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I stand by my stance, have never made irresponsible statements: Ayaz Sadiq

At the same time, i hope Ayaz Sadiq must take this case to court and should expose media.
Your hope will remain but a hope because Ayaz Mir sadiq knows what will happen if he takes it to court.
Your hope will remain but a hope because Ayaz Mir sadiq knows what will happen if he takes it to court.

I want this case to go to courts, one way or the other.
I want to know, if the core matter is correct. i.e. 'India is going to attack Pakistan @09:00 hrs.'
You may hang Ayaz Sadiq after wards, for legs shaking part.
It means our country, judiciary and state is a joke

It's upto the people to destroy these traitors
Pakistani institutions are less than ideal (no doubt) but it is much better to have these than politicized mob(s) deciding FATE of others on the grounds of localized narratives. A country cannot function in this manner - it turns into Afghanistan, or Syria, or Libya instead.

Entire country can see what PDM is up to. People should decide its fate in the ballot box when the time comes.
Public must understand the real treason is handing back of Abhinandan.

Calling the meeting to release Abhinandan is the primary crime, while publicizing the details of meeting is secondary crime and if we had any bit of patriotism left in us, we didn't needed to wait until this day.

I want to know, who's brain child it was to release Abhinandan, than we'll decided who is the true traitor.
Hoping to see a commission being formed on release of Abhinandan.

Imran Khan's posture and statements on Kargil war reflect, how how much respect he has for Institutions.
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Welcome to the Banana Republic where every Looter, Fraudster and As.s hole is protected by the State !!
Pakistani institutions are less than ideal (no doubt) but it is much better to have these than politicized mob(s) deciding FATE of others on the grounds of localized narratives. A country cannot function in this manner - it turns into Afghanistan, or Syria, or Libya instead.

Entire country can see what PDM is up to. People should decide its fate in the ballot box when the time comes.

We can't justify the traitors in institutions because we have traitors in PDM.
All of them must be served justice, starting with the person, who proposed release of Abhinandan, followed by those who noded in yes.
At the same time, i propose 'nishan e haider' for pilot Hassan Siddique. His case is no different than Rashid Minhas.
I want this case to go to courts, one way or the other.
I want to know, if the core matter is correct. i.e. 'India is going to attack Pakistan @09:00 hrs.'
You may hang Ayaz Sadiq after wards, for legs shaking part.
You dont need to convince me, tell that to your leaders if can actually take the matter to court and sue all so called PTI Sponsored media outlets
Welcome to the Banana Republic where every Looter, Fraudster and As.s hole is protected by the State !!
Today Imran Khan is the state, he is even taking decision which not even state can take without going to referendum. Classic examples are case of release of Abinandan and Annexing GB from NWFP.
You dont need to convince me, tell that to your leaders if can actually take the matter to court and sue all so called PTI Sponsored media outlets

Who is my leader?
It's obvious, you have no choice but to invent lie to win argument in favor of cheapster of banigala.
This is how people are killed in Pakistan after labeling them anything. I can dig many cases.
Who is my leader?
What's obvious is you dont want to accept or should i say dont have the guts to accept. For better or worse the PTI followers at least have the guts to stand by what they think is right.
We can't justify the traitors in institutions because we have traitors in PDM.
All of them must be served justice, starting with the person, who proposed release of Abhinandan, followed by those who noded in yes.
At the same time, i propose 'nishan e haider' for pilot Hassan Siddique. His case is no different than Rashid Minhas.
People are not perfect unfortunately. Pakistani institutions did not become less than ideal over night - Pakistani people are responsible for this mess in the first place.

My concern is that what kind of environment Pakistani are striving for? Do WE desire an environment in which institutions exist and function (even if they are less than ideal) and issues/themes can be discussed with maturity? (or) do WE desire an environment in which a singular force reigns supreme and conversations are strongly regulated at all levels? Might as well shut down Pakistani social media platforms in the process?

The ongoing practice of pulling legs of each other for political point-scoring is the only factor which prevents Pakistan from achieving consensus-building on a number of its issues to inform its national narratives. There is a high risk for being branded a traitor these days because YOU cannot keep everybody happy and satisfied in your conversations. Might as well stop talking to each other?

The politicized revisit to the chapter of an Indian pilot have created confusion instead. My thanks I suppose?

Maturity please...
My concern is that what kind of environment Pakistani are striving for? Do WE desire an environment in which institutions exist and function (even if they are less than ideal) and issues/themes can be discussed with maturity? (or) do WE desire an environment in which a singular force reigns supreme and conversations are strongly regulated at all levels? Might as well shut down Pakistani social media platforms in the process?

Pakistan Army Act (amendment) 2020 /aka Bajwa act, amounted to digging grave of of army's professionalism.
Specially when the said act has potential of misuse by likes of Zardari, who already wanted authority to appoint anyone as head of Army /ISI.. just like Iranian style.

NO society can be formed on injustice and can operated by mafias and personal forces.

We are anticipating the worst.... Imran Khan has already stripped us of our savings, which he candidly term as economic activity, our freedom, our respect and dignity and last he even lied to all parliament that India is going to attack @ 21:00 hrs. so Abhinandan must leave, until 20:59.

WTF... why didn't otherwise THE brave Sheikh Rashid, stepped in?

Enough is enough... every one who is costing state more than 1 million/month must ONLY work, should never appear in parties, functions, conferences, inaugurations, tours, speeches, shows.....
While the way to progress, prosperity and national unity is ONLY by freeing Kashmir, which cannot happen until Bajwa is army chief. He should step down along side the donkey from banigala.
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