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IAF, Army engage in war drill along India-China border

Next time, it will be the entire NE India that gets cut off via the "chicken's neck corridor", and there will be Partition v2.0. And the Indian Armed forces have already admitted that they can never hope to match China in any way.
I suggest you stop smoking hallucinatory weeds. It's not only bad for your psyche, but will also prevent you from spouting baloney and unmitigated nonsense! Get real. You've been reading too much Chinese fiction which is known for its unadulterated twaddle! Jeeez! :tdown:
I suggest you stop smoking hallucinatory weeds. It's not only bad for your psyche, but will also prevent you from spouting twaddle and unmitigated nonsense! Get real. You've been reading too much Chinese fiction which is known for its utter baloney! Jeeez! :tdown:

Read it and weep. :lol:

'India can't match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

New Delhi: Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

India couldn't even beat us in 1962, when their economy was bigger than ours. :azn:

Today, China's economy is FOUR times bigger than the Indian economy, with commensurate military spending. We have never been in a better position vis-a-vis India, than we are in today, not since the founding of the PRC.

Now, as the Indian Armed forces have already admitted, the gap is too big to breach, and getting bigger every day.
I suggest you stop smoking hallucinatory weeds. It's not only bad for your psyche, but will also prevent you from spouting twaddle and unmitigated nonsense! Get real. You've been reading too much Chinese fiction which is known for its utter baloney! Jeeez! :tdown:

It is very unlikely that NE India can hold on itself all alone in face of a full PLA assault.
Check any map. :azn:

The vast majority of our population lives in the Eastern half of China. The Western half of China is mostly unpopulated.

On the other hand... the Indian capital New Delhi is right next to the Tibetan border. As well as the Indian population centers along the Ganges river, again which is right next to the Tibetan border.

Who said China's population is going to be the target of IAF.
Who said China's population is going to be the target of IAF.

If you're assuming that the next Sino-Indian War is only going to be a short border conflict, then I think you are joking. :no:

China this time will seek a much more permanent solution, by severing the "chicken's neck corridor" and thus the whole of NE India.

India will then react in desperation against China. And they will get the same back, but a thousand times worse.

i dont think we need to go more,we must focus on tibet and their supplies to tibet.We are not aggressive but must take fight in tibet rather than in india

Good luck attacking upwards into the Tibetan Plateau. :lol:
If you're assuming that the next Sino-Indian War is only going to be a short border conflict, then I think you are joking. :no:

China this time will seek a much more permanent solution, by severing the "chicken's neck corridor" and thus the whole of NE India.

India will then react in desperation against China. And they will get the same back, but a thousand times worse.

So its your assumption here, carry on
Read it and weep. :lol:

'India can't match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

India couldn't even beat us in 1962, when their economy was bigger than ours. :azn:

Today, China's economy is FOUR times bigger than the Indian economy, with commensurate military spending. We have never been in a better position vis-a-vis India, than we are in today, not since the founding of the PRC.

Now, as the Indian Armed forces have already admitted, the gap is too big to breach, and getting bigger every day.

Indian Military also said this:
To a query if Chinese acquisitions were a cause of worry for India, Kukreja claimed, "Chinese technology is not sound compared to India's."

"Of whatever I have seen in the market ... Chinese toys break within two months ... a DVD and a camera lasts for one month ... Whatever we are acquiring and developing is far better than the Chinese ...," Kukreja said.

Air Marshal dismisses US report on India-China "limited" war : Neighbours News - India Today
Indian Army preparing for limited conflict with China: US intel chief - The Times of India
Indian Navy tackles Chinese maritime challenge in the Indian Ocean : South News - India Today
first of all chinese are like kids.. 4 feet tall.. our one soldier can take on 2 fo theirs. 1962 was a border skirmish and indian army was neglected. ranjit singh defeated chinese in tibet.

According to Reuters, China's average male height is 5'8. :wave:

Alvanon Releases Most Extensive Chinese Body Measurement Study | Reuters

Below are some interesting facts uncovered by the Alvanon study.

Fast Facts

-- Average Chinese Male Height 5'8"; Weight 145 Pounds; Chest
35"; Waist 31"; Low Hip 36"

-- Average Chinese Female Height 5'4"; Weight 125 Pounds; Chest
31"; Waist 28"; Low Hip 35"

Whereas the average male height in India is 5'3. :lol:

Human height - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- Male height - 1.612 m (5'3)

- Female height - 1.521 m (5'0)
India couldn't even beat us in 1962, when their economy was bigger than ours. :azn:
No one's contending the fact that Chinese defence forces are bigger than India's. But you guys keep bringing up 1962. How about touching upon the Nathula incident in 1967 when the Chinese got a bloody nose losing 400 PLA troops and dozens of artillery gun positions and bunkers destroyed?

Why do the Chinese on this forum conveniently forget this pasting they got? Then the Somdurangchu incident in Arunachal Pradesh happened in the 80s when the Chinese quietly withdrew without a whimper when the then COAS General Sunderjee warned them of dire consequences similar to what they faced in Nathula!!

So forget quoting 1962 ad infinitum! But if you want to poke the Indians with that, then do include the two incidents as mentioned above too. Thanks!
That is not our policy, but it is something for India to remember. India can only hit rocks and mountains, while we can smash their capital city from the same range.

India should remember what it got from backstabbing us last time in 1959 by hosting our largest separatist group, followed by the Forward Policy in 1962: A humiliation in the Sino-Indian War, a strong Sino-Pakistani alliance... and China helping Pakistan to develop nuclear weapons.

You were lucky last time that we were just emerging from the worst famine in our history (1959-1961) and that we had both the superpowers of the world as our enemies (USSR and USA). Who incidentally, did not bother to help India, despite Nehru begging both of them to do so.

This time, it will be the entire NE India that gets cut off via the "chicken's neck corridor", and there will be Partition v2.0. And the Indian Armed forces have already admitted that they can never hope to match China in any way. :azn:

Just try once and Chinese map would be like these

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