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I hope Trump bans Pakistani visas: Imran Khan

America can kiss goodbye to its infamous mega embassy in Pakistan if Trump goes through with its ban.

The US should by all means go ahead with its threat to ban Pakistanis from entering their nation.

It will show how desperate and low minded they have become under Trump.
Any ban WILL be beneficial for pakistan and help alienate any remaining US sympathizers in our society...

We need to make sure some how that our spineless govt takes immediate reciprocal steps... stops inrelligence sharing and send half of US embassy staff packing ... like immediately....
This can be a golden oppertunity to get rid of US for good...
Dawn comments

If a ban happens, how will you come to the US to collection for money for your hospital?

This is insane.. there are families which will get impacted.. US$ remittances will fall.. Overseas pakistanis are contributing to the economy of our country.
If anything, this is an extremely foolish and low grade comment...

He wants Trump to ban hundred of thousands of Pakistani parents who visit and stay with their children in US ! What a nonsense idea !

You had your chance to study abroad, now let the young generation too! Because you need expertise foreign trained people to come back and work. It happens in your own hospital ! I wonder how SKMC would be if you only hired local trained doctors! It's a global village. Nations and individuals today have to co-exist !

It is easier said than done because your own children are in UK and getting the best what world has to offer. Similarly we want our children to thrive in safe and secured environment with level playing field. I am still your supporter and I would forget this as one of your needless remark.

Not a wise comment as expatriates remit money in foreign exchange which helps the country in lean times. Although he meant well in the statement, but he relayed it poorly. Still he is the best of what we have on the horizon. As for Modi, no need to heed his useless utterances. otherwise it will be war. And the final one.

All the good institution for higher studies are in US, If Pakistan is banned then where the students will study ??

Iran is not independent Mr. Khan. The world powers' sanctions brought it to its knees and it had to end its nuclear program and toe international line to save its economy.. it just concluded an order with Boeing too. As for banning of pakistanis imagine an English ban on all pakistanis when you were playing cricket. How would you have felt?

I don't think there's anything left to say after your quoted part. Spot on selections of comments. Like it or not, USA is the modern Roman Empire having a lot to offer for the foreseeable future. The warmongering Military Industrial Complex and certain 'Lobbies' don't reflect the country.
If still in doubt about this stupid statement by Imran Khan--check out what Indians gonna say if Pakistanis indeed face the restrictions as Iranians are facing. This should not even be a debate!!
Yes. Aside from massaging Pakistanis' ego, what's that going to accomplish? It's not like Pakistan is a low population, high tech country like Ireland where 'brain drain' should affect Pakistan. For every qualified Pakistani who manages to emigrate to USA, there are probably 100 similarly qualified Pakistanis stuck in Pakistan's quagmire of corruption and inefficiency and thus NOT contributing to anything.

Imran Khan should shut his mouth sometimes!
Most Pakistanis who are qualified enough to bring a change to Pakistan instead focus all their energy trying to go abroad - people going abroad for studies is great, the problem is that they often don't come back, leading to a net loss for Pakistan.

And Trump has said Pakistanis will be subject to 'extreme vetting'. From what I have heard, US security checks are already invasive enough. Pakistanis would be better off avoiding the US for now.

check out what Indians gonna say if Pakistanis indeed face the restrictions as Iranians are facing. This should not even be a debate!!
Indians are focused on pleasing the West. What they say shouldn't be a factor anyways.
We need remittances, this idiot doesn't know what he's doing. Even if Trump bans visas for Pakistanis, they'll simply go to another country.
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Sunday, while condemning the plight of Muslims prevented from entering the United States (US) under US President Donald Trump's immigration ban, expressed hope that the ban is extended to Pakistanis.

America kya kisi ka baap ki jageer ha?

Most Pakistanis who are qualified enough to bring a change to Pakistan instead focus all their energy trying to go abroad - people going abroad for studies is great, the problem is that they often don't come back, leading to a net loss for Pakistan.

Pakistan does not offer them anything in return..not even life security...in Karachi ...teenage students wielding weapons have become the norm..brightest students of the class get harassed, intimidated and even shot for scoring better grades than some spoiled brats...!
Most Pakistanis who are qualified enough to bring a change to Pakistan instead focus all their energy trying to go abroad - people going abroad for studies is great, the problem is that they often don't come back, leading to a net loss for Pakistan..

"Most"? Well, please come up with some statistics then. But I am going to take a liberty to guess! And my guess is that for every qualified Pakistani who makes it to USA there are probably 100 similarly qualified who don't make it and stay in the stagnant Pakistani job market where talent is all to often not recognized, nepotism is rampant, ethnic associations are important, and when talent is recognized there are simply far too many applicants competing for good jobs. Pakistan currently simply doesn't have the number of jobs for the large pool of graduates.

And even if USA bans Pakistanis the Pakistani graduates and professionals would then look for Canada, UK, Australia etc even more than they do now.

Until and unless Pakistan offers half-decent options the so-called 'drain' will continue. And Pakistan is not alone in losing professionals to other countries. MOST of the world has these trends.
People don't realize this anti-Muslim ban is nothing more than a mask for anti-immigrant sentiments. Muslimes are not the only targets, but all immigrants, mostly non-white. Trump supporters are xenophobic and nativists. Just look at all the comments about building a wall on the Mexican border, it's filled with racism, mostly towards Mexicans.

Indians like to think they are safe. I make no illusions about such things. For most Americans, how can they tell the difference between and Indian and a Pakistani, a Hindu and a Muslim. They can't. For them Muslim is anybody who is non-white.

It will be interesting to see how Trump deals with H-1B issue, which impacts India more than anyone else.
Trump will never put a ban on India. He knows Indians are the brains behind silicon valley and fuel the IT growth.

Trump wants to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US.
"I want to tell all Pakistanis today, I pray that Trump bans Pakistani visas so that we can focus on fixing our country," Khan told a rally in Sahiwal.
If he really said this, than its clear.. he is a clueless jerk.

India is the new China for US...huge pool of cheap labour.
Pakistani labor is equally cheap but more intelligent.
Indian labor will bring along trash to US.

A dumb and pointless statement from Imran Khan.

First of all, Pakistan is not on the list of countries temporarily banned from being issued visas, and there are no plans to add it. Secondly, people from most Muslim countries have not been banned, only 7 countries are on that list.

I understand that Imran Khan is trying to make a point about Pakistanis going abroad. But, he's in no position to talk as his own children live in the UK and he himself spends quite a bit of time there each year.

Also, Pakistani-Americans are a highly educated, middle-class community and are thriving in the US. In fact, America has issued many green cards to people from Muslims countries, and Pakistanis have been one of the largest groups receiving them. Our community sends a large amount of remittances to Pakistan each year that benefits not only our relatives, but the economy as a whole. Calling for a ban of visas from the US makes little sense. Such a policy will likely hurt Pakistan more than help, if implemented.
If that's happen the Pakistan should break diplomatic relationships with US and recall pakistani diplomats and close US consulate.
Pakistani labor is equally cheap but more intelligent.
Indian labor will bring along trash to US.

Indian labour is much much cheaper but you cannot regards everyone as trash...there are qualified Indians..and then there are babus...

If that's happen the Pakistan should break diplomatic relationships with US and recall pakistani diplomats and close US consulate.

I dont like Iran for its regional ambition and export of senseless political propaganda but in the end they do have some dignity to stand up!
Yup Mr Khan US should ban Pakistanis ... and so should UK ban Pakistani citizens aswell, where your childeren and ex wife live.
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Yup Mr Khan US should ban Pakistanis ... and so should UK ban Pakistani citizens aswell, where you childeren and ex wife lives.

Lets not drag UK into this :(, If I get kicked out of UK how am I going to be discriminated against and economically deprived ?
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