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I was stopped at US airports because of my surname:Irrfan

But he was taken aside JUST because his surname was KHAN. May be officials should have seen that he was an Indian Citizen, a nation which has been dealing with Islamic terrorism for 24 years, the same Afghan warriors US raised to defeat Soviet and Pakistan used it against us...We are still paying because of your mistake and you question Indian citizen ?
Airport security demeans all of us.

You guys lost 3000 people in 9/11 and waged war against 2 countries, we have lost over 70,000 civilians and 10,000 soldiers in Kashmir alone, all thanks to great CIA and Petrodollars from KSA along with our dear neighbor which raised this monster named Islamic terrorists.
"All thanks" is a gross exaggeration - it's not like Americans rather than Pakistanis decided to wage war in Kashmir. The U.S. Congress tried - and still tries - to attach all sorts of strings to aid to keep the money away from supporting such things.

I'm supposed to take the heat for self-serving Hollywood actors? So they can live the high rich life without getting pestered themselves? Take your protests to Aspen, mate.

Really sorry, for this outburst, but stop playing Morally Self Righteous Nation here. We know what US did and still doing.
What is the U.S. "still doing" that India objects to? Is there some form of U.S. aid to Pakistan that the U.S. could stop providing without making Pak-India relations worse?

India should frisk and take aside each and every American visiting India as we have been victim of terrorism for 24 years and David Headley was from US who was a key part of 26/11 Mumbai attack.
It's an oddity of U.S. law that children of foreign diplomats born in the U.S. (like Headley was) automatically become U.S. citizens. Perhaps that should change...
If I were Muslim I would have stepped all over the customs guys until they were crushed with words...
They would have arrested or called the dogs on you before you were halfway through your tirade. Being a Muslim in the U.S. merits no special privilege nor restraint.
Funny you say that, because he wasn't carrying Cannabis, he is an actor who has worked in "The Amazing Spiderman", Oscar Sensation Life of Pi etc. He wasn't a random tourist or normal person, he was a respected actor who came to US to work in a film, and your embassy issued him VISA and I think they did ask what he do and what is the purpose of his visit.

But he was taken aside JUST because his surname was KHAN. May be officials should have seen that he was an Indian Citizen, a nation which has been dealing with Islamic terrorism for 24 years, the same Afghan warriors US raised to defeat Soviet and Pakistan used it against us.

You guys lost 3000 people in 9/11 and waged war against 2 countries, we have lost over 70,000 civilians and 10,000 soldiers in Kashmir alone, all thanks to great CIA and Petrodollars from KSA along with our dear neighbor which raised this monster named Islamic terrorists.

We are still paying because of your mistake and you question Indian citizen ?


Really sorry, for this outburst, but stop playing Morally Self Righteous Nation here. We know what US did and still doing.

US is nothing. If The pundits want to resettle then it is worthwhile to discuss.

Funny you say that, because he wasn't carrying Cannabis, he is an actor who has worked in "The Amazing Spiderman", Oscar Sensation Life of Pi etc. He wasn't a random tourist or normal person, he was a respected actor who came to US to work in a film, and your embassy issued him VISA and I think they did ask what he do and what is the purpose of his visit.

But he was taken aside JUST because his surname was KHAN. May be officials should have seen that he was an Indian Citizen, a nation which has been dealing with Islamic terrorism for 24 years, the same Afghan warriors US raised to defeat Soviet and Pakistan used it against us.

You guys lost 3000 people in 9/11 and waged war against 2 countries, we have lost over 70,000 civilians and 10,000 soldiers in Kashmir alone, all thanks to great CIA and Petrodollars from KSA along with our dear neighbor which raised this monster named Islamic terrorists.

We are still paying because of your mistake and you question Indian citizen ?


Really sorry, for this outburst, but stop playing Morally Self Righteous Nation here. We know what US did and still doing.

US is nothing. If The pundits want to resettle then it is worthwhile to discuss.
I still dont see what the fuss is all about. As a jew, try and enter any arab state and see how you are treated. Or as a Pakistani entering India or vice versa. Everyone does profiling to maximize the efficiency of screening. Religion is yet another classification, just like nationality. Why be over sensitive about it.
@Solomon2 Dude, US knew Pakistan was using those Mujaheedins against India and you still didn't do anything. You left the mess as you weren't going to be affected as you are half the world across with an ocean in between, but we paid the price of your adventure to defeat Soviet.

Even your Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accepted that Its US fault which led to rise of Taliban and other terrorist organizations in our region. We kept telling you guys. Should I also quote ex British Prime Minister Tony Blair who said that India kept telling us but we didn't listen to them. We should have.

We are shouting loud about this Islamic terrorism and the coming danger while loosing thousands of people every year but you guys were lost in your Sex,Drgs and RicknRoll.

You don't know how it feels to grow up in a country where people are killed in bomb blasts and terrorist attacks in Hotels, Local Trains, Street Markets. In my city there were serial blasts.

You could have stopped Pakistan but you didn't just like you could have stopped Saddam from killing thousands of Iranians and his own people by chemical weapons. As its all about your national interest.

In Rwanda, US could have saved many people but it didn't even with its Marines along with thousands of UN peace Keeping and European forces. Same as you could have stopped East Pakistan genocide but you didn't and even came to support the war criminals.

As people said about Rwanda, US don't have friends, just interests.

Leave that actor, you did same to our ex-President APJ Abdul Kalam. Tell me was he a security risk ?
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That's not the issue buddy.
If you have suspicion and differentiate on Basis of Religion, that is wrong. Come up with some better excuse. If you say, Sir you are from South Asia, we have to ask you some questions.

He asked the officer, If you guys don't trust us, then why give VISA at first place, that Officer said, Are you threatening me.

Point is why Indian Muslims ? They haven't killed a single American instead they are the victim of paranoia and profiling by US officials because of some Islamic terrorists from KSA, Pakistan etc.

Instead of religion, go by country specific.

Buddy do you think india is not on American radar? American Intel works for 100% security of American interest world wide, & it is fully aware that RAW terrorists are very much active, currently may not be against US & the West but against its neighbour countries. How can you forget RAW sponsered terrorists like mutki banihi, tamil tiger, TTP, BLA, etc etc. Have you forget what Hagel said? My point is that Americans are fully aware of what india is upto.

Point is why Indian Muslims ? They haven't killed a single American instead they are the victim of paranoia and profiling by US officials because of some Islamic terrorists from KSA, Pakistan etc.

I can say Hindu terrorists like sarbajhit killed Pakistanis in Pakistan, Hindu terrorist blown up Samjhauta Express Train, etc etc. Even indian minister Sushil Shinde had recently acknowledge about Hindu terrorism & Hindu terrorist camps in india. But i won't say all this & instead i would like Mods @Aeronaut @WebMaster to do justice here.

P.S It is really shameful @KRAIT Sir your posts value is going down day by day. Once your post were un-BS & neutral & nice to read but this is not the case now.:disagree:
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India should frisk and take aside each and every American visiting India as we have been victim of terrorism for 24 years and David Headley was from US who was a key part of 26/11 Mumbai attack.

Lets do it with every US citizen with Christian name. Their hypocrisy can only be taught with proactive measure.

Why so hyper man?

The question is not "whether we should", the question is "whether we can"!

Indians would partake in that activity more zealously than any other community I am aware of.

That guy Solomon2 is an American I think, and may not have visited India ever. But I have traveled enough between the West and India to know what actually happens. Why not you and I talk about it KRAIT, and share our experiences. After all, we both are Indians, and we can understand each other much better.

So let me start with my experiences. I have been deliberately delayed, thrown abuses at, made to run from one office to another, had my stuff stolen - thrice, and heavily discriminated because of my color - by Indians at the airports.

I have no criminal record, never committed any crime, never smuggled even eatables, and do not even drink while in the flight - I travel very light.

Nothing as such ever happened to me either at LAX, or at JFK, or at O'Hare.

So tell me, why do you think I got discriminated within India - at every single time I traveled, without exception? Whereas I was welcomed with warm smiles at the American airports?

Even before you start searching for reasons, let me help you with my view - Indians are the best at discriminating those who appear different. However, Americans are whites and come from powerful countries - they are welcomed with both arms by the same Indians. At the same time, they are very much aware that a brown guy with a Hindu/Muslim name is an Indian and this is the only one who they can discriminate against and even get away with it.

You should see how the blacks coming from Africa are treated at the airports.

The only reason Americans can do it and Indians cannot is that India is not a powerful country so citizens' demand for respect all over the world cannot be met.

3000 Americans die, and they attack 2 countries that harbored those militants... Translates to "Americans would go to all lengths to pay heed to the demands of the public." Mere bhai ko koi marega to main sahi/galat aur high moral ground nahi dekhunga.

What happens in India? People keep dying and all we get to see are texts of statements by the politicians. Portraying our weakness as some sort of moral principle will not harm anyone but us.

That "Argo F...." sounds like a perfect reply to your diatribe.
@Solomon2 Dude, US knew Pakistan was using those Mujaheedins against India and you still didn't do anything. You left the mess as you weren't going to be affected as you are half the world across with an ocean in between, but we paid the price of your adventure to defeat Soviet.

Even your Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accepted that Its US fault which led to rise of Taliban and other terrorist organizations in our region. We kept telling you guys. Should I also quote ex British Prime Minister Tony Blair who said that India kept telling us but we didn't listen to them. We should have.

We are shouting loud about this Islamic terrorism and the coming danger while loosing thousands of people every year but you guys were lost in your Sex,Drgs and RicknRoll.

You don't know how it feels to grow up in a country where people are killed in bomb blasts and terrorist attacks in Hotels, Local Trains, Street Markets. In my city there were serial blasts.

You could have stopped Pakistan but you didn't just like you could have stopped Saddam from killing thousands of Iranians and his own people by chemical weapons. As its all about your national interest.

In Rwanda, US could have saved many people but it didn't even with its Marines along with thousands of UN peace Keeping and European forces. Same as you could have stopped East Pakistan genocide but you didn't and even came to support the war criminals.

As people said about Rwanda, US don't have friends, just interests.

Leave that actor, you did same to our ex-President APJ Abdul Kalam. Tell me was he a security risk ?

Do you want to agree with above?
Not me as that would mean I am a ***** and love blaming others.
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@American Pakistani You don't get it do you. He wasn't a unknown citizen of India. I mean a normal Indian Hindu wasn't treated this way, and as you said, RAW has supported extremists but isn't it bias against Muslims especially Indian Muslims. Leave that actor, tell me ex-President of India, Dr. APJ Kalam ws also treated this way. Do you think it was right ?

As for Hagel, he said it as Senator, not Defense Secretary. Should I bring out what US Senators say about Pakistan ? US don't have any threat from an Indian.

And coming to your argument of Shinde, if you don't know Indian politics its better to not comment because he made that statement for Politics and later retracted it and apologized. Do you know what Shinde also said, he said Pakistan is stiull funding terrorism against India. Do you agree with him now.

As for my post quality, I used to be diplomatic so that I don't have to use harsh words but few things is what we take as seriously. It is about Indian citizens.

We can do the same against US citizens, remember David Headley, and whole world knows CIA agents are present in every corner, every country, and is one of the most notorious agency which goes to any length to protect US national interests abroad. You are a Pakistani, you do know about what they do.

@Not Sure You are not ex-President of India nor a known and respected person of a country. Just a normal person. That's your answer.

Its about discrimination on basis of Surname/Religion by professional officers, not some random guy on street.
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@Not Sure You are not ex-President of India nor a known and respected person of a country. Just a normal person. That's your answer.

Thank you so much KRAIT!

I suppose you did not even bother to think before replying, so here, let me help you understand what you just said -

You are in fact agreeing with my point that unless you are a known face or a big shot, it is almost a guarantee that you will be discriminated against at Indian airports.

Thank you for your acceptance of and support to the discrimination of "normal" people of India, by Indians.

So... when you support that position, then what are you on about throughout the thread?
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Thank you so much KRAIT! I suppose you did not even bother to think before replying, so here, let me help you understand what you just said - You are in fact agreeing with my point that unless you are a known face or a big shot, it is almost a guarantee that you will be discriminated against at Indian airports.Thank you for your acceptance of and support to the discrimination of "normal" people of India, by Indians. So... when you support that position, then what are you on about throughout the thread?
You still didn't get it. The issue is were you frisked at airport because of your religion ?

Forget about actors. OK, I agree with you. There has been actors frisked. May be due to drugs or custom theft. But not for religion.

Do you think there is no difference between ex-President of India and you ? Don't you think frisking APJ ABdul Kalam just because he is a Muslim, was disrespect of India.

The issue is Hindus, Christians Jews are not taken aside on basis of Religion, why Muslims ? Aren't you supporting US officials for the same generalization and discrimination based on prejudice, wrong opinion and perception of whites and Indians regarding South Asians, Blacks etc. respectively, you mentioned , that you hate ?

People treated you badly because of similar prejudice, perception and discrimination against brown color people.

WoW. Is it rocket science ?
@American Pakistani You don't get it do you. He wasn't a unknown citizen of India. I mean a normal Indian Hindu wasn't treated this way, and as you said, RAW has supported extremists but isn't it bias against Muslims especially Indian Muslims. Leave that actor, tell me ex-President of India, Dr. APJ Kalam ws also treated this way. Do you think it was right ?

So dragging Pakistan in your issues was right? I don't really care what happens in india or with india. The thread was about india & US, so how is it rite to drag Pakistan into it?

As for Hagel, he said it as Senator, not Defense Secretary. Should I bring out what US Senators say about Pakistan ? US don't have any threat from an Indian.

My point when i mention Hagel was that Americans are not dumb people, they knows what's going on where. Like Hagel, American Intel, govt Officials, Military bosses, etc are all fully aware of indian involvement in terrorism issues, but currently india possesses no threat to US but just it's neighbours so they are silent. Hope you get my point.

And coming to your argument of Shinde, if you don't know Indian politics its better to not comment because he made that statement for Politics and later retracted it and apologized. Do you know what Shinde also said, he said Pakistan is stiull funding terrorism against India. Do you agree with him now.

I know a bit of indian politics so i can confidently say that Shinde retracted & apologized because of upcoming indian elections, but the truth has already slip out.

As for my post quality, I used to be diplomatic so that I don't have to use harsh words but few things is what we take as seriously. It is about Indian citizens.

Taking seriously doesn't mean you stop following Forum rules or start trolling...does it?

We can do the same against US citizens, remember David Headley, and whole world knows CIA agents are present in every corner, every country, and is one of the most notorious agency which goes to any length to protect US national interests abroad. You are a Pakistani, you do know about what they do.

Trust me your govt cannot do a single thing no matter what...it is Americans who provide you jobs & business...come out of nationalism & think rationally for once.
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You still didn't get it. The issue is were you frisked at airport because of your religion ?

Forget about actors. OK, I agree with you. There has been actors frisked. May be due to drugs or custom theft. But not for religion.

Do you think there is no difference between ex-President of India and you ? Don't you think frisking APJ ABdul Kalam just because he is a Muslim, was disrespect of India.

The issue is Hindus, Christians Jews are not taken aside on basis of Religion, why Muslims ? Aren't you doing the same generalization and discrimination based on prejudice and people'e opinion that you hate.

People treated you badly because of their prejudice, perception about brown color people.

WoW. Is it rocket science ?

Yes, it does appear to be a rocket science - for you.

You are running your argument on the presumption that Abdul Kalam was frisked at the airport because of his religion. No, he was not!

Neither was Shahrukh Khan, nor was Irrfan Khan.

He was checked because his name matched with someone's name in their database who was involved in terrorism. What makes you think there can be anything in the US laws even remotely suggesting discrimination based on religion?

To help you understand this rocket science, here are two instances... compare them, and please think!

1. Ted Kennedy - the senior most member of the senate - got stopped at the airport and was held by the airport security and eventually missed his flight - because there was a name of a terrorist in the database that matched his.

Points to consider -

a. Was Kennedy a Muslim? No.

b. Was he discriminated against because he was a Roman Catholic? No.

c. Did the airport officials not know they could lose their jobs at his slightest effort? Yes, they did.

d. Was any apology issued? None.

2. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam - ex president of India - gets stopped at the last moment, to have his shoe checked.

a. Was he discriminated because of his religion? Same as with Ted Kennedy.

b. Was an apology issued immediately afterwards? Yes, the ambassador delivered it in person.

c. Did the airport officials get fired? Yes, within two weeks.


In India, you be a totally corrupt local politician, and see if anyone dares stop you anywhere, even if you are brazenly engaging in kabootarbazi. In the states, they either resign, or are forced to resign.

Just think of it, US went to war with two countries over one incident. Now, say, after listening to your arguments and all the ruckus in the media, Americans get lax at checking Indian travelers (esp Muslims), and then someone from Indian Mujaheddin slips in takes down a plane. Who should be held responsible for the loss of life? People like you who allowed them a window, or the Americans who will be loathed to no end for being respectful toward Indians?

When it comes to the moral high ground, you should consider the implications and not even think of this "tit for tat" approach you have been advocating so vigorously.

I cannot comprehend on what values are you defending the Indian position here.
@American Pakistani If you don't know just few days ago, another Pakistani American was convicted for aiding bomb blast In LAHORE. David Headley was also Pakistani American. The London bombers also went to Pakistan for terrorist training.

Should I also quote that terrorists from across the region, from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc. are living in tribal agencies ?

So don't you think this paranoia of US citizens against Muslims is due to terrorists from KSA and Pakistan ?

How many Indian Muslims have ever killed a US citizen, Hell in US a woman pushed an Indian Hindu because she thought that since he looks like South Asian, people like him were responsible for 9/11 ?

Here is your reason, why Pakistan is brought. Extremist Pakistani Muslims have made life of Muslims from other countries especially from India difficult, and even for Indian Hindus, Sikhs etc. After OBL raid, Americans are more paranoid and don't trust Pakistan.

Coming to SHinde, you do know about Indian election coming, so then you should also notice that he made that comment on culmination of the National Meeting of Congress Party for upcoming elections. He mentioned BJP, their main opposition party. Hope you can see politics in this case rather than in apology. Truth didn't slip out as there was no truth. Do you think COngress wouldn't have used it now to destroy the image of BJP.

BJP asked Congress to prove the allegations.

And as for Americans providing us jobs, we also do. Do you know how many jobs were saved in Boeing when we signed C-10 Globemaster III an C-130 J ? US want to increase its trade in India because of Indian market, as it will ave in creating millions of jobs. So essentially we are providing US with our best brains and creating jobs in US.

Should I quote statistics ? BTW US don't do us charity by giving Indians Jobs. Indian Students are filled in top US Universities. Especially in MS< PhD and MBA programs. Read the recent result of GMAT by Indian students.

They get job because of their talent, not because of charity.
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