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I’ll be back: Younis


Oct 3, 2005
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I’ll be back: Younis

KARACHI: Younis Khan on Wednesday vowed to make a successful return to Test cricket in Australia next month after pulling out of the tour of New Zealand starting from next week.

‘I want to tell my fans that I am not finished, I will come back. My country comes first, more than my family and more than myself,’ Younis said after asking the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) to allow him to skip the three-match Test series against New Zealand starting later this month.

Pakistan crashed to a surprising 1-2 defeat in the limited-overs series against New Zealand in Abu Dhabi on Monday after winning the opening game quite comfortably.

Sources said Younis was unhappy with the lack of support from his team-mates and that prompted him to step down.

Younis, however, rejected such reports and said that he has no grudges against any of his team-mates. ‘I have taken this decision after giving it serious thoughts, since I am not in the best of form and need some rest. I must also clarify that I don’t hold any grudges against anybody,’ he stated.—Agencies

DAWN.COM | Cricket | I?ll be back: Younis
I am waiting for his return.......... he is such a nice player of Test cricket........

Good Luck YK for the future..... :tup:
Looking fiorward to his return.

Younis Khan have actually pulled a master move on this board. He knew that Malik and Yousuf will make his tour miserable as a captain so he stepped out and now the onus is on these two, Misbah and Kamran Akmal to prove themselves. I wil not be surprised if one of the so called senior player 'gets sick' in order to have an excuse.

I have been saying all along that Kamran Akmal is a strategist because he survived despite all of his errors as a WC.

I hope Pakistan wins and these so called senior players loose.
It isn’t surprising that no one is buying the official line. Younis Khan, we are told, ‘asked for a rest’ and that is why Mohammad Yousuf was appointed captain of the Pakistan Test team for the series against New Zealand. That explanation, not so cunningly, glosses over a key point: what compelled Younis to go into hibernation? Answer: he was forced to surrender the captaincy through a combination of player power and lack of support from an increasingly inept PCB. He has been ousted by the players, not the Pakistan Cricket Board. Clearly, Younis Khan was not popular with his charges — he has himself admitted that he lost ‘command over this team’. True, on occasion his captaincy skills left much to be desired. And yes, off the pitch he was prone to utterances driven more by impulsiveness than due deliberation.

All that is neither here nor there when it comes to appointing or sacking skippers. We’ve seen it all before with player revolts against Mushtaq Mohammad, Javed Miandad and Wasim Akram. The bottom line is this: the PCB must back the captain it has appointed until the board itself loses confidence in the man. Instead, the board has been arm-twisted — yet again — into taking decisions demanded by the players. As former captain Aamir Sohail put it the other day, the country’s cricketers need to be told that they should quit the team if they don’t like the captain. Replacements will be found.

In the not too distant past, Mohammad Yousuf went public with highly disparaging remarks about former captain Shoaib Malik. What if Shoaib doesn’t feel comfortable playing under Yousuf and a new clique is formed to engineer another change at the helm?

This is a vicious circle that can be broken only by a cricket board that has its own house in order. Never a bastion of stability, the PCB under Ijaz Butt has become more or less dysfunctional. The chairman ditches strong stands taken only weeks earlier and denies statements issued at press conferences. As we have said before, Mr Butt is not the man for the job and must vacate his post without further delay.

DAWN.COM | Cricket | Cricket in chaos
Aamir Sohail is absoluetly right when he says that players not happy with captain should quit, replacements will be found.

It is als high time to make PCB an independent business organization. President of Pakistan (regardless of who hold the post) should have NOTHING to do with PCB.

Elections should be held so that the likes of Aamir Sohail, Ramiz Raja and Rashid Latif could run the administration of this game in Pakistan.

Malik and Kamran Akaml along with Misbah should be out of the team for intentionally underperforming to harm the captain and Yousuf should face an axe too if he was involved.
i think he need some time offf any way but im sure he will be back with the bang
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