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IAF Drama l Radar images proves that Abhinandan downed Pakistan F-16

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Again, you are asking me questions and taunting about somehow me believing Bison is superior.. I have never said any of that. Do you realize - you guys have a serious upper hand on your PR story, after ages (or may be first time ever).. and the only chink in the armour is who was the second pilot.

Am actually waiting to for your govt to show the proof of the second pilot before the elections, so that my country can be saved, if our PM and entire defense establishment has lied. That is my only interest here.

SMQ is a buffoon - but you won't accept that point just yet. So let us debate that as and when you will see him continue in his ways non-stop.

Pakistan's side has been de-escalation, you can't de-escalate effectively with a dead pilot on TV. Knowing Indians they will say PA killed him, tortured him, etc. Indians seem to get mad cow disease from all that cow cola when Pakistan is mentioned.

If you really cared about your country you'd be asking them questions, since they should be obligated to provide Indian public with answers. Has Modi confirmed F-16 or any plane shot down by IAF? Has any pilot been credited other than Abhinandan whose missiles are on display? These are the questions you should be asking. Modi winning is good news as far as I'm concerned, he should order 360 Rafales not 36. Line his pockets with more than just chump change. :enjoy:

IAF is digging it's own grave they have now officially confirmed 2 planes were shot down. Once PAF releases concrete proof of SU-30 being shot down it will be killing two birds with one stone. One they prove no F-16 shot down, two they prove SU-30 kill. That's until IAF changes the statement to "i theenk it vaz 3 aero playne shot down" - BS dhanoa
Seriously IAF Should stop making themselves fool and In turn making Indians laughing stock of world. Just learn from mistake and be better next time. All this sounds politically motivated. I wish my fellow Indians have enough IQ to process this shit show rather than blindly following.
Unless IAF provides some real evidence these are all hogwash for election.
y................................................................................................................... y ?

Thats a million dollar question, why not embarrass modi ? Its a golden chance so why are you ppl not doing it.
We want Sargent Modi to win...he is doing a fine job destroying india :coffee:
Seriously IAF Should stop making themselves fool and In turn making Indians laughing stock of world. Just learn from mistake and be better next time. All this sounds politically motivated. I wish my fellow Indians have enough IQ to process this shit show rather than blindly following.
Unless IAF provides some real evidence these are all hogwash for election.

I don't believe. An indian who ACTUALLY makes sense and speaks honestly.
Unconfirmed things aside (both SU30/second Indian aircraft and F-16. For which by the way there’s still more evidence that India lost a second aircraft than there is that Pakistan lost anything.)
India still lost. You still failed to attack us, got attacked, lost a jet and got a pilot captured. No matter what you do. The world knows you lost. And nothing will change that.
Secondly, it’s funny how whenever a Pakistani member suggests something that’s unconfirmed. The Indians come running to tell him to stop with the conspiracy theories, but whenever actual proof or arguments are posted by Pakistanis. The Indians don’t see it and act like it doesn’t exist. But everything they’ve given us so far is theories.
I don’t care what happened anymore. I’m just reading for enjoyment, and boy do Indians provide that.
It’s not exactly ‘news’ genius.

today on entire social media, even Indians bash your so called evidene wtf any Pakistani or world accept your today's shit press conference? you're no where stand to challenge anyone.. your entire force become a laughing stck for the world!
Seriously IAF Should stop making themselves fool and In turn making Indians laughing stock of world. Just learn from mistake and be better next time. All this sounds politically motivated. I wish my fellow Indians have enough IQ to process this shit show rather than blindly following.
Unless IAF provides some real evidence these are all hogwash for election.

Dude respect for talking up and swallowing the tales being spun.
wow. even indians look suspicious.
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