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´I´m very afraid´: Muslim shock as Trump wins

The only thing that differentiates Donald Trump from others is his big mouth. The state policies of America aren't dependent much on who so ever wins the seat. It's about who caries them perfectly. Otherwise Trump will be another J.F Kennedy.
Well said.
´I´m very afraid´: Muslim shock as Trump wins
Home / World / ´I´m very afraid´: Muslim shock as Trump wins
November 09, 2016
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JAKARTA: "I´m very afraid, will there be more wars? Will America attack Muslim countries again?" asked Indonesian activist Alijah Diete as Donald Trump edged closer to a shock victory in the US election.

Muslims across Asia were struggling Wednesday to accept the news that the populist politician who has made fiery anti-Islamic rhetoric a key part of his campaign was likely to become president of the world´s greatest power.

He made his most controversial remarks about Islam in December last year, sparking anger among the world´s 1.5 billion followers of Islam when he called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States after a mass shooting in California.

"Americans have just screwed the world yet again," said Syed Tashfin Chowdhury, a Bangladeshi who has several close friends in the US. Thousands in the country watched in shock as the results rolled in and Facebook lit up with horrified reactions.

A senior Pakistani government official, speaking anonymously, called the news "absolutely atrocious and horrifying" while others in the country also lamented the results.
"I am disappointed to see Donald Trump winning because Hillary Clinton is a good woman, she is good for Pakistan and Muslims all over the world," said Ishaq Khan, 32, speaking at an Islamabad market.

"She was talking about world peace -- but Trump was talking about fighting against Muslims."

- ´Muslims are foreigners to him´ -

In Indonesia, the world´s most populous Muslim-majority country, there was growing nervousness about how the relationship with traditional ally the United States would shape up, and how a Trump presidency would affect relations between America and the Muslim world.

"I am very concerned that the relationship between the US and Muslim countries will become tense again," said the female Muslim activist Diete, 47.

Nikken Suardini, who works for a law firm in the capital Jakarta, was concerned about the proposed Muslim ban. "If he is elected president he will block Muslims from entering the US -- well, that´s just not fair."

There was also concern that tough anti-Islamic policies under Trump could fan Muslim extremism globally at a time when the world is struggling with a growing threat of Islamic militancy.

"When the United States uses hard power, extremists gain a momentum," said Zuhairi Misrawi, an Islamic scholar from moderate Indonesian Islamic organisation Nahdlatul Ulama.

"Those who will be the happiest when Trump wins are ISIS," he said, referring by another name to the Islamic State group, which is struggling to hold onto its territory in Iraq and Syria in the face of a fierce military onslaught.

Some observers were more sanguine as the 70-year-old maverick appeared heading for the White House, hoping that his populist rhetoric was aimed at winning votes and would not be translated into tough xenophobic policies if he enters the White House.

"We hope that Trump´s remarks against Muslims were only to boost his campaign and he will realise that Muslims are a large population in the US," said Tahir Ashrafi, a senior Pakistani government cleric.

Others echoed the concerns that his policies would likely discriminate against American Muslims.

"His policies against Muslims will be discriminative," said Munarman, a spokesman for Indonesian hardline group the Islamic Defenders´ Front. "Muslims are foreigners to him."

Politicians have 2 flavours. One before election and other one is after election. So after he wins, it will be business as usual. A nation is not run by one people. Constitution of a country has enough checks and balances to prevent its misuse.
Brothers be ware. USA's only weakness is Israel and the only way to milk it's rulers is threatening Israel.
If , i know this is a Bullshit dream especially i understood it after my joining in this website , Muslim countries stand together and threaten Israel, USA will give up to us. It has an obvious reason. Rothschild doesn't want Israel to be threatened. American middle society is not ruling USA, USA is under control of Jewish bankers and on the top Mr Rothschild.
He is the main president , dictator , of USA not neither some clowns like Clinton, Bush, Obama nor Trump.
Old boy, seems Mullah Islamic propaganda and your contsant obsession with Israel has blinded you people or something. Every news item, you always see some of you Iranian bringing Israel/Jews into it. What have the Mullahs done to you people? :sick: lol

´I´m very afraid´: Muslim shock as Trump wins
Home / World / ´I´m very afraid´: Muslim shock as Trump wins
November 09, 2016
Latest : World
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JAKARTA: "I´m very afraid, will there be more wars? Will America attack Muslim countries again?" asked Indonesian activist Alijah Diete as Donald Trump edged closer to a shock victory in the US election.

Muslims across Asia were struggling Wednesday to accept the news that the populist politician who has made fiery anti-Islamic rhetoric a key part of his campaign was likely to become president of the world´s greatest power.

He made his most controversial remarks about Islam in December last year, sparking anger among the world´s 1.5 billion followers of Islam when he called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States after a mass shooting in California.

"Americans have just screwed the world yet again," said Syed Tashfin Chowdhury, a Bangladeshi who has several close friends in the US. Thousands in the country watched in shock as the results rolled in and Facebook lit up with horrified reactions.

A senior Pakistani government official, speaking anonymously, called the news "absolutely atrocious and horrifying" while others in the country also lamented the results.
"I am disappointed to see Donald Trump winning because Hillary Clinton is a good woman, she is good for Pakistan and Muslims all over the world," said Ishaq Khan, 32, speaking at an Islamabad market.

"She was talking about world peace -- but Trump was talking about fighting against Muslims."

- ´Muslims are foreigners to him´ -

In Indonesia, the world´s most populous Muslim-majority country, there was growing nervousness about how the relationship with traditional ally the United States would shape up, and how a Trump presidency would affect relations between America and the Muslim world.

"I am very concerned that the relationship between the US and Muslim countries will become tense again," said the female Muslim activist Diete, 47.

Nikken Suardini, who works for a law firm in the capital Jakarta, was concerned about the proposed Muslim ban. "If he is elected president he will block Muslims from entering the US -- well, that´s just not fair."

There was also concern that tough anti-Islamic policies under Trump could fan Muslim extremism globally at a time when the world is struggling with a growing threat of Islamic militancy.

"When the United States uses hard power, extremists gain a momentum," said Zuhairi Misrawi, an Islamic scholar from moderate Indonesian Islamic organisation Nahdlatul Ulama.

"Those who will be the happiest when Trump wins are ISIS," he said, referring by another name to the Islamic State group, which is struggling to hold onto its territory in Iraq and Syria in the face of a fierce military onslaught.

Some observers were more sanguine as the 70-year-old maverick appeared heading for the White House, hoping that his populist rhetoric was aimed at winning votes and would not be translated into tough xenophobic policies if he enters the White House.

"We hope that Trump´s remarks against Muslims were only to boost his campaign and he will realise that Muslims are a large population in the US," said Tahir Ashrafi, a senior Pakistani government cleric.

Others echoed the concerns that his policies would likely discriminate against American Muslims.

"His policies against Muslims will be discriminative," said Munarman, a spokesman for Indonesian hardline group the Islamic Defenders´ Front. "Muslims are foreigners to him."
To be honest, they have no need to worry. It was just election talk. He will be a different person as a ruler/president.:)
Trump will not be any dangerous .. he will be just like Modi , post election he spew hatred and things but once you get in power you see a different reality ..
For Muslim living in US , the matter of Concern will be his Nationalist Supporters , who believe in Banning the Muslim , making them wear Badges like Nazi Times , and believing Mexico sends rapist and Drug dealers .. now his supporters will be more open to express their hate .. but those are just assumption based on what Trump said in his speeches , lets see how much of this becomes the reality .

I feel more bad about the Women leaders of the world as they will meet President Trump with a fear, cause he is very eager to grab women by the Pu$$y :rofl:
in contrast of the fear mongering on this thread.

Trump to seek Indonesia`s agreement on trade commitments



Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The US President Elect Donald Trump will want Indonesia to agree to ratify international trade commitments including APEC and the Indonesia-US Strategic Partnership.

"Donald Trump will be interested in making investments in the infrastructure sector, including air, land and sea ports, especially investments that have the potential to lessen the influence of the Peoples Republic of China in South-East Asia," international relations observer from Padjajaran University, Teuku Rezasyah, told ANTARA News in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Teuku Rezasyah added that Donald Trump will potentially urge Indonesia to explain the Free-Active policy adopted by the country in the context of the rivalry between the US and China.

"Considering the importance of investment and trade security, Trump is likely to understand the challenges faced by Indonesia in following human rights principles in the country," he noted.

Republican Donald Trump won over his rival Hillary Clinton, the candidate of the Democratic Party.

Trump was elected as the 45th US President with total electoral votes far above Hillary Clintons.

His victory came as a shock since most surveys had predicted that Hillary Clinton would win the US Presidential contest.

a businessman is a businessman. and being a businessman, a Trump cannot discriminate if he wants to do business at all. hope this be well remembered.
The only thing that differentiates Donald Trump from others is his big mouth. The state policies of America aren't dependent much on who so ever wins the seat. It's about who caries them perfectly. Otherwise Trump will be another J.F Kennedy.
Actually, the U.S. president has nearly dictatorial powers when it comes to foreign policy. For example, I'm sure Nixon would not have let the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba fail, in which case there would never have been a Cuban missile crisis two years later. The "deal" with Iran was pretty much Obama's thing without the support of Congress. There are many other examples. (And I've always wondered if G.W. Bush would have been so eager to invade Iraq in 2003 if Saddam hadn't tried to assassinate his father ten years earlier.)
I thought all muslims are radical or at least this is how we all are portrayed.
"...a joyous Shalabh Kumar, founder of the Republican Hindu coalition, which gave millions in support of Trump, said he felt his efforts had been crucial to the win, pointing to the existence of tens of thousands of Hindu voters in battlegrounds like Florida and North Carolina. He said he believed Trump would become the new Winston Churchill of a battle against radical Islamic violence."
"...a joyous Shalabh Kumar, founder of the Republican Hindu coalition, which gave millions in support of Trump, said he felt his efforts had been crucial to the win, pointing to the existence of tens of thousands of Hindu voters in battlegrounds like Florida and North Carolina. He said he believed Trump would become the new Winston Churchill of a battle against radical Islamic violence."
Best of luck to him and Trump in their future endeavours against the evil Muslims across the Globe.
Best of luck to him and Trump in their future endeavours against the evil Muslims across the Globe.
I find it more thought-provoking that this Kumar says such a "new Winston Churchill" is even needed.
I find it more thought-provoking that this Kumar says such a "new Winston Churchill" is even needed.
Isnt that the whole argument or reason behind Trumps candidacy and ultimately his shocking win?
"...a joyous Shalabh Kumar, founder of the Republican Hindu coalition, which gave millions in support of Trump, said he felt his efforts had been crucial to the win, pointing to the existence of tens of thousands of Hindu voters in battlegrounds like Florida and North Carolina. He said he believed Trump would become the new Winston Churchill of a battle against radical Islamic violence."
I am glad you pointed this out,However there is an error. hindus like him and "ones on this forum" are not against radicalism they have a sick twisted blood lust and a fantasy of murdering Muslims and Christians which trump won't be able to full fill. :lol:

I hope the arabs throw these sadists out of their country soon.
Muslims don't need to worry we won't be interfering in your affairs anymore, not under Trump atleast.
That is the hope that he is wiser!.
I renewed my NRA membership for 5 years just last month! It was money well spent.
I know plenty of muslims including a few hijabi ladies who voted for him.
I ve been in texas 6 years now. I ve never run into any problems.
Heck, the lady at the DMV passed me for my motorcycle license without me having
taken the written test because I was not feeling well! lol!
A big FU to nObama Care & TPP
Trump won Pennsylvanian Ohio & Michigan with black & hispanic votes so the message is
clear. My $$$ is not OPP.

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