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´I´m very afraid´: Muslim shock as Trump wins

Isnt that the whole argument or reason behind Trumps candidacy and ultimately his shocking win?
To better protect the nation, certainly. To subscribe to some Hindus' dreams of shedding Muslim blood, no.
To better protect the nation, certainly. To subscribe to some Hindus' dreams of shedding Muslim blood, no.
What ever moral high ground you want to claim, in the end its the muslim blood that will be spilled under one pretext or the other.
What ever moral high ground you want to claim, in the end its the muslim blood that will be spilled under one pretext or the other.
"Pretext?" Don't you think it's too early to accuse Donald Trump, the bluntest and rudest president-elect ever, of planning to act for fake reasons?
"Pretext?" Don't you think it's too early to accuse Donald Trump, the bluntest and rudest president-elect ever, of planning to act for fake reasons?
Going by his election rhetoric where he was proposing to ban an entire community based on religion, i hope our and everyone else sake that this remains nothing more than election rhetoric.
Oh calm down. He doesn't hate Muslims, and has Muslims among his friends. He is against the radicals. Anyway he did say clearly today that he will work for ALL Americans.
Trump getting us into more wars involving the Middle East, lmao.

Muslims don't need to worry we won't be interfering in your affairs anymore, not under Trump atleast.

It's not Muslims who need to worry alone either. Utter useless wars of Bush era has left nothing but shit for America and Americans as well. No good came out of it. Trillions in expense, thousands of lives lost, multiple attacks on mainland, and lost of American influence and prestige in the region with Iranians gaining significant influence across Middle East.

So please no more wars. It's shit for us and for Middle East as well.
So what? Just move to a Muslim friendly country

What? Jakarta is not in a Muslim friendly country? You didn't read the OP!

The concerned Indonesian is already in his country. They are worried about more wars in Muslim countries.
USA's only weakness is Israel and the only way to milk it's rulers is threatening Israel.
If only we gave sh!t about Israel, Hillary would've won, and not Trump. Go ahead and threaten Israel, see if we care anymore.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders were against the Establishment. Bernie quit so the Sheep had only one choice, and that was Trump.

Lool comment. Anyway, have we ever failed?
Europe is Christian, is it not? Turkey is turning secular, and Iranians are still Iranians... I'm not sure, have you ever failed?
Look at it this way. He has no interest in wanting to topple any governments and create a vacuum which will leave thousands dead. No need to worry so much. Better than Clinton : "we came, we saw, he died." And this lady almost became the president. America Bach Gaya.

On another note:
Dark times ahead for minorities including Muslims in the USA. When is the ban going to be implemented as promised? Anyone got a date?

There will never be a date because a ban will never happen. Anyone who actually thought he would go through with it was seriously deluding themselves.

It was pure nationalist rhetoric and nothing more.
There is no reason to be afraid, those were just election rhetoric.

So rump was lying about banning Muslims ?

Its the whole trend of his campaign

Mexicans are rapists .... he really didn't mean it
All Muslims are terrorists ban them and sic the FBI on those that are here.... he didn't really mean it

So what does he mean and if he was just lying to get the job when he said all those things during the campaign can anyone trust what he says now of will it just be

Nuke Pakistan .... oh I didn't really mean it , it was just "rhetoric"
I am happy on Trump triumph as it will stabilized muslims and non anglo americans (as they may face hardship).. "stability comes out of chaos" what he said before can be election rhetoric or true which either way benefits muslims...

Sir, this is America we live in. The land of the free and the home of the brave. The brave people who immigrated here for centuries, even with some hardships, never want to leave. So, as of today, even with Mr. Trump in the picture, if the US allows people to come in, trust me, every nationality would want to be here. That's just the reality.

On Mr. Trump, he is a business man. My guess is, the next few years will bring about some real boom in the economy. That's what the businessmen do. He has already said that the "Muslim ban" was temporary and that he didn't mean it in a way that people will suffer. As a commander in chief, he has a right to come up with ideas to safe guard the American public (including Muslim Americans). But no where did he say that he wants Muslims deported or persecuted or prosecuted. That's silly to assume. Unlike the rest of the world, we actually have a very well defined constitution and the top end democratic system. Our justice system doesn't allow for suffering of our citizens, irrespective of their religion. He wanted to rile people up and he's won so story ends.

Today before his first speech as the President-Elect, people were chanting "lock her up" referring to his comments that he would send Hillary to jail. He came on the stage and in the first few sentences told everyone that the nation owes gratitude towards Mrs. Clinton for her service. That ended all the chants. Just like that, he'll be the President for Muslims also. He currently works with many Muslim countries so he knows better and has many various races and ethnicities working for him. Thanks,
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