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IAF and IN in 2030

dreams r just dreams.....We wont allow that in the first place.

That is your day dreaming:sleep:.Who care about Pakistan here?.
Till now we grow without Pakistan .We can also do that in future.Pakistan is not a rival to us in any case ,not anymore.To become our rival ,you must need some qualifications.And due to your own leaders Pakistan is too far below in that bench mark.

lol..india will remain what it has remain all through out history..

A mere regional power.

I can't influence the world much beyond its borders.

Also, China, Russia, U.S, Europe etc will always have superior air power to that of india's...unless india also start producing its own fighter jets...

Which history?
That is your wish,But you cant insist it to become a reality.And I also thought like you till recent time.But when our India handle both US and Italy in two cases effectively.I could sense the growing power of India.Except China we maintain a good relation with all other countries .Russia is our close friend.
India yet not complete its full development .But we can stand against west for our cause .So now we are playing with big countries similar to us.Pakistan is not a matter for India.
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Yeah i know that but who knows this time he may have a point this time.
Actually he is planning to fight Indian General Elections this year and will support whosoever have the majority(based on the fact that he will win his constituency for sure) and then somehow will become the defence minister of India and then destroy our future plans for military growth.
Hey! Thats what we know Pakistani's are good at. Infact that is what Pakistan is renowned for.
Taking weapons and killing innocent people.
whatever u call it but the fact of the matter is that it has done its job thats all it matters in a long run.
2030 ...all firms are blacklisted because all firms were found to be involved in some scam or the other.

IAF has decided to use pigeons instead of UAVs. Pigeons have also been trained to fly over strategic areas to encourage bird hits. IN is involved in designing boats and waiting for funds from the GoI to construct them. Antony's name is now being proposed by Congress to the Vatican to make him a saint.
First match us in hdi,per capita income and,gni and most important litracy rate its a shame on you that 1.25 billion people's nation of ours have more hdi,per capita income, gni and litracy rate than your tiny nation. come at our level first then we wll talk :D:D:D:D:D
Yr just not good enough to be matched by us. Even its an insult for us to even think u can reach upto our standards.
Anyways we r still ahead of u even though we r in a state of war.

Poverty high in Bangladesh, India: HDI
Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report
India has one third of world's poorest, says World Bank - Telegraph
BBC News - Is India's lack of toilets a cultural problem?
:rofl::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: Bharti Bharti Bharti

u mentioned abt HDI i showed u abt it. U mentioned abt per capital income i showed u abt poverty figures by UN.

Either u dont know what u said yrself or yr just a Bharti.:lol:
You lost the argument before your you started it bot now on facts
Litracy rate- pak 56 % IND 74%
Hdi - pak 0.515(low) Ind 0.554(medium)
Next per capita nominal - pak 1295$ IND 1389 = 94$ MORE THAN PAKISTAN
GNI- PAK 30.0 IND 33.9

Considering that india have huge population of 1.25 billion constrains we are still in much better than your country. dont have military dictators or had martial law implementation regularly . after 67 yrs of are independence see were we are and were you are .
See, here we get to see clear exposure of resultant of history manipulation in Pakistan which is taught in pakistan. I understand cause you don't even know WHY India actually intervened. So for some REAL HISTORY. Here's a link: Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And no It wasn't India who was crying actually it was Pakistan who was crying that kasab is an Indian and not even related to Pakistan. And kept on crying in front of world until we showed them evidence and thanks to
one of your news channel which did a sting operation on from where kasab is actually.

And where as attacking India again in that impotent way for which you are proud of is concerned. Then beta since Mumbai attack your army and ur talibani brothers are trying that but unfortunately are given a ticket for hell by IA cause mistake happens only once. But I wonder how much blasts happen in Pakistan in a day? But we won't feel good about it cause those dying are innocent and don't deserve any of this crap it's people like YOU who deserve it. Get a life!

lol its coming from u whose country even started this proxy game against pakistan in 71. But when we hit back ur just crying like a little baby.
See, here we get to see clear exposure of resultant of history manipulation in Pakistan which is taught in pakistan. I understand cause you don't even know WHY India actually intervened. So for some REAL HISTORY. Here's a link: Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And no It wasn't India who was crying actually it was Pakistan who was crying that kasab is an Indian and not even related to Pakistan. And kept on crying in front of world until we showed them evidence and thanks to
one of your news channel which did a sting operation on from where kasab is actually.

And where as attacking India again in that impotent way for which you are proud of is concerned. Then beta since Mumbai attack your army and ur talibani brothers are trying that but unfortunately are given a ticket for hell by IA cause mistake happens only once. But I wonder how much blasts happen in Pakistan in a day? But we won't feel good about it cause those dying are innocent and don't deserve any of this crap it's people like YOU who deserve it. Get a life!
Ah stupid a one sided wikipedia's info is credible for u?

Grow up kiddo we have discussed it a million times. U accept or not yr just pay what u had started. And we r now masters on the art u used against us.
Yeah and more worrying point is he is in his mid 30's but then also writes childish post with ROFL smileys.
yeah i dont think he is genuinly want a good debate here.by looking on his posts data which are all BS were all media articles he posted. nothing credible govt data was there.
India's main focus should be on Navy's underwater fleet. 5-6 SSNBs and 8-10 SSNs should be the priority by 2030.
You all indians should first go to threads of 5-10 years back when u said that u had six subs by 2015 3 carriers by 2018 and superpower by 2020.... what happened u did not even completed a single sub, although managed to get a carrier.... but third carrier is not even on table right now according to your own naval chief. On IAF MMRCA should now have been in service but there is no sign of it.... and list goes on.
and most importantly the economy....that too is in slow motion...

Unless there is a radical change in indian system..... i don't see india as major force on world stage as indians thinking they would... it will remain a major regional force in south asia as it had remained in the past.
You all indians should first go to threads of 5-10 years back when u said that u had six subs by 2015 3 carriers by 2018 and superpower by 2020.... what happened u did not even completed a single sub, although managed to get a carrier.... but third carrier is not even on table right now according to your own naval chief. On IAF MMRCA should now have been in service but there is no sign of it.... and list goes on.
and most importantly the economy....that too is in slow motion...

Unless there is a radical change in indian system..... i don't see india as major force on world stage as indians thinking they would... it will remain a major regional force in south asia as it had remained in the past.
things will not go according to what we plan that is a world we live in.Yes We Fail! But we are not ashamed we accept it.we are improving day by day.Our economy is shown improvement in last few months.atleast we have vision to be a global power.Now in camparison with your country we are very much ahead of you in terms of education,techonology,infrastructure etc after 67 yrs of our independance of both our nations.
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