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I stand by my stance, have never made irresponsible statements: Ayaz Sadiq

India is the largest importer of weapons in the entire world and what did it have to show for it? Oh yes a shot down plane, captured pilot, and shooting down their own helicopter and killing 6 of their own in panic.

That is the definition of weakness, and your entire military command recognises this hence why they have shut up their weekly barking since PAF almost wiped out their entire command structure.

India has China to contend with and so has to maintain some level of parity however India is not the largest importer and neither spends more than China in terms of GDP share. Forget the propoganda and your make belief impressions, however the fact is that India has given it back to China and has been able to push it back . China moved in and occupied areas which was patrolled by both the parties just after winter by deceit. India later has occupied strategic areas in response and China too has not been able to do anything. In few months, things wil go back to old status. This is happening because of India forces.

27th Feb 2019 incident is now clear to many in Pakistan. Your leadership released Abhinandan at the diktat of India.
India has China to contend with and so has to maintain some level of parity however India is not the largest importer and neither spends more than China in terms of GDP share. Forget the propoganda and your make belief impressions, however the fact is that India has given it back to China and has been able to push it back . China moved in and occupied areas which was patrolled by both the parties just after winter by deceit. India later has occupied strategic areas in response and China too has not been able to do anything. In few months, things wil go back to old status. This is happening because of India forces.

27th Feb 2019 incident is now clear to many in Pakistan. Your leadership released Abhinandan at the diktat of India.

Ooh 2nd largest importer, yes you sure proved me wrong :lol:

As for "giving it back to China", it sounds like you are brainwashed by your own propaganda. China has taken from you and embarassed you over and over, and beyond coming up with idiotic lies like "we killed 50... no 100... no 150 Chinese soldiers!!111" or "we have gone camping inside China", you have literally nothing to show for it.

Makes sense though. A nation which was absolutely humiliated by a country 7 times smaller that is already fighting another war, would obviously stand no chance against an actual superpower. Come up with even more illogical lies like "dey rellised abinandon becauj dey ij scared!!!", that will never change this reality.
Ooh 2nd largest importer, yes you sure proved me wrong :lol:

As for "giving it back to China", it sounds like you are brainwashed by your own propaganda. China has taken from you and embarassed you over and over, and beyond coming up with idiotic lies like "we killed 50... no 100... no 150 Chinese soldiers!!111" or "we have gone camping inside China", you have literally nothing to show for it.

Makes sense though. A nation which was absolutely humiliated by a country 7 times smaller that is already fighting another war, would obviously stand no chance against an actual superpower. Come up with even more illogical lies like "dey rellised abinandon becauj dey ij scared!!!", that will never change this reality.

May i know what is your age? Do you really believe in 1 Pakistani equal 10 Hindus bullshit.

Lets anamyze What has China Done.
It entered into an area which was patrolled by both parties and not allowing Indians to Patrol.

There is no use of firearms agreement between both and so there is no fighting. Discussing is happening and India too in the interim captured more strategic areas. The discussions are still happening and we are into 7th month. In July they used iron age sticks on nunerically far less Indian soldiers. They have hidden their casualty till date but the international media reported more that 30 deaths.

You may not know, even in the past these encroachments happened and discussion went on for years before status quo was restored. Do you know which year Sikkim merged with India?

All these talk of China doing something will be over in few months and if China goes back, will you concede we gave them reality check?

A small skirmish where on both occassions Indian plane entered Pakistan and on 27th , one Mig got hit surrounded by pack of 40 planes....do you call it victory? You were just lucky. You stayed within your border.

When will you guys realize that all that gas filled by your ISPR is just gas....when time comes your fauz actually start sweating and shaking. Are forced to manage the image....

You guys have however mastered the art of nurturing non state actors and using them....numerous Pakistani gets killed in Kashmir...nobody cares...they are expendables...
I stand by my stance, have never made irresponsible statements: Ayaz Sadiq
Dawn.comUpdated 31 Oct 2020
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PML-N leader Ayaz Sadiq addresses the media in Lahore. — DawnNewsTV

PML-N leader Ayaz Sadiq addresses the media in Lahore. — DawnNewsTV
PML-N lawmaker and former speaker of the National Assembly, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, on Saturday said he stands by his stance expressed during a recent speech on the floor of the lower house, adding that he had "many secrets" but never made irresponsible statements.
Sadiq was referring to his speech earlier this week in which he suggested that the PTI government had released Indian pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman in capitulation, fearing an imminent attack from India.
His statement was heavily criticised by ministers and by social media users and also prompted the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) chief Major General Babar Iftikhar to hold a presser in which he sought to "correct the record" regarding the events that surrounded India's violation of Pakistani airspace last year in February.
Although Gen Ikftikhar did not name anyone, he said "a statement was given yesterday which tried to distort the history of issues associated with national security," purportedly in reference to Sadiq's remarks.
Talking to the media in Lahore alongside Maulana Fazlur Rehman, head of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) and chief of the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F), Sadiq said that the "political colour" given to his statement did not benefit Pakistan's narrative.

"We can have different thoughts politically but where Pakistan is concerned, the whole nation is united and God willing, will give a splendid answer to India. People may have objections to what I said but the political colour given to it did not benefit Pakistan's narrative," he said.
"This selected government tried to support the unsuccessful narrative that was being created in India," he said, adding that the opposition had "strong reservations" about the government on what he termed its silence on Kashmir and its foreign policy failures.
"But these are political differences. Their attempt to associate my statement with the armed forces of Pakistan was not a service to the country. My statement can be seen and heard in which I talked about this government, which government officials misread by adopting Indian media's strategies. This is not only a blatant plot against Pakistan but is a disservice to Pakistan," he said.
"You (the government) have played in the hands of Indian media and you have not done justice to Pakistan. I am standing by my stance and you will see in future, I have many secrets. I had been heading the National Security Committee."
The PML-N leader added that he had, however, never made irresponsible statements and would never do so in the future as well.
"I want to say about this inefficient government, you can fight any political battles you want but political parties will only agree with you when it comes to Pakistan. I request you to keep the armed forces out of this fight."
Referring to posters put up in Lahore, calling him a "traitor", Sadiq said such acts were not doing a service to Pakistan.
He said that there was "a multitude of mindsets in our society but we are all patriotic", adding that he did not have the right to call anyone a traitor and nobody had the right to call him one either.
The PML-N leader said "we are political people" and have been making statements against political opponents in the past and would continue to do so in the future. "But at one point, when it comes to Pakistan or the matter of our unity or institutions, Pakistan's message to India is very clear.
"We, the Pakistani nation are one. We have political differences with the government but we are united in the matter of India," he said and requested the media to not "blow up" the matter.
When asked whether he would apologise, Sadiq said he had "not said anything [for which to apologise]" and he has already issued a clarification.
'Storm in a teacup'
Maulana Fazl said that the government tried to create a "storm in a teacup" over Sadiq's statement, adding that if someone "destroys a person's character and his patriotism", then they should also be brought back to their "original standing".
"It is our responsibility to keep our politics according to the law and the Constitution," he stated.
He said the PDM – an anti-government alliance of 11 opposition parties –had a clear stance. "There was rigging on July 25, 2018. We do not accept the basis of this government. We are steadfast on our stance. Today is the day I was passing to Islamabad from Lahore in Azadi March and I will walk towards Islamabad again."
"Nobody is above criticism ... our institutions are so sacred that they are above criticism. We do not accept this rule. We are against blasphemous attitude, whether related to courts and judiciary or ourselves."
Maulana Fazl claimed the PTI government had "bankrupted the country and Pakistan was at risk" under this regime.
'Indian media using Sadiq's speech to fullest degree'
Meanwhile, Information Minister Shibli Faraz alleged that the opposition was creating a narrative to destabilise the country.
"Sadiq criticised the army and air force and tried to bring down their morale," Faraz said. The minister also showed footage of Indian media channels and claimed that they were "using the PML-N leader's speech to the fullest degree".
Faraz said "certain elements" in the opposition were speaking against state institutions to "protect their personal interests".
He said the government would hold "these political vagabonds and those who want to damage our image" responsible.
The minister claimed that the PDM leadership's statements were "not in national interest", adding that the government
would not "allow them to speak against the country".
"If these political vagabonds say anything to harm national interest, we will punish them, the people will punish them," he said.

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Noonies are noonies .... a cess pool of human waste
May i know what is your age? Do you really believe in 1 Pakistani equal 10 Hindus bullshit.

Lets anamyze What has China Done.
It entered into an area which was patrolled by both parties and not allowing Indians to Patrol.

There is no use of firearms agreement between both and so there is no fighting. Discussing is happening and India too in the interim captured more strategic areas. The discussions are still happening and we are into 7th month. In July they used iron age sticks on nunerically far less Indian soldiers. They have hidden their casualty till date but the international media reported more that 30 deaths.

You may not know, even in the past these encroachments happened and discussion went on for years before status quo was restored. Do you know which year Sikkim merged with India?

All these talk of China doing something will be over in few months and if China goes back, will you concede we gave them reality check?

A small skirmish where on both occassions Indian plane entered Pakistan and on 27th , one Mig got hit surrounded by pack of 40 planes....do you call it victory? You were just lucky. You stayed within your border.

When will you guys realize that all that gas filled by your ISPR is just gas....when time comes your fauz actually start sweating and shaking. Are forced to manage the image....

You guys have however mastered the art of nurturing non state actors and using them....numerous Pakistani gets killed in Kashmir...nobody cares...they are expendables...

Keep crying child, like I said it will never change the ground reality.

India has done zilch, while China has literally taken your self proclaimed territory. Then there was the admissions that PLA troops were encroaching all over the border deep into India with zero resistance.

Which brings us to today where your entire armed forces is literally going through a reorganisation just to deal with China. If you were actually winning as your failed bollywood logic dictates then this would be the worst possible time to do that.
Keep crying child, like I said it will never change the ground reality.

India has done zilch, while China has literally taken your self proclaimed territory. Then there was the admissions that PLA troops were encroaching all over the border deep into India with zero resistance.

Which brings us to today where your entire armed forces is literally going through a reorganisation just to deal with China. If you were actually winning as your failed bollywood logic dictates then this would be the worst possible time to do that.

China claims the territory as theirs , we claim as ours...and therefore both the parties used to patrol those territories. Uninhabited. Barren.

This time during winter China prepared to claim half of it. There is protocol on number of soldiers that can form the patrol party. No firearm use etc etc... But China broke it. India small patrol party was attacked. Anyway, coming back to now...

India too did the same thing in much more strategic areas. Tit for Tat.

Now...things are going back to pre march position and it will mark years of peace as China has seen our resolve.

About Indian Forces re organization. CDS was formed much before these developments. CDS task is to integrate all 3 forces and to improve response time, Theatres are getting created. These changes in an old Army like India gets debated for decades and resource are allocated after years of begging from Civilian Govt ( Unlike your country where your army has first right on resources).

You get information from Indian Media and analyst. You will not know a thing from China other than their propoganda ...but...connect with seniors and try to think through. You will get the answer.

China claims the territory as theirs , we claim as ours...and therefore both the parties used to patrol those territories. Uninhabited. Barren.

This time during winter China prepared to claim half of it. There is protocol on number of soldiers that can form the patrol party. No firearm use etc etc... But China broke it. India small patrol party was attacked. Anyway, coming back to now...

India too did the same thing in much more strategic areas. Tit for Tat.

Now...things are going back to pre march position and it will mark years of peace as China has seen our resolve.

About Indian Forces re organization. CDS was formed much before these developments. CDS task is to integrate all 3 forces and to improve response time, Theatres are getting created. These changes in an old Army like India gets debated for decades and resource are allocated after years of begging from Civilian Govt ( Unlike your country where your army has first right on resources).

You get information from Indian Media and analyst. You will not know a thing from China other than their propoganda ...but...connect with seniors and try to think through. You will get the answer.

Ah yes so Chinese taking the 4 fingers and thrashing 50 Indian soldiers in hand to hand combat was "tit-for-tat" was it? Hmmmm seems very one sided to me and every other independent media outlet. Its just Indians with their heads in the sand who seem to think that they actually have the upper hand or have some kind of parity.

And oh yes the famously streamlined Indian military (LOL) having a major reorganisation and review right after they lost an engagement with the PLA and amidst reports of intrusions all over the border is all just a coincidence im sure, oh and coincidentally at the worst possible time were a conflict actually happen to break out...
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