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IAF debunks 'Missing Malaysian jet for 9/11-type attack on India' theory

What is that -- the highlighted ? How long was that ? The pilot was cooperative -- genuinely cooperative. What if the pilot was deceitful ? If you ask me for my driver's license and I fail to produce it in 30 seconds, would you arrest me ? Or what if I pretend to look for it by fumbling around and you felt compelled to allow me that latitude ?


I read somewhere that the defense network of the IAF is integrated with the civil aviation network -it's visible to both at the same time.
i have a question in my this asean region countries are spending lot of money at defense specially on surveillance
how can radar did not see 777 jet
My heart goes out to the near and dear ones of all those on board for them being unable to know the real incident which is still a mystery but unfortunate news is still not confirmed. Prayers are always with those and hope the facts come out sooner rather than later to reduce the agony. :cray:
I looked for it , couldnt find it.
So you have no idea how long was the time between detection and interception of an airliner that failed to properly ID itself.

Does the IAF have constant 'Alert 5' fighters on the flightline? An 'Alert 5' is when a fighter sits on the line with engines running, ready to take off in five minutes. Below that you have 15 or 30 minutes alert status. Fifteen minutes is when the pilot and ground crew are geared and literally are next to their fighter. Thirty minutes is when the pilot and ground crew can be away from their fighter but close enough to take off in 30 minutes or less.

If you fumbled around, I would wait for a minute.

But if you had suddenly tried to escape, I would have run across to my car and started chasing you. I would have alerted the whole city police and multiple police cars would have inevitably, cut you off. You would have been given orders to surrender. Now. if you did not obey them, and tried to flee on foot,they would shoot you.
Right...After KAL 007, it is pretty much agreed upon that when it comes to civilian aircrafts and/or internal airspace incidents, it would be wise to acquire visual contact THEN personal pilot/interceptor confirmation of the target before any subsequent action, especially something as drastic as shooting down an airliner.

So if there is malicious intent from the aircrew, they could bring up all kinds of deception, forcing the military authority to disprove everything before coming to a conclusion. Any conclusion. Remember, we are speculating malicious intention from a pilot with over 18,000 hrs of flight time. How much delay can he give any controller?
Does the IAF have constant 'Alert 5' fighters on the flightline? An 'Alert 5' is when a fighter sits on the line with engines running, ready to take off in five minutes. Below that you have 15 or 30 minutes alert status. Fifteen minutes is when the pilot and ground crew are geared and literally are next to their fighter. Thirty minutes is when the pilot and ground crew can be away from their fighter but close enough to take off in 30 minutes or less.
I can tell you for sure its less than 15 mins but i have never seen any plane with engines on waiting a threat to intercept .
I cant tell you the locations but i have seen three fully armed ( for A2A ) Sukhois with pilots fully dressed up (except helmets) playing card in the same shade - everytime
I dont know if its true or not but one guy believe its 4 mins for a jet to be in Air after a go
If he flies below radar coverage, yes he can, and no, you will not. But you are missing the point here: the pilot.

This is assuming the pilot (or pilots) have everything to do with this. The captain have over 18,000 hrs of flight time. This means he knows how air controllers talks, behaves, and responds. He knows no controller have authority to call up a military response. Such a desire must go up the civilian chain of command before it becomes a formal request to the military, even if the military is watching domestic airspace. So if he flies in a way that allows detection, he can still deceives his way well inside Indian airspace before the IAF can respond under its own suspicion.
But again sir! this does not make any sense because after all even if he flew under indian radars then where the heck did he land? And it,s the 10th day there is no way he is still flying because he must be out of fuel right now.
As the saying goes"there are somethings in this world which we dont know and never will" and this saying perfectly suits this mysterious case.
WTF! A jumbo jet can pass over our territory without us knowing about it?:o:

i have a question in my this asean region countries are spending lot of money at defense specially on surveillance
how can radar did not see 777 jet

yes if it flies below an another jumbo jet then it will be little tough to identify that there are two aircrafts. But they have to be really close and needs planning.
But again sir! this does not make any sense because after all even if he flew under indian radars then where the heck did he land? And it,s the 10th day there is no way he is still flying because he must be out of fuel right now.
There are over 600 hundreds runways in various conditions in that area.

Map shows 634 runways in range of missing Malaysia Airlines plane | News.com.au

Take your pick.

Looky here...This is still one speculation out of many and at this point, it would be wise to leave nothing out of the debate. We know that the multiple turns the aircraft made were at waypoints and this cannot be coincidental.
There are over 600 hundreds runways in various conditions in that area.

Map shows 634 runways in range of missing Malaysia Airlines plane | News.com.au

Take your pick.

Looky here...This is still one speculation out of many and at this point, it would be wise to leave nothing out of the debate. We know that the multiple turns the aircraft made were at waypoints and this cannot be coincidental.
Yup it,s looks like the major and worst terrorist attack is coming ...Also there plenty of runways in that map are located in india and these indians are keep denying..
Are you by any chance associated with the aviation industry?
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Not a very smart guy, are you?

9/11-style does not mean a tall building is required. It means the aircraft will be used as a manned weapon against an unknown target.

What a doofus...:rolleyes:

Ya know, if the plane were to go kamikaze on the parliament is in full session, these terrorists would be making a hell load of Indians happy knowing that filthy politicians died..lol!

I am just saying of course. That's the only significant building in India like in 2001 we had parliament attacks.

The other option these guys have is Ambani's house.. :rofl:
Yup it,s looks like the major and worst terrorist attack is coming ...Also there plenty of runways in that map are located in india and these indians are keep denying..
Are you by any chance associated with the aviation industry?
I was in the USAF for 10 yrs on two different aircrafts: F-111 and F-16. Then for nearly 9 yrs I worked as field radar specialist for a company that shall remain unnamed. Basically, I designed, conducted, and analyzed radar detection oriented field tests for various 'low altitude, subsonic, and unmanned vehicles'. Finally, I am an Old Crow.
I have a feeling that the plane was accidentally shot down by one of the countries or even possibly US naval fleet in SEA region and the more number of days pass, the more I feel that the media is being told to keep people eyewashed.
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