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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

This would not have happened if the nazis like you had not kicked the Jews out of Europe!

Oh.... now I'm the nazi... why don't u tell that ur muslim brothers who invaded the Jewish territory in 700s.... Is it right to invade someone else land and then claim it as yours????
Oh.... now I'm the nazi... why don't u tell that ur muslim brothers who invaded the Jewish territory in 700s.... Is it right to invade someone else land and then claim it as yours????

Do you want to say that your great Fuerer did not send the European Jews to the gas chambers? Good try but it's not working!
Nuclear Israel revisited
To have or not to have nuclear weapons is a question of human security and not European privilege.
Joseph Massad, 10 Nov 2011 14:30

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - How many times must this story be retold? It is common knowledge in the United States, in Europe, in the Arab World, indeed in the entire world. The international press has been reporting on it since the late 1960s. The historical details of the story are also well known. In 1955, President Dwight Eisenhower gave Israel its first small nuclear reactor at Nahal Sorek; in 1964, the French built for Israel its much larger and major Dimona nuclear reactor in the Naqab (Negev) Desert; in 1965, Israel stole 200 pounds of weapons-grade uranium from the United States through its spies at the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation company in Pennsylvania; in 1968, Israel hijacked a Liberian ship in international waters and stole its 200-ton shipment of yellowcake. Israel has possessed nuclear bombs since the early 1970s. Despite official US denials, Golda Meir, the fourth prime minister of Israel, reportedly prepared to launch 13 nuclear bombs on Syria and Egypt in 1973 and was stopped short of committing this genocidal act when Henry Kissinger gave Israel the most massive weapons airlift in history at the time to reverse the course of the 1973 war (as Time Magazine reported the story). Israel has had an ongoing nuclear weapons collaboration with the South African Apartheid regime for decades, which only ended with the collapse of the regime in 1994.

Since then, experts have estimated that Israel has upwards of 400 nuclear devices, including thermonuclear weapons with megaton range, as well as neutron bombs, tactical nuclear weapons, and suitcase nukes. It also has the missile delivery systems to launch them with a reach of 11,500km (which can reach beyond Iran). Israel also has submarines that are capable of launching nuclear attacks as well as jet fighters that can deliver Israel’s nuclear cargo.

Israel has diligently prevented its neighbours from even acquiring nuclear reactors for peaceful purposes. It violated international law by bombing the Iraqi French-built Osirak nuclear reactor still under construction in 1981 in an unprovoked raid even though the reactor was going to be used, according to the French and Iraqi governments, for peaceful scientific purposes. Israel also bombed what intelligence reports allege was a North Korean nuclear reactor under construction in Syria in 2007. Israel’s Mossad has also been linked to the assassination of numerous Egyptian, Iraqi, and Iranian nuclear scientists over the decades. Israel continues to refuse to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and refuses to allow members of the International Atomic Energy Commission to inspect its Dimona reactor.

Israel, a predatory and aggressive country that has consistently launched wars on all its neighbours since its establishment, expelled hundreds of thousands of people, created millions of Palestinian, Lebanese, and Egyptian refugees, murdered tens of thousands of civilians and used internationally-banned weapons (from napalm to phosphorous bombs, to name the most notorious cases), continues to occupy the Palestinian territories and the Palestinian people in violation of international law, is governed by a foundational anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racist state ideology to which all its leaders, governing structures, and institutions adhere, as does its popular and political culture and a variety of its laws. Indeed, Israel not only consistently launches wars against its neighbours but also urges world powers to invade these neighbours as well, and in the meanwhile sponsors anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racist campaigns of hatred in the United States and across Europe in addition to integrating such racism in its school and university curricula and much of its cultural production.

Racist policies

Israel’s protector, the United States, is the only country on Earth that has ever deliberately used nuclear bombs against civilian populations and continues to defend this decision 66 years after this genocidal act, and inculcates its population, in its school curricula and in the media, to defend it. The United States has also made certain that Israel’s nuclear arsenal would not ever be discussed at the UN Security Council despite persistent proposals over the decades to discuss it. Indeed, the United States insistence on keeping Israel’s nuclear capability an open "secret" is engineered, among other things, to keep United States aid to Israel flowing, especially as a key legal condition of receiving such aid is for recipient countries to be signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Israel refuses to sign.

Yet the United States and Israel, which have been the major threats to world peace and indeed the major global warmongers since World War II, insist on telling the world that Iran, a country whose current regime never invaded any country (but was rather invaded by Saddam’s Iraq in 1981 at the behest of the dictatorial ruling Gulf oil-rich families and their US and French sponsors), is a threat to world peace were it to possess a nuclear device.

The racist policies of the United States as to who should get to possess nuclear weapons and who should not (according to racial criteria of whether they are European or of European stock or not) aside, it must be made clear that the extent to which there is a nuclear race in the Middle East, it is one fostered by Israel’s warmongering and its possession of such weapons of mass destruction. If the Middle East is to be a nuclear-free zone, then the international effort to rid it of such weapons must begin with Israel, which is the only country in the region that possesses these weapons, and not with Iran who may or may not be developing them.

The racism of the Obama administration against Arabs and Muslims clearly knows no limits, but for the people of the Middle East (Arabs, Turks, and Iranians), Obama’s racist criteria are not terribly persuasive. To have or not to have nuclear weapons is a question of human security, as far as the people of the region are concerned, and not one of European racial privilege. While the US may not fear Israeli nukes, Israel’s neighbouring countries and their civilian populations have for decades been (and continue to be) terrorised by them; and for good reason. Once Obama learns this lesson, the people of the region will reconsider US credibility about its alleged concern about nuclear proliferation.
Evan if Israel has nukes is it right to destroy that country??? Is that how you solve problems in Bangladesh????
Evan if Israel has nukes is it right to destroy that country??? Is that how you solve problems in Bangladesh????

Who is talking about destroying israel, we're talking about destroying the WMD factory at Dimona and for the sake of peace. I hear uncle sam and its minions want to destroy Iran for trying to have a nuclear deterrent against the israeli nukes, now, that's not fair.
Who is talking about destroying israel, we're talking about destroying the WMD factory at Dimona and for the sake of peace. I hear uncle sam and its minions want to destroy Iran for trying to have a nuclear deterrent against the israeli nukes, now, that's not fair.

It is so "unfair" to deprive dictatorial regimes like in Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Iran threatens to destroy Israel and not vice versa. According to the nonsense your posted Israel has nukes since the 1960's but never used them or threatened to use them. Iran plans to use nukes in order to eliminate Israel - that is what they are saying! Why Iran needs nuclear deterrence when Israel never had any conflict with it or ever threatened it in the past?

So, you entire argument about the need of Iran for a nuclear deterrent is so stupid that it can only come from someone anti-Semite like you who has no understanding what so ever on the current situation.

Your sense of logic and morality is completely flawed, and it stands in parallel to the amount of crap you continue to post here.

And do not be modest - your real intentions are to eliminate Israel, hopefully by depriving it from any ability to protect itself from the countries and people in the barbaric region which is known as the Middle East.
It is so "unfair" to deprive dictatorial regimes like in Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Iran threatens to destroy Israel and not vice versa. According to the nonsense your posted Israel has nukes since the 1960's but never used them or threatened to use them. Iran plans to use nukes in order to eliminate Israel - that is what they are saying! Why Iran needs nuclear deterrence when Israel never had any conflict with it or ever threatened it in the past?

So, you entire argument about the need of Iran for a nuclear deterrent is so stupid that it can only come from someone anti-Semite like you who has no understanding what so ever on the current situation.

Your sense of logic and morality is completely flawed, and it stands in parallel to the amount of crap you continue to post here.

And do not be modest - your real intentions are to eliminate Israel, hopefully by depriving it from any ability to protect itself from the countries and people in the barbaric region which is known as the Middle East.

Why No Objection
To Israel's WMD?

By Hassan Tahsin
Palestine Chronicle

"Apart from two plants in Dimona, Israel established a number of other nuclear plants in Nahal Suryak, south of Tel Aviv in 1958 and in Raishon Liston and Haifa."

CAIRO -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has spelled out clearly his reasons for accepting the Middle East road map with 14 reservations. During the Aqaba summit on June 6, he said: 'Permanent peace requires permanent security. This permanent security will bring about permanent peace to Israel.' To accept peace on Sharonís terms would make the proposed Palestinian state a mockery in the service of Israelís security.

The most dangerous thing is that Israel is allowed to possess all kinds of weapons of mass destruction while Arab countries are denied these weapons under the pretext that Israel is under threat.

Israel has said that it is not yet time to look at its nuclear arsenal and weapons of mass destruction because it has not yet attained permanent security and peace.

As a result, Israel has become a depot for nuclear, chemical and biological weapons threatening the security of Arab, Asian and European countries. Does Israel require this large arsenal of banned weapons? The French constructed the Dimona nuclear reactor and produced enriched uranium. Israel was ready to produce its first nuclear bomb as early as 1965.

In March 1969, Moshe Dayan celebrated the birth of the Israeli nuclear state and the Israeli nuclear scientist Vannunu has acknowledged that his country was in 6th position in the nuclear club in the 1980s. According to one estimate, Israel possesses at least 100 nuclear bombs.

Apart from two plants in Dimona, Israel established a number of other nuclear plants in Nahal Suryak, south of Tel Aviv in 1958 and in Raishon Liston and Haifa. In 1994, US President Bill Clinton approved nine supercomputers to meet the needs of Israelís nuclear program. Informed sources have estimated that Israel has 100 to 200 nuclear warheads, but another report put the figure at more than 500.

Quoting Vannunu, American journalist Seymour Hersh says in his book that Israel possesses about 300 nuclear warheads. He also says that he has got information indicating Israel possesses hundreds of nitrogen bombs. Reports have confirmed that Israel has various types of nuclear weapons including nuclear bombs which could be dropped from planes, missile warheads, in addition to 25 hydrogen bombs.

Israel also holds an unspecified numbers of tactical weapons.

At least three international sources have confirmed that Israel had not only produced nuclear mines but spread them in various regions at different periods of the Arab-Israeli conflict, especially in Golan and Naqab during the military confrontation with Egypt in October 1973 and in January 1991.

The question is: Who can ask the international community to disarm Israel of its mass destructive weapons?
Why No Objection
To Israel's WMD?

By Hassan Tahsin
Palestine Chronicle

"Apart from two plants in Dimona, Israel established a number of other nuclear plants in Nahal Suryak, south of Tel Aviv in 1958 and in Raishon Liston and Haifa."

CAIRO -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has spelled out clearly his reasons for accepting the Middle East road map with 14 reservations. During the Aqaba summit on June 6, he said: 'Permanent peace requires permanent security. This permanent security will bring about permanent peace to Israel.' To accept peace on Sharonís terms would make the proposed Palestinian state a mockery in the service of Israelís security.

The most dangerous thing is that Israel is allowed to possess all kinds of weapons of mass destruction while Arab countries are denied these weapons under the pretext that Israel is under threat.

Israel has said that it is not yet time to look at its nuclear arsenal and weapons of mass destruction because it has not yet attained permanent security and peace.

As a result, Israel has become a depot for nuclear, chemical and biological weapons threatening the security of Arab, Asian and European countries. Does Israel require this large arsenal of banned weapons? The French constructed the Dimona nuclear reactor and produced enriched uranium. Israel was ready to produce its first nuclear bomb as early as 1965.

In March 1969, Moshe Dayan celebrated the birth of the Israeli nuclear state and the Israeli nuclear scientist Vannunu has acknowledged that his country was in 6th position in the nuclear club in the 1980s. According to one estimate, Israel possesses at least 100 nuclear bombs.

Apart from two plants in Dimona, Israel established a number of other nuclear plants in Nahal Suryak, south of Tel Aviv in 1958 and in Raishon Liston and Haifa. In 1994, US President Bill Clinton approved nine supercomputers to meet the needs of Israelís nuclear program. Informed sources have estimated that Israel has 100 to 200 nuclear warheads, but another report put the figure at more than 500.

Quoting Vannunu, American journalist Seymour Hersh says in his book that Israel possesses about 300 nuclear warheads. He also says that he has got information indicating Israel possesses hundreds of nitrogen bombs. Reports have confirmed that Israel has various types of nuclear weapons including nuclear bombs which could be dropped from planes, missile warheads, in addition to 25 hydrogen bombs.

Israel also holds an unspecified numbers of tactical weapons.

At least three international sources have confirmed that Israel had not only produced nuclear mines but spread them in various regions at different periods of the Arab-Israeli conflict, especially in Golan and Naqab during the military confrontation with Egypt in October 1973 and in January 1991.

The question is: Who can ask the international community to disarm Israel of its mass destructive weapons?

Again, trolling with cut-and-paste.
Again, trolling with cut-and-paste.

Truth is most distasteful to a zionist like you, it seems you don't have much to support your lies other than fabricated reports published by Mossad.
Truth is most distasteful to a zionist like you, it seems you don't have much to support your lies other than fabricated reports published by Mossad.

What are you babbling about?! I clearly explained why all your posting and arguments are so stupid and illogic and you could only troll and scream about Zionism and Nazism and whatever.

My little anti-Semite - your evasions are still pathetic as they were 30 pages ago of this thread. Why do not try for a change to say the truth and reply directly to the arguments which completely portray your posts as nonsense.
What are you babbling about?! I clearly explained why all your posting and arguments are so stupid and illogic and you could only troll and scream about Zionism and Nazism and whatever.

My little anti-Semite - your evasions are still pathetic as they were 30 pages ago of this thread. Why do not try for a change to say the truth and reply directly to the arguments which completely portray your posts as nonsense.

My thick skinned zionist, your lies cannot hide the threat from the israeli WMDs!
My thick skinned zionist, your lies cannot hide the threat from the israeli WMDs!
Why do you make every post of yours bold. No one here has a seeing problem. Also are you really a Bangladeshi ? You sound to me more like a Pakistani. Well same difference, I guess. Pre and Post 1971.
Why do you make every post of yours bold. No one here has a seeing problem. Also are you really a Bangladeshi ? You sound to me more like a Pakistani. Well same difference, I guess. Pre and Post 1971.

What else can a troll say? By your own logic you must be an israeli?
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