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IAF debunks 'Missing Malaysian jet for 9/11-type attack on India' theory

Which would need the pilots to contact ground-based air traffic monitoring stations in the vicinity and fake their ID. We know nothing of the sort has happened.
If I present to you, a liquor vendor, a driver's license, how long will it take you to determine if the document was truly issued by the State or something I cooked up in my basement earlier today? Now compound whatever uncertainty you initially had and the time it took you to make the final determination by a few magnitudes, add in the possibility that the hijacked aircraft may use other air traffic as cover to increase the confusion factor.

Back in Sept 11, 2001, the US ordered all aircrafts, ID-ed or not, to either drop to ground or not enter domestic airspace, effectively having a completely blank sky. Any non-compliance will be IMMEDIATELY taken as a hostile. That was the only way we could distinguish a threat from a non-threat. Can India do the same ? Yes. Will India do the same ?

Nationalistic pride is not the point.

If a(or more) military aircraft tails a plane and the plane does not respond to it, this message will go up the chain of command. There will come a time when plane's activities will be seen as suspicious, and some action will be taken. Shooting it down is obviously the last option, but nevertheless, an option.

It is quite naive to think that fighters will tail the plane across whole of India's breadth and not do anything.

Dont compare this with 9/11. Those planes did not enter from outside.
You are telling me not to be naive when you provided not even estimated time duration for what you posted as responses by the Indian military ?
If I present to you, a liquor vendor, a driver's license, how long will it take you to determine if the document was truly issued by the State or something I cooked up in my basement earlier today? Now compound whatever uncertainty you initially had and the time it took you to make the final determination by a few magnitudes, add in the possibility that the hijacked aircraft may use other air traffic as cover to increase the confusion factor.

Back in Sept 11, 2001, the US ordered all aircrafts, ID-ed or not, to either drop to ground or not enter domestic airspace, effectively having a completely blank sky. Any non-compliance will be IMMEDIATELY taken as a hostile. That was the only way we could distinguish a threat from a non-threat. Can India do the same ? Yes. Will India do the same ?

You forget one thing. It's not yesterday that the disappearance occured and fingers were pointed towards an egress out of the Andamans. Do you really believe Indian or Pakistani aviation authorities have not at all bothered to check for any discrepancies or abnormalities in their data from the day of the disappearance?
what do think must have happend with that plane?
At this point, I dare not even guess. Days of have passed. No sea debris found. But it would take a coordinated efforts by a group, not an individual, to land the aircraft somewhere to prep it for later purpose. Right now, I doubt that experts in aviation and security would dare put their reputations on the line.
At this point, I dare not even guess. Days of have passed. No sea debris found. But it would take a coordinated efforts by a group, not an individual, to land the aircraft somewhere to prep it for later purpose. Right now, I doubt that experts in aviation and security would dare put their reputations on the line.
its getting very mysterious and interesting .....
You are telling me not to be naive when you provided not even estimated time duration for what you posted as responses by the Indian military ?

This will give you some idea. Amritsar is located close to the Pak border and so the time taken between identification and interception wouldnt have been much.

Air France passenger jet intercepted by Indian Air Force
Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has said that an Air France passenger jet was intercepted by a fighter jet on Thursday, after failing to identify itself correctly.

A MiG-29 jet was scrambled to intercept the flight, an Airbus A340-300, which was bound for Bangkok after departing from Paris. The Air France plane had just entered Indian airspace from Pakistan. The pilot had apparently used the wrong Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) code, used to help radar determine whether or not an aircraft is "friendly".

The fighter was ordered to return to the ground after the jet's pilot gave the proper code.

"IAF radars picked up an aircraft today [Thursday] morning southeast of Amritsar in the northern sector. The aircraft, at a flight level of 37,000 feet, had entered Indian airspace on an established border entry point. However, the aircraft was not in communication and also its secondary radar response code (IFF) was not correct and the aircraft identified as 'Unknown'," IAF officials said.

Malaysian military now reveals that the Missing plane reappeared !!! | Page 2

...Is how air traffic controllers manage their charges in the sky. This method works and works very well. But like everything in life, the method does have vulnerabilities. For the sake of intellectual honesty, please set aside whatever nationalistic pride you Indians may have and examine the system, the procedures, and the humans involved and see why the experts are leaving nothing off the discussion table.

This will give you some idea. Amritsar is located close to the Pak border and so the time taken between identification and interception wouldnt have been much.
What is that -- the highlighted ? How long was that ? The pilot was cooperative -- genuinely cooperative. What if the pilot was deceitful ? If you ask me for my driver's license and I fail to produce it in 30 seconds, would you arrest me ? Or what if I pretend to look for it by fumbling around and you felt compelled to allow me that latitude ?
Not a very smart guy, are you?

9/11-style does not mean a tall building is required. It means the aircraft will be used as a manned weapon against an unknown target.

What a doofus...:rolleyes:
and can be equally devastating if rammed into the reactors in BARC mumbai
What is that -- the highlighted ? How long was that ? The pilot was cooperative -- genuinely cooperative. What if the pilot was deceitful ?

I looked for it , couldnt find it.

If you ask me for my driver's license and I fail to produce it in 30 seconds, would you arrest me ? Or what if I pretend to look for it by fumbling around and you felt compelled to allow me that latitude ?

If you fumbled around, I would wait for a minute.

But if you had suddenly tried to escape, I would have run across to my car and started chasing you. I would have alerted the whole city police and multiple police cars would have inevitably, cut you off. You would have been given orders to surrender. Now. if you did not obey them, and tried to flee on foot,they would shoot you.
I dono how many theories more to come on this plane.... I really feel sad for the families of those passenger.....
What is that -- the highlighted ? How long was that ? The pilot was cooperative -- genuinely cooperative. What if the pilot was deceitful ? If you ask me for my driver's license and I fail to produce it in 30 seconds, would you arrest me ? Or what if I pretend to look for it by fumbling around and you felt compelled to allow me that latitude ?
After 9/11 , indian parliment has made a law to give authority to IAF to shoot down any hijacked jet if it approching to any thing that can be made a target.

In india and Pak the airspace is heavily guarded and I think IAF n PAF has scrambled jets more times than USAF have on your soil. ( i dont know about mainland US air voilations ) its not about the pride. Its the need of security.
As far as I know airman is bound to follow the SOP so by that he will shoot down the threat and not waste time in talking permissions. I dont know for sure but PAF Atalatiq was shot down by pilot of Bison when it went for a dash. So pilot take his decesion. If he would have waited for conformations atalantiq would have reached home
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