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IAF deploys fighters near Pak border

Yes indeed, please accept my apologies for questioning the great Brahmos Supersonic Missile. It can never be shot down, afterall its being used by the Martian Indian Army and Air Force. Just like the Su30MKI cannot be shot down by any other plane, the Super Duper Brahmos can also not be shot down. How dare i question its capabilities and spread propaganda that it has a very high heat signature. Just the sort of reply i expected from a fanboy :disagree:, so i will reply at your intellectual level.

Sir Argument goes both ways...been on this forum from quite some time so kind of know what members think about the heat signature of Brahmos....Having said it both are exaggeration

- Brahmos is invincible
- Brahmos is easy target because of its heat signature

Brahmos is definitely a great success story and one of the most professional force in the world is very keen of adding it in all three forms...Work is on in full flow on Hypersonic version while we are talking...just gives an idea about the confidence of the makers in this missile....In the end invincible or not if this missile gives me higher probablity of getting a kill then my adversary i belive it is worth its money...In my mind the key is distance...if you fail to detect this missile or intracept it way early then its counterparts it will claim its target as KILL and there should be no doubt about it...In case you are able to detect it then its game on between manouvers and counter-measures of missile and its intraceptor(with brahmos having higher probability to out run its adversary due to sheer speed) which is true for any missile...

Thanks for asking---if you had read pAF air chiefs article why pak purchased F 16 in the 80's would answer what I stated.

If india would have chosen to destroy pak's nuclear capabilities----pak had no way of stopping that to happen by intercepting the intruders---only for ground to air missiles---the only response was tit for tat.

Now india has reversed the scenario and given pak and easy target---
Bottomline---not the best choice---why make your top birds vulnerable to enemy strike.

Sir, You have mentioned some points very correctly regarding distance from border and high end fighters necesisty. But this news was for Mig-29 only and that too last year. And as long as Su-30 are concerned, If IAF has them in good nos, then few ACs can be placed on borders and how they are secured with SAM batteries and how enemy ACs are monitored on radar, these are some of the points that would have been checked by IAF before deploying some high end AC near to borders.
Secondly these are not only the ACs which are deployed there. Its an mix configuration of ACs which are deployed on borders, even LCA's first sqadron will also be deployed in Rajasthan airbase near to border. And these days all the border activities are monitored by UAV, long range radars (like the one imported from Israel & more on orders) and even Awacs. So if we compare this with situation of Pak's nuclear installation. i think scenario is little changed here.

But i will still say, you are correct on few points.
Brahmos is a joke like the whole Indian indigenous made weapons :disagree:
Yes indeed, please accept my apologies for questioning the great Brahmos Supersonic Missile. It can never be shot down, afterall its being used by the Martian Indian Army and Air Force. Just like the Su30MKI cannot be shot down by any other plane, the Super Duper Brahmos can also not be shot down. How dare i question its capabilities and spread propaganda that it has a very high heat signature. Just the sort of reply i expected from a fanboy :disagree:, so i will reply at your intellectual level.

Would you pls care to describe how Brahmos has disadvantage for being a supersonic cruise missile with high heat signature? Since they fly close to surface, so how it has disadvantage?
Brahmos is a joke like the whole Indian indigenous made weapons :disagree:

Grapes are sour buddy, keep going same way, nothing gona change here and India will be inducting them in all the three services in high nos and even hypersonic version in next few years.
Agni II is operational and is capable of hitting any city in pakistan :cheers:

Keep dreaming and we will be busy making Agni 5 and further :smitten:

if m not wrong india is still evaluating agni 2 :D it failed many times just recent test was successful :D
It is a joke until it hits you and you wont realise even after that.

Yeah, i won't realize because it will hit again 2000+ km away from the actual aim :azn:
Make sure that it comes over the border haha
Come about guys, be serious, Indians are over the Moon. :lol:

Do you think that this move is in synch with cold war doctorine and is would IAF be able to cause lot of damage if they manage to surprise you?? or you think that this move is plane stupid???


I think that iaf and planners got carried away by deploying su 30's in kashmir and mig 29's in adampur.

IAF will not lose anything by deploying around 150 to 200 miles the su 30 's and mig 29's.

By deploying these heavy weights so close to the border---the threat level has been accentuated---the hair trigger has very little margin of error in it---so we are basically full time on DEFCON 2 now---.

Two sqdrns of su 30 in kashmir and 2-3 sqdrns of mig 29's at adampur is a very heavy number---regardless of how many planes you have in reserve.

You know in the amry---at what casualty level a division is considered mortally wounded---20% casualty totally devastates a millitary division.

As a pakistani---I am very pleased that you have deployed them so close to the border. At 200 miles away---they were out of my reach---now they are at my discretion---this is my observation. Now you have placed close to a 100 of your top birds at my door step---thankyou very much. Now I can insitute cold start as well.

I know very well that if your side starts cold start---I am totally doomed---but this scenario just gives me an oppurtunity and opening to shock your side with the unpredictable.

My assessment is that to lose 40--80 top quality strike aircraft just like that would be a massive shock momentarilly.

When I die in the resultant attack--I will at least go as a happy man tha I took the might of the enemy strike force with me. Isn't that what a warrior lives to die for.:pakistan:
WOW man without blaming Indian or Pak ppl, this forum has been totally stooped to such a level!! can't imagine!! I think it's night time in Pak and everything is being done at this time!!!
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