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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

the discussion with you on this topic is over since a dialogue is a bit too much to your intellectual capacity.

I have already gave a negative answer to the question of this thread, explained why, brought examples, and confronted legitimate criticism and opinions of other PDF members.

You, on the other hand, from your first post just trolled again and again and again and ran from any reasonable discussion.

Since you are an anti-Semite this is the only approach you can take - shameful, ugly, and infantile.

We understand why you're in hurry to end the discussion on this topic, but too bad it's not going to go away. You can run but you can't hide, the threat of the israeli nuke is real and it must be addressed, nobody gives a hoot to your likes or dislikes.
We understand why you're in hurry to end the discussion on this topic, but too bad it's not going to go away. You can run but you can't hide, the threat of the israeli nuke is real and it must be addressed, nobody gives a hoot to your likes or dislikes.

if you have not noticed, the discussion was over 20 pages ago when you failed to make any dialogue on the subject and I dismissed your arguments one by one. Now, there is you trolling and me mocking your stupidity.

Hence, this thread should be closed, the sooner the better.
You know that there is a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, so why you need to worry about an Israeli attack? Just for the record in 1948 and in 1973 Egypt initiated the military offensive, not Israel while Israel's attacks in 1956 and 1967 were in response for direct provocations of Egypt: reinforcing the its military strength near the Israeli border and blockading the Gulf of Aqaba.

Israel's military strength is directed against the radical axis of states and terror organisations in the region: Iran, Syria, Hizbuhalla and Hamas. Until recently they were Egypt's adversaries too.

Furthermore, Israel is a responsible country and it will not attack a country with WMD without a serious threat to its existence. So, If I were you I definitely would not worry about this things.

Israel is ready for a nuclear weapons free in the ME when it will enjoy normal and peaceful relations with all the countries in the region, including Iran.
I am not going to argue about the 1948 war, and lets just say that Egypt attacked you guys, but in 1973 we attacked because you guys refused to give us our land that you guys captured in 1967, it was a defensive war... What i am saying is that you guys attacked Egypt 3 times before, how could i be sure that you guys won't do it again with Nukes if things get messy with us again ?.... Instead of all of us having Nukes or trying to get them, why don't we just get rid of them and make sure that none of us try to aquire them ?

I understand that we have a peace treaty, and i am all for respecting it, and i hope you guys could live in peace with all the countries in the ME including independent palestinian state. On the other hand, i don't feel safe living next to you guys while you guys have nukes and we don't, and i am not sure you guys actually want peace and want nuclear weapons free zone in the Mddle East. Also, you having problems with Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Hizbuhalla doesn't give you the right to Nuke them. They don't have Nukes, why do you ?
if you have not noticed, the discussion was over 20 pages ago when you failed to make any dialogue on the subject and I dismissed your arguments one by one. Now, there is you trolling and me mocking your stupidity.

Hence, this thread should be closed, the sooner the better.

This is how the zionists hide their evils from the world, but it's not going to work here and you can see the thread is open and it is going to remain open until israel removes the nukes from its arsenal.
We should worry because you guys attacked us more than once
We never attacked u.

what if you guys go crazy again and attack us with Nukes this time ?
So far only u used WMD against own brothers.

---------- Post added at 06:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:03 AM ----------

This is how the zionists hide their evils from the world, but it's not going to work here and you can see the thread is open and it is going to remain open until israel removes the nukes from its arsenal.

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We never attacked u.

So far only u used WMD against own brothers.

---------- Post added at 06:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:03 AM ----------

Yeah, you're right, these villains indeed behave like the zionists, but I don't find any relevance of it here. Matter of fact, these villains don't claim that only they have the right to possess WMDs, so they're better than the zionists.
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This is how the zionists hide their evils from the world, but it's not going to work here and you can see the thread is open and it is going to remain open until israel removes the nukes from its arsenal.

Just trolling.
I am not going to argue about the 1948 war, and lets just say that Egypt attacked you guys, but in 1973 we attacked because you guys refused to give us our land that you guys captured in 1967, it was a defensive war... What i am saying is that you guys attacked Egypt 3 times before, how could i be sure that you guys won't do it again with Nukes if things get messy with us again ?.... Instead of all of us having Nukes or trying to get them, why don't we just get rid of them and make sure that none of us try to aquire them ?

I understand that we have a peace treaty, and i am all for respecting it, and i hope you guys could live in peace with all the countries in the ME including independent palestinian state. On the other hand, i don't feel safe living next to you guys while you guys have nukes and we don't, and i am not sure you guys actually want peace and want nuclear weapons free zone in the Mddle East. Also, you having problems with Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Hizbuhalla doesn't give you the right to Nuke them. They don't have Nukes, why do you ?

We are in agreement that the ME should be without any nuclear weapons and I hope that we will live to see this desirable times. Egypt has done the right choice by avoiding developing nuclear weapons.

However, unfortunately, Israel's situation is more complicated and dangerous than the one of Egypt. Israel is virtually isolated and surrounded by dozens of Arab and Muslim countries that find very hard to accept its existence. The radical axis which includes Iran publicly declares that its objective is the elimination of Israel. Even in Egypt and Jordan the public opinion is strongly anti-Israeli: although we have peace agreements with these countries, it is a cold peace with almost no normalisation process and exchanges between the people.

Israel has faced this grave situation since its establishment in 1948 that as you can recall Egypt and Israel's other Arab neighbours tried to prevent brutally by force. Egypt was the first country to sign a peace agreement with Israel, but only after 30 years of wars and only after your late President Saadat realised that you cannot defeat Israel in the battlefield. Unfortunately, the supporters of Saadat's approach are a neglected minority and the overwhelming majority of the Arab world still hostile towards Israel and still hope for its destruction.

As a result, and in light of its unique strategic situation, Israel was forced to acquire a deterrence capability that will only be use as a threat in worst-case scenarios, and is aimed to squash any aspirations in the Arab world for the destruction of Israel.

As I said, Egypt is absolutely under no threat from Israel which never used its strategic capabilities to intimidate any of its neighbours or to gain political leverage. On the contrary: Israel is rarely even mentions these capabilities. Like you do not fill threatened from nuclear Britain and France which fought against Egypt in 1956 there is no reason to feel threatened from Israel which is also a responsible liberal democracy.
We are in agreement that the ME should be without any nuclear weapons and I hope that we will live to see this desirable times. Egypt has done the right choice by avoiding developing nuclear weapons.

However, unfortunately, Israel's situation is more complicated and dangerous than the one of Egypt. Israel is virtually isolated and surrounded by dozens of Arab and Muslim countries that find very hard to accept its existence. The radical axis which includes Iran publicly declares that its objective is the elimination of Israel. Even in Egypt and Jordan the public opinion is strongly anti-Israeli: although we have peace agreements with these countries, it is a cold peace with almost no normalisation process and exchanges between the people.

Israel has faced this grave situation since its establishment in 1948 that as you can recall Egypt and Israel's other Arab neighbours tried to prevent brutally by force. Egypt was the first country to sign a peace agreement with Israel, but only after 30 years of wars and only after your late President Saadat realised that you cannot defeat Israel in the battlefield. Unfortunately, the supporters of Saadat's approach are a neglected minority and the overwhelming majority of the Arab world still hostile towards Israel and still hope for its destruction.

As a result, and in light of its unique strategic situation, Israel was forced to acquire a deterrence capability that will only be use as a threat in worst-case scenarios, and is aimed to squash any aspirations in the Arab world for the destruction of Israel.

As I said, Egypt is absolutely under no threat from Israel which never used its strategic capabilities to intimidate any of its neighbours or to gain political leverage. On the contrary: Israel is rarely even mentions these capabilities. Like you do not fill threatened from nuclear Britain and France which fought against Egypt in 1956 there is no reason to feel threatened from Israel which is also a responsible liberal democracy.

Israel and america's situation is always 'more dangerous' and their adversaries are living in the most secured environment(so what if they get invaded every now and then) and therefore, only israel and america have the right to possess WMDs, is it not want you want to say Mr. Hypocrite?
Israel and america's situation is always 'more dangerous' and their adversaries are living in the most secured environment(so what if they get invaded every now and then) and therefore, only israel and america have the right to possess WMDs, is it not want you want to say Mr. Hypocrite?

Again you completely missed the point.

It is not a question of right and wrong - every country has the same right to develop nukes like any other country while the international common goal of all countries should be a world which is a nuclear weapons-free.

The issue of this thread is if Israel should be pressured by the international community to dismantle any allegedly nuclear weapons. As I detailed my opinion in many posts in this thread the answer is negative from the reasons below:

- Israel is not the only country which is considered as a nuclear weapons state: there are other eight countries.

- Israel should not be singled-out for global nuclear disarmament, no more than the US or France or the UK. Like these countries:
Israel is responsible democratic country which never threatened to use nukes or used its WMD as a leverage for political gains.

- Unfortunately, there are nuclear terror states and failed states and they are the ones which should be under international
pressure either to dismantle or to stop their progress towards developing nuclear weapons. The first target should be Iran which explicitly is publicly dedicated to the elimination of Israel and use terror organisations as proxies to destabilise moderate regimes in the ME and to butcher Israeli citizens. The second country is North Korea which threaten to use nukes against its neighbours, Japan and South Korea, and has no problem to give nuclear assistance to rogue regimes like in Iran and Syria. And the Third country is Pakistan which is a failed state suffocated with terrorism and assisted rogue regimes to develop nuclear weapons.

Conclusion: Israel should not be discriminated regarding other responsible nuclear weapons states (the US, Britain, France and India) and be pressured to dismantle before them. Moreover, currently the international pressure should be on radical countries with nuclear programmes (Pakistan, North Korea and Iran) which constantly have jeopardised global stability.
Again you completely missed the point.

It is not a question of right and wrong - every country has the same right to develop nukes like any other country while the international common goal of all countries should be a world which is a nuclear weapons-free.

The issue of this thread is if Israel should be pressured by the international community to dismantle any allegedly nuclear weapons. As I detailed my opinion in many posts in this thread the answer is negative from the reasons below:

- Israel is not the only country which is considered as a nuclear weapons state: there are other eight countries.

- Israel should not be singled-out for global nuclear disarmament, no more than the US or France or the UK. Like these countries:
Israel is responsible democratic country which never threatened to use nukes or used its WMD as a leverage for political gains.

- Unfortunately, there are nuclear terror states and failed states and they are the ones which should be under international
pressure either to dismantle or to stop their progress towards developing nuclear weapons. The first target should be Iran which explicitly is publicly dedicated to the elimination of Israel and use terror organisations as proxies to destabilise moderate regimes in the ME and to butcher Israeli citizens. The second country is North Korea which threaten to use nukes against its neighbours, Japan and South Korea, and has no problem to give nuclear assistance to rogue regimes like in Iran and Syria. And the Third country is Pakistan which is a failed state suffocated with terrorism and assisted rogue regimes to develop nuclear weapons.

Conclusion: Israel should not be discriminated regarding other responsible nuclear weapons states (the US, Britain, France and India) and be pressured to dismantle before them. Moreover, currently the international pressure should be on radical countries with nuclear programmes (Pakistan, North Korea and Iran) which constantly have jeopardised global stability.

very nice post,some people need to understand that israeli's are a very peaceful bunch and always do things that ultimately help everyone.
Again you completely missed the point.

It is not a question of right and wrong - every country has the same right to develop nukes like any other country while the international common goal of all countries should be a world which is a nuclear weapons-free.

Of course, for the sake of argument every country has the same right, but in reality it is only america and countries like israel which have the right to do things that are considered as crimes if others do. So, indeed it is a question of something grossly wrong and heinous.
Of course, for the sake of argument every country has the same right, but in reality it is only america and countries like israel which have the right to do things that are considered as crimes if others do. So, indeed it is a question of something grossly wrong and heinous.

World politics is not about justice, it is about maintaining stability, being here tomorrow morning.

And if for keeping this world from collapsing into the hands of dictatorial regimes, barbaric countries, and murderous governments we need several liberal democracies with nuclear weapons (such as the US, the UK, France) - so be it.

I prefer this "unjust" situation where people in democratic countries can live in peace rather making "justice" and let the most dreadful people to get nukes - like the Iranian regime, North Korea, and Pakistan.
World politics is not about justice, it is about maintaining stability, being here tomorrow morning.

And if for keeping this world from collapsing into the hands of dictatorial regimes, barbaric countries, and murderous governments we need several liberal democracies with nuclear weapons (such as the US, the UK, France) - so be it.

I prefer this "unjust" situation where people in democratic countries can live in peace rather making "justice" and let the most dreadful people to get nukes - like the Iranian regime, North Korea, and Pakistan.

Stability, on whose term? A terror entity like israel will decide the terms and conditions and the world will watch, right? Keep dreaming but it's not going to last long! We know about your extreme distaste for a just world and so we do not expect anything just from a zionist like you!
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