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I Will Disarm All Militant Groups in Pakistan: Imran Khan

To the Pakistani people he has repeatedly said in rallies that he will NOT I repeat NOT send in the Army. Rather seek a political solution that is to surrender the area to extremist in turn for peace.

But disarming terrorists may not necessarily means by way of force. Because as far as I remember, he is & has always been, a very vocal supporter of withdrawing Army (A fact that I personally don't like much).

Diarming can be achieved through way of persuassion too, which is what I think, IK is going to adopt. I can very well imagine IK sitting along-side the elders in a Jigra, discussing disarmament sh!ts.. :lol:

P.S: You did not answer the first part of my query...
@Saifullah Sani , ganja league propaganda team, guy why are you mentioning this interview again which happened in NOV 2011??
But disarming terrorists may not necessarily means by way of force. Because as far as I remember, he is & has always been, a very vocal supporter of withdrawing Army (A fact that I personally don't like much).

Diarming can be achieved through way of persuassion too, which is what I think, IK is going to adopt. I can very well imagine IK sitting along-side the elders in a Jigra, discussing sh!ts.. :lol:

That must be a joke. We tried negotiating even gave them time to surrender arms.

You know what happened? they retaliated and took over SWAT!!
I'm not denying back channel diplomacy.

What I object is to put KASHMIR in the back burner! for 10 FREAKIN YEARS!

Musharraf sought a solution. Imran Khan wants to put it aside.

I also love to see kashmir issue get resolve as quickly as possible... but what solutions you have ?
I also love to see kashmir issue get resolve as quickly as possible... but what solutions you have ?

I think there was significant amount of progress made through back channel diplomacy way back in 07 I believe. Continuing on the dialogue is the way to go.
That must be a joke. We tried negotiating even gave them time to surrender arms.

You know what happened? they retaliated and took over SWAT!!

Well, there are leaders and there are leaders.. Like there are captains like Kim hughes (worst Australian Captain) & there will be some awe-inspiring captain like Imran Khaan..

So if it could not be do by some one before does not mean it cannot be done by someone else later... But again, that is just my opinion..

P.S: You did not answer the first part of my query in your last reply...
Well, there are leaders and there are leaders.. Like there are captains like Kim hughes (worst Australian Captain) & there will be some awe-inspiring captain like Imran Khaan..

So if it could not be do by some one before does not mean it cannot be done by someone else later... But again, that is just my opinion..

P.S: You did not answer the first part of my query in your last reply...

This is not cricket. Pakistan cannot afford to cede demands made by these radical lunatics. Imran Khan has mentioned a few times that he believes Pakistan's laws are not applicable in rural tribal belt in effect saying that IF elected he will surrender those areas in return for peace.

Not sure what part you're referring to but I think pretty much answered all.
Imran Khan has betrayed the Kashmiri people. Over, I do not support this man. The hell with his eloquence and any other policies.

Karan Thapar: But you’ve side-stepped the question I asked. I pointed out that The Hindu remarked on the fact that you didn’t use the prefix ‘Indian Occupied’ when you spoke about Kashmir. Was that deliberate or was it a mistake?

Imran Khan: Because I think it’s about the rights of Kashmiri people. Its not about liberating or anything.

Karan Thapar: So it was deliberate…

Imran Khan: Its about whatever the people of Kashmir decide. That should be it now. I do not, any longer, consider it to be some sort of a territorial dispute. I think its more of a human rights issue now.

Karan Thapar: So you see it in human rights term and not as a territorial dispute?

Imran Khan:Yes.

Karan Thapar: That’s why you didn’t use the prefix ‘Indian Occupied’?
If the transcript is accurate then...

Absolute disgrace. This isn't pragmatism this is defeatism. Imran Khan better wise up and get with the program support Kashmir or stay out of the way. Quaid e Azam called Kashmir "The Jugular vein" of Pakistan.
This is not cricket. Pakistan cannot afford to cede demands made by these radical lunatics. Imran Khan has mentioned a few times that he believes Pakistan's laws are not applicable in rural tribal belt in effect saying that IF elected he will surrender those areas in return for peace.

Well, even I believe that the mofos will understand the language of guns only. But, it was you, who seem to have disliked IK's vows to disarm them. I say disarm & dismantle them, by whatever way possible.. by guns &/or by persuation.. At least I'm 100% on with the dis-arming part, which I believe is critical to Pakistan's path forward.

Not sure what part you're referring to but I think pretty much answered all.

The bold part below:

Although its an internal matter of Pakistan & Pakistanis, I would like to ask something.

First of all, Do you or do not you believe what's stated in your quoted paragraph is true or not?

Secondly, With which other statement of his, he is contradicting with this paragraph?
Pakistan should stop proxy in Kashmir then we talk and negotiate abt Indus water distribution between two nations. This is only solution for Kashmir issue. Getting Kashmir is just a wet dreams for Pakistan.

India is economically and military wise too strong so it is too difficult or impossible for Pakistan to afford war against India. India also having the capability to create insurgency in Pakistan thereby It can destabilize the country and it worsen the situation further, so think and decide.
The thing i don't understand is that both sides talk about war... a war will bring our economic growth to standstill, inflation will rise and only the poor will be the victim. Decades of planning will be ruined.
Imran Khan has betrayed the Kashmiri people. Over, I do not support this man. The hell with his eloquence and any other policies.

If the transcript is accurate then...

Absolute disgrace. This isn't pragmatism this is defeatism. Imran Khan better wise up and get with the program support Kashmir or stay out of the way. Quaid e Azam called Kashmir "The Jugular vein" of Pakistan.

Although its too early to debate on Kashmir & Kashmiri's fate, but then, is not what IK said is your official stand on Kashmir. I.e., let the people of Kashmir decide.. Isn't that is why Pakistan still has not officially annexed Azad Kashmir into Pakistan (Although it allows rampant settlement of non-Kashmiris in that region). I know Pakistan is just waiting to grab the whole of Kashmir in a blink of an eye, but I believe, officially Pakistan has always been saying what IK had said.
Pakistan should stop proxy in Kashmir then we talk and negotiate abt Indus water distribution between two nations. This is only solution for Kashmir issue. Getting Kashmir is just a wet dreams for Pakistan.

India is economically and military wise too strong so it is too difficult or impossible for Pakistan to afford war against India. India also having the capability to create insurgency in Pakistan thereby It can destabilize the country and it worsen the situation further, so think and decide.

Can you please quit this I'm superior then thou diatribe & concentrate on the thread topic, i.e., if and how Imran Khan's stand on various issues are benefitial (or detrimental) for South Asia in general & Pakistan in particular.. Thanks..
That must be a joke. We tried negotiating even gave them time to surrender arms.

You know what happened? they retaliated and took over SWAT!!

What do you expect them to do. You deal people with force; they respond with force. All these terrorists attacks actually began after Lal Masjid operation. Musharaf used force and now you expect them to to surrender arms??

Karan Thapar: I’m very interested in what you’re saying about building trust, building confidence. It reminds me of something President Zardari said to this very programme, Devil’s Advocate, three years ago. He said India and Pakistan should try and resolve the Kashmir issue as India and China are seeking to resolve their border dispute. He said ‘put it aside on the back-burner for a later, wiser generation to sort out and in the meantime build confidence and trust in each other by boosting trade, by boosting confidence measures like playing cricket. Then 10 years later the new atmosphere will help solve Kashmir’. Do you share that line of thinking?

Imran Khan: I certainly agree with that line of thinking. I think that the more confidence we build with each other, the more trade we have, the more trust we develop and the moment militancy or intelligence agency roles disappear and the more we solve our issues on the dialogue table that’s the only way forward.

He still didn't say put aside or back burner those were Thapar's words. He goes on to talk about "building confidence", "increase trade", and "ending militancy". Is doing militancy putting Kashmir on the front burner?

Tell me how YOU want to proceed on Kashmir then we'll talk about Imran Khan's stance. Most anti-PTI people want to have discussions where the outcome is "Tails we win, heads you lose".
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