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I urge Bangladeshis here to use their brains

:rofl: Lol Tahsin at his best again

Very good judgement. Many Bangladeshis declared him Indian before, like @Saiful Islam . This Tahsin with his another id also proposed to break away sylhet from BD :omghaha: No one take this troll seriously. He keeps on opening threads with a para.
You are pro-India in many of your posts. If I came across you in the streets I would have slashed your throat. What is the point in creating a separate nation for Muslims if only to later give it to Hindus. In my family, everyone is hoping Hasina to become assassinated.

And I don't make apologies for what I just said. We are killing Hindu bloggers and others promoting atheism, we will also do the same to those seeking to give Bangladesh away to India.
You are pro-India in many of your posts. If I came across you in the streets I would have slashed your throat. What is the point in creating a separate nation for Muslims if only to later give it to Hindus. In my family, everyone is hoping Hasina to become assassinated.

britain and bangladesh must be proud of you. :tup:
You are pro-India in many of your posts. If I came across you in the streets I would have slashed your throat. What is the point in creating a separate nation for Muslims if only to later give it to Hindus. In my family, everyone is hoping Hasina to become assassinated.

Bangladesh isnt a Muslim country :sarcastic: Just 90% of its people are Muslims. And keep your family in India dont bother about us :crazy:
Bangladesh isnt a Muslim country :sarcastic: Just 90% of its people are Muslims. And keep your family in India dont bother about us :crazy:

It's a Muslim majority nation like Malaysia, Turkey and Iran. Probably more than 90%.

Please. If you allow Bangladesh to build road connections to India and not have borders creating barriers, you will only facilitate Hindus and Northeast Indians coming over and eventually forming significant minorities. I urge Bangladeshis to order Hindus to leave Bangladesh, and if they don't they shall be punished until they leave.

Bro you need to channel your anger, I share your concern too. It's not Hindus that you hate but Indian hegemony in Bangladesh and growing Indian influence. How preposterous Modi coming to Bangladesh, a man who has blood on his hands. However we have to look closer to home sometimes (Hasina), we have a bejjat ghulam-ni who doesn't represent the general population. If she had a backbone then today it would be different. Consider the late 70's our golden days.
Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country but not a Muslim country. No country has religion.

There is no declaration that it is a Muslim country, but I think we can pretty much say it's got an overwhelmingly Muslim pop. Plus globally it's known as a Muslim country.
There is no declaration that it is a Muslim country, but I think we can pretty much say it's got an overwhelmingly Muslim pop. Plus globally it's known as a Muslim country.

Its because someone changed the original constitution. Which said about secularism. Hopefully someday it will be changed again like Turkey. But even by present constitution equal rights of all religions are provided.
Its because someone changed the original constitution. Which said about secularism. Hopefully someday it will be changed again like Turkey. But even by present constitution equal rights of all religions are provided.

It's only right to call it a Muslim country, because majority of the population adheres to Sunni Islam.
Are Bangladeshis happy with the settlement by and large?

I hear murmurs that we gave more than we got .....
Are Bangladeshis happy with the settlement by and large?

I hear murmurs that we gave more than we got .....

The land settlement? I don't think people on either side are much bothered by it. These pieces of land were for all practical purposes in de facto control of the other country anyway. The lives of the residents of these areas though will see significant change as they connect with the rest the country.
you know ignorant that sounds. how would you feel if europeans said hey we need stop all these refugees from north africa, and the middle east??? they will and are forming significant minorities.

i support uour argument but afterwards, leave red indians land... :yahoo:
@jamahir @UKBengali @bongbang @C130 @tsinga @farhan_9909 @doppelganger @ayesha.a @Menace2Society @Saiful Islam & everyone who replied to this guy:

OP is most likely a false flagger giving his best to make a mockery of BD and its people. You won't a single REAL Bangladeshi sharing his views!
You really think so? Why do you think so many Bangladeshis in the UK going off to join ISIS and so many others want to but can't because of various circumstances. Around 50% of Bangladeshis I would imagine share similar views to myself, while there are also some Bangladeshis in Bangladesh who are all but Hindu, dressed in 'Muslim clothing'.
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