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´I´m very afraid´: Muslim shock as Trump wins

You know this "ban the muslim" comment that people associate Trump with; it wasn't even said with the intent that people credit him for.

He made that comment about new muslim immigrants entering the United States. But camp Hillary used it to infer he meant ban all Muslims even those living in America. If Trump had half a brain he would have clarified his position but instead out of arrogance and ignorance he owned it.

Anyway, no body needs to be afraid. Go about your daily lives and see what kind of policies he makes. Hillary wasn't a champion for all mankind either.

And to my fellow Pakistanis, Hillary was a staunch supporter of Israel and their aggressive stance towards the Palestinian. There She stood on that podium and debated Sanders to no end that Israel was justified in using any kind of force fit to defend themselves. I don't care much about Israel or Palestine but my emotional countrymen feel very strongly about the Jewish state that I felt prudent to point out.
So rump was lying about banning Muslims ?

Its the whole trend of his campaign

Mexicans are rapists .... he really didn't mean it
All Muslims are terrorists ban them and sic the FBI on those that are here.... he didn't really mean it

So what does he mean and if he was just lying to get the job when he said all those things during the campaign can anyone trust what he says now of will it just be

Nuke Pakistan .... oh I didn't really mean it , it was just "rhetoric"

Its selling everything to everyone. A form of low balling, more like bait and switch.

On March 10, 2016 he said he would end h1b visa. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/mar/10/donald-trump-vows-to-end-h1-b-visa-program-in-wash/

Mexico paying for the border wall,

· Donald Trump reaffirmed his plan to slap a 35% tariff on Ford's cars made in Mexico and sold in the U.S

Trump on apple manufacturing in USA.

he promised everyone everything. Its a tall order which he wont be able to deliver.
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Sir, this is America we live in
i know.. point is it has been home to racism too pre 50s era. plus US citizen haev millions of deadly fire arms.. so the combo of current hate towards muslims (due to continuous blame of terrorism since 2001) plus armed personal is dangerous. Unlike italy, street crimes in US are as high as any 3rd world country.

well defined constitution and the top end democratic system
i know that very well.. and i appreciate that...unlike SWLand or France, US hasn't banned Minerates or Veil etc as taht requires 2/3 rd states approval etc but as "fish rots from teh top" so any crazy leader like Hitler will favor those racists to use violence indiscriminately...
He currently works with many Muslim countries so he knows better and has many various races and ethnicities working for him. Thanks,

i believe it was election rhetoric... and Trump sustain US alliance to previous friendly countries including NATO.. anyway its teh only way as US is United States & not a nation state.. a congregation of different ethnicities/races...which gives it unique set of power/edge and challenges..

lastly, if i had been living in US, i will stay there as Muslims have been living there for generation and despite ups and downs, they can live in harmony with others in future.
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If I were a muslim in America I wouldn't be afraid of any of his (proposed) policies. I would be more afraid of the general public who feel they've been given the green light to discriminate. For example, you may be assaulted on the street by someone mentioning that you're a muslim and then have the police not do very much about it. Similar things happened in Britain after Brexit. They have not yet even agreed to leave the EU but the atmosphere for E.European migrants changed overnight and Poles were increasingly hassled in public. That's what I would be afraid of.
Of course it the individual who should very well know where he/she fits in.
Yet that does not stop others from generalising the entire religion and its followers under the banner of radical Islam and fanaticism.
Many if not most Muslims of USA will be either moving or at least thinking about moving to Canada. Or even their native countries. Not sure if that is desirable for the US, but there goes.
Na they will just move into blue states at worst :D
Many if not most Muslims of USA will be either moving or at least thinking about moving to Canada. Or even their native countries....
You don't know many Muslims in America, do you? Muslims have freely immigrated to the U.S. for over a hundred years. Thus we have native-born Muslims and converts of many denominations and of course Ahmadis are allowed to call themselves Muslims and call their houses of worship mosques.

I consider the mainstream media - and some Pakistanis here at PDF - have exaggerated Trump's stance on Muslims out of recognition. He wants to fix the immigration and screening process to weed out the terrorists. The married couple who carried out a mass shooting in California was "cleared" multiple times! Most likely, Trump will take visa power away from the Foreign Service - whose officers can't easily be disciplined or removed - to Homeland Security, as nearly occurred under President G.W. Bush.

Until then some "Muslim" immigration might be suspended, but because even non-citizens and illegal immigrants have legal rights under U.S. law, such a suspension can't be used as an excuse to ban Muslim immigration to the U.S. - not under current laws, anyway. And I think because Trump has opposed Obama's unique abuses of executive authority Trump won't likely act without support of the law.

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