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IAF Drama l Radar images proves that Abhinandan downed Pakistan F-16

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If congress win then all pressure will be on BJP not on congress .. Most probably evidence will be released when Moodi is out
Nah, then congress will be forced to act or be called as anti-national.
if you really belive everything what DG says then stand on this... DG will tell more thing about you in upcoming days asay he imaan lay ana uskay har words pe :rofl::rofl::rofl:
dude, your PM repeated this on national TV.. jhooth bola kya? and you don't want to be curious.. fine... :-)
I feel embarrassed for the indians now, pathetic. Enjoy.

well if you did it earlier and proved it, why not do it again? You ppl will be giving the proof to the international media not to us, so whats stopping you.

The onus is on India to provide proofs and rejects Pakistani claims as internatinal media is siding us. Let's start from Feb 26 itself when you guys killed some 300 plus terrorists and destroyed JeM terror camps. U ppl should had been the last people in the world to question our claims. Even Indian never provided any proofs of so called first surgical strikes. Its time for sane Indian to question your own govt and Army/airforce.
I think 2nd pilot belongs to israel that is why ispr is not revealing its name due to u.s pressure
Indians aapis mmay eek doosray ki letay huway


O.. I saw.. 2 F -16 D pilots.

Since they are in your custody, prove that they are Indian, if you can not, it is obviously because they are Pakistanis.
First decide was it from 5sqn , 9sqn or 19sqn
Wait for 10 years and pakistan will acknowledge the loss :lol:

and by that time pakistanies will be like despite shooting F-16 India lost Mig-21 and India has a 7times bigger Airfoce, economy etc etc and hence Pakistan won :rofl:

Did your authorities ever admitted the loss of Azad Kashmir in 1948 ? Had you any idea what destruction PAF bought to all your forward bases in 65 ? Can you digest the fact that Pakistan forced to leave Russian Bear in 80s while your shitty brains were trying to figure out how to destroy Pakistan via Russia ? Or even now can your shitty brains accept the fact that Talibans are beating the shit outta US and Indian stakes in Afghanistan via Pakistan ? Can you admit the fact that Pakistan has defeated Indian sponsored terrorism via Afghanistan? Pakistan is actually the only country in the world which has defeated such monstrous phenomenon utterly unprecedented..!!

I can show you many videos in which characters like Gen Bakhshi were openly whining about how PAF beat the shit outa IAF in 1965 because Pakistan bought quality equipment from USA. I feel sorry for knuckle heads like you who are the passive receivers of shameless (small word) of your one sided biased media which has soul purpose to re elect vampire of Gujrat massacre..! Just wait for another 10 years and you will realize how a nation such as yours can be fooled, hypnotized, obsessed, brainwashed to some hysterical levels about a neighbouring country of 220 million nuclear armed neighbor for just shitty political motives. Enjoy your Pilot's life, as he was released to live another day.
Why u indian not believing his all statement?? Why 4:34 onwards only ??? :D
because, he says one thing and does other.. and he is a propaganda machine,, but a count till 2, even he knows.. :P
Wait for 10 years and pakistan will acknowledge the loss :lol:

and by that time pakistanies will be like despite shooting F-16 India lost Mig-21 and India has a 7times bigger Airfoce, economy etc etc and hence Pakistan won :rofl:
What loss on Pakistani side
Are ur nuts broken or what?
We have all 76 at our side LM and USA double checked them
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