your human right violations . have you looked what ur country is doing to tibet .

we are doin good .( everybody knows that ) a bit slow but just fine . so plz stop poking around .
How many combat squadrons IAF has at present.

NEW DELHI: Defence minister A K Antony on Wednesday said that by the end of the 13th Plan period, Indian Air Force's combat fleet would be of 42
squadrons, which is more than the strength sanctioned by the government.

"During the period 2007-2022, the strength at the end of 11th, 12th and 13th Plan periods is expected to increase to 35.5, 35 and 42 squadrons respectively," Antony said in a written reply to a query in Rajya Sabha.

Government has sanctioned the IAF to have a total of 39.5 squadrons of fighter aircraft.

He said that the Air Force will reach the peak of strength with the induction of Su-30 MKIs, Jaguars, Medium Multi-role Combat Aircraft (M-MRCA), Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) and the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA).

Antony said at the beginning of the 11th Plan period, the force had only 32 squadrons.

He said 32 by 2007, so it should be 33 - 34 this year.
In a country , where a mid-class ppls can just afford a cycle . Is telling us what to do ...... :enjoy: .

and i dont think F-18 will go for MRCA , i think Rafale is also a good contender.
and 40 LCA in 2010-2011 . its gonna boost the IAF .
Punisher- first no personal digs please lets be civil here,
secondly i agree with you Rafale is probably the strongest contender here as per our need is concerned.
but we cant put f/a-18 super hornet away just liek that - heard about ea-18g growler and its aesa well i think it might be a good option, but TOT is big concern here.
But once you realize we live in India where everything is run by personal political issues. I think once the politicians enter you never know where they go for may be weakest link mig-35, who knows
no mark my words . it wont be mig-35 . only our local leaders are corrupt .
people at the top are concerned .
it will be rafale .

but i think f-18 is the best option but the problem with it is that it can be given to us only after 3 full years the contract is awarded to it at the earliest
brother adm,
You are higly mistaken if you think out top politicians are not corrupt. Look at it

o Telecom scam (Sukh Ram)
o HDW Submarine
o Bitumen scam
o Tansi land deal
o JMM Bribery Scandal
o St Kitts case
o Urea scam
o Anantnag transport subsidy scam
o 1971 Nagarwala scandal
o Fodder scam
o 1975: Declaration of Emergency
o Churhat lottery scam

* Bofors Scandal (1990)
* Animal Husbandry Case (1990)
* Bombay Stock Exchange Manipulation & Fraud by Harshad Mehta (1992)
* Hawala scandal (1993)
* Sukh Ram (1996)
* Fodder Scam in Bihar (1996)
* Kerala SNC Lavalin power scandal (1997)

* Ketan Parekh Scandal, Barak Missile Deal Scandal, Tehelka Scandal (2001)
* Taj corridor case (2002-2003)
* Telgi scandal (2003)
* Nitish Katara Murder Case (2004)
* Oil-for-food programme scam (Natwar Singh) (2005)
* Jessica Lal case (2006)
* Human Trafficking Scam involving Babubhai Katara.
* Gujarat Fake Encounter Controversy (2007)
* Cash-for-votes scandal in the federal parliament (2008)

This list is longgggggggggggggggg... now this satyam fraud ??? and there is political involvment.
Apart from these many scams go unnoticed .
shibu soren
Raghuraj Pratap Singh
Pappu Kalani
mulayam yadav
jaya lalita
etc etc . lalu yadav : made million $ and said he spent this money from world bank on applying oil to baffalo horns.

Any ways fa -18 has one more disadvantage that we have to relay on american who cant be trusted in case of war.
and by the time we might get them completly americans might be thinking of getting f-18 our of their forces.
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