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I urge Bangladeshis here to use their brains

Please. If you allow Bangladesh to build road connections to India and not have borders creating barriers, you will only facilitate Hindus and Northeast Indians coming over and eventually forming significant minorities. I urge Bangladeshis to order Hindus to leave Bangladesh, and if they don't they shall be punished until they leave.

You should use your brain to think before posting such BS.
I hope you got the drift by now genius. What matters is what is the take of the govt. on the matter, not that of any tom, dick or harry..

The tom dick and harry are the people who vote in the gov genius, and if they don't approve of their policies then their time is short lived. People are already grumbling, about the outcome of this visit.....time will tell how this gov manages the discontent.
The tom dick and harry are the people who vote in the gov genius, and if they don't approve of their policies then their time is short lived. People are already grumbling, about the outcome of this visit.....time will tell how this gov manages the discontent.

Go ahead.. cast your vote.. When did you do that for the last time ?
Please. If you allow Bangladesh to build road connections to India and not have borders creating barriers, you will only facilitate Hindus and Northeast Indians coming over and eventually forming significant minorities. I urge Bangladeshis to order Hindus to leave Bangladesh, and if they don't they shall be punished until they leave.

Will you take the lead by dragging a Bangla Hindu from his home and throwing him over the border??

Otherwise you are all bull.:tdown:

We are both British and Bangladeshi. Our families have properties back home and we also visit quite regularly. We have stake in both countries. As much as all the foreigners like to claim they are British, the real Brits are white Brits of European descent. Others will never be true Brits. As much as you think you are a whitewashed Canadian, the real Canadians, those of British and French descent, will laugh at you.Go and see if Arabs accept South Asians as Arabs in the Gulf. A big no.

Bangladesh is for Bangladeshi Muslims. West Bengal is for Hindu Bengalis. But those Hindu Bangladeshis already in Bangladesh we will let them remain since it is their ancestral home.

Why change of heart??
Go ahead.. cast your vote.. When did you do that for the last time ?

Dont worry, the younger generation will be casting their vote in the next election, and they are vastly anti AL and your pet SH.
Please. If you allow Bangladesh to build road connections to India and not have borders creating barriers, you will only facilitate Hindus and Northeast Indians coming over and eventually forming significant minorities. I urge Bangladeshis to order Hindus to leave Bangladesh, and if they don't they shall be punished until they leave.
First use your brain if you have one....
No country can dictate which religion should stay...
First Muslims are not natives of Bangladesh. What if India treats our minorities in same way?
Your but hurts when then way rohingyas are treated.
Did you study in Madarsa? Thought Bangladeshis are progressive. Prove me a country ever survived without the support of minorities?
Nazis tried it and failed!!!
OP has been crass in his delivery but makes a valid point of discussion.

Banglas need to ensure they are not assimilated. Indias track record is not good when it comes to interference in internal affairs of its neighbors. Whatever dealings you do with them, do it on your terms or back away.
You are pro-India in many of your posts. If I came across you in the streets I would have slashed your throat. What is the point in creating a separate nation for Muslims if only to later give it to Hindus. In my family, everyone is hoping Hasina to become assassinated.

And I don't make apologies for what I just said. We are killing Hindu bloggers and others promoting atheism, we will also do the same to those seeking to give Bangladesh away to India.
so ? whats so bad in being India friendly ? even i am India friendly by nature , just because some one has a different point of view then you , doesn't makes him/her Hindu minded but , it definitely makes you a very narrow minded person to label people left , right & center who doesn't agrees with you , South Asia has seen enough enmity , & if India & Bangladesh are improving their relations then we should all support them
any how now forget as haseena already solid BD to modi :D
There is no question of selling. We have closest relations. We have 2 crore Bangladeshis living in India. And most important all is that we are one and the same people.
Bangladesh is a Muslim country and your father is Jinnah, keep it that way. These Hindus already have a massive land mass India to call their own. Don't allow them to force their backwards culture and Yoga day on you.

you re wrong , Bangladesh is a Secular Country with a Muslim majority , like Turkey , Egypt ,Indonesia etc, etc & its Father of the nation is Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
@jamahir @UKBengali @bongbang @C130 @tsinga @farhan_9909 @doppelganger @ayesha.a @Menace2Society @Saiful Islam & everyone who replied to this guy:

OP is most likely a false flagger giving his best to make a mockery of BD and its people. You won't a single REAL Bangladeshi sharing his views!

@Luffy 500 and a dozen others here would disagree with you! :)

Brother,i also share your concern

Modi greater plan is to increase the hindu populaton to atleast 40% in Bangladesh to be followed by further partition of Bangladesh.

At least 40% of Pakistanis inside Pakistan are Indian Hindu RAW agents in disguise waiting for the D-Day.........!! :whistle:
looks like retail price of marijuana has dropped in whatever slum area Bangla25 lives at UK!! :coffee:

And clearly our great adviser Bangla25 has air between his ears.Not even fresh air,it's marijuana induced air!!
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Please. If you allow Bangladesh to build road connections to India and not have borders creating barriers, you will only facilitate Hindus and Northeast Indians coming over and eventually forming significant minorities. I urge Bangladeshis to order Hindus to leave Bangladesh, and if they don't they shall be punished until they leave.

What an Idiot are you???? Its the Bd's who cross illegally into india to make their living.... don't whine because india is having good relation with BD. No wonder Why you Jamathi idiots are kept away from forming a government in BD by people
You build these road connections and I promise India will be hiding illegals in those trucks supposed to bring in goods. These roads are difficult to man. t's a ploy for India to gradually resettle Bangladesh with Hindus and other India-friendly populations. We already have India determining the outcome of Bangladeshi elections by ensuring the India and Hindu friendly party stays put. I hate Hindu minded Bangladeshi Muslims more than Indians. You guys need to hang from trees and flogged until you die from the injuries.
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