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IAC-1 shaping up nicely

[Bregs];4625765 said:
True its hull n body is complete as you mentioned but now start the minute work of of piping, electric wires in 1000's of kms and placing engines, boliers, weapons, etc which will take hell lot of time and these work constitute %age wise constitute major portion of completed carrier

The intial interior outfitting (wiring and the like) has already begun AFAIK.
Ji Leave this article . Pakistanis are so worried abt this one article . My simple question is What is 70% work and 30% regarding A/C ? Simple as that

It is not as simple as you think. Every project has milestones and your has been completed 30%.
Well if it isn't complete, then how is it gonna face the ocean tomorrow?

You are mixing seat trials or commissioning procedure with launching. It is going to be launched.
It is not as simple as you think. Every project has milestones and your has been completed 30%.

OK. Believe me only 5% work completed. Rest to be completed. Yes this time we paint them green as you love it. Do you want us to order some AC's from Pakistani shipyards???? You have to provide all the systems including radar, green color, AB grade steel, electronic warfare systems etc.
This is exactly what I am saying. Unless the Chinese provide more "soft" loans.

None of the projects have been shelved or curtailed so far then why should we believe funds for this project shall not be provided.
OK. Believe me only 5% work completed. Rest to be completed. Yes this time we paint them green as you love it. Do you want us to order some AC's from Pakistani shipyards???? You have to provide all the systems including radar, green color, AB grade steel, electronic warfare systems etc.

I believe what I see and read not you.

Whilst we're pulling figures out our backsides- why stop at 30%. It is actually only 2% complete.

Then your back side stopped working some couple of years a go. Send it to Kochin for repair and maintenance.
I believe what I see and read not you.

Then your back side stopped working some couple of years a go. Send it to Kochin for repair and maintenance.

I'm glad we've got you're contribution on here bro. You're unsubstantiated claims directly contradict remarks by an Indian Navy Admiral but clearly you are correct. ;)
I believe what I see and read not you.

OMG you read it !!!! OMG!!!!!!! :lol:

Well you needs to check up your eyes. They are giving you hard time here. OR you don't understand plane English??
its better for india take that AC from russia as it is and work it at home like china did they buy in 25million$ damn as free

Do you know how many Carriers China Bought??? They bought 3 carriers from Russia/Ukrain.. The Last one they modified to carrier.
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