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IAF Chief: Rafales will intimidate and dominate wherever they are deployed

Incidentally, the Greeks are also getting Rafaels to "intimidate" the Turkish folks.....

Somehow the fate of Pak and Turkey are tied....

*When the French frigate got recently "locked" by the Turkish Navy in the Eastern Med they ran to the NATO GHQ wailing only to get rebuked

Pak and Turkey need to get into a military alliance, I hope Pak can move atleast 20 nuclear
warheads to be placed inside Turkey.


Rafales are dominating the brains of Indians for sure. They are over hyping the Rafales now

Rafale is a great plane but there are ways to even counter this Indians are considering Rafales even better then F-35 and F-22 Raptor i guess lol
Habitual big mouth, from the president, to IAF chief, to keyboard warriors. The reason this country is THE laughing stock in the world.
As it happened in feb 2019, the Indian French , "state of the art" Scorpine class submarine was a button push away to be send to the depths of Arabian sea.
The West is past their zenith in the defense products. They're now putting the old wine inside a new bottle with glamorous labels while bombarding with
mesmerizing ads and PR!!! And, the gullible corrupt folks with a slavish mindset go for it to be deceived big time....

*The F16 designer has publicly stated that the F-35 "project" is a big scam by the morally bankrupt and corrupt corporate scums to get illegally rich like Karun from the Beni Israil
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